Nothing says spring like a spring flower sugar cookie bouquet! Simple flower designs all placed in a vase or wrapped up in a bouquet would bring a smile to anyone’s face. I hope everyone is staying safe right now and maybe finding some time to give some of these designs a try if you haven’t had a chance yet!
● Icing colors:
Yellow: Egg Yellow (Americolor), small amount of Lemon Yellow (Americolor)
Pink: Rose (Wilton) – just varying shades for the light and dark pink
Blue: Wedgewood (Americolor)
Orange: Neon Orange (Sunny Side Up)
Green: Moss (Americolor), Leaf Green (Americolor)
● Icing tips:
Flood: 2
Detail work: PME 1.5
Roses: 104
● Icing consistency:
Flood: 20 second
Rose: thick
Lines: piping
● Cookie cutters:
3.25" Sand Dollar Hibiscus Metal Cookie Cutter (similar) (a few from this set)
Lollipop sticks→
Wilton tips and couplers→
Scribe tool→
White nonpareils→
Craft paper→
Festival Fairy Tale Sprinkle Mix (found at Walmart, can’t find link online)
● Royal Icing Recipe→
● Sugar Cookie Recipe→
● Royal Icing Consistencies→
● Instagram→
● Facebook→
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey guys welcome back to my channeltoday I thought it would be fun to makea cookie bouquet I’ve never made one ofthese before and I thought it would besomething really fun to try the designsare pretty simple but when you wrap themup in craft paper with a pretty bow theyreally come together to start off you’llwant to add the popsicle sticks to yourcookies there are a few ways to do thisbut I chose to add them before they werebaked you have to twist the sticks backand forth and make sure it’s insertedover halfway up the cookie to make surethey’re stable[Music]the dough may crack some around thestick but it’s totally fine just move itout the best you can and it’ll be goodas new the icing will cover any cracksthat may be on the front and if thereare some cracks on the back no one’sgonna see that anyways[Music]for the first design fill-in alternatesections with 22nd I see make sure youdon’t let any of the sections touchuntil they fully crusted over for aboutan hour or so[Music]once that’s crusted over add some whiteicing in the middle and some whitesprinkles and you’re all done[Music]poor this next one use pipingconsistency icing and a tip 104 start onthe outside and work your way in andthen add some sprinkles to the middle[Music]make sure the fat part of the tip isdown towards the cookie and that’ll givethat really pretty ruffled effect[Music]for the tulip use an edible marker anddraw on guidelines for the two colorsuse white on the inside and blue on theoutside and then mix them together for aroughly effect once the two outsidesections have dried do the sametechnique for the middle section[Music]for the big Rose cookie you stiff icingand tip 2d just start in the middle andkeep going until you’ve covered thewhole cookie this is one of my favoriteflower designs and it couldn’t be easierfor the hibiscus flood with white icingthat’s 20 seconds after that’s dried goin and add your petals with any coloryou likeI drew the design on paper beforestarting to make sure I had an idea ofhow I wanted the petals to look before Istarted in with the icing and thatreally helped[Music]this flower is similar to the yellow onewe did earlier just trace a guidelinewith edible marker and then fill in thepetals in alternating sections add alittle bit of yellow to the inside togive some more color and then finish offwith white icing and sprinkles in themiddle[Music][Music][Music]for this flower use tip 104 and stifficing do three petals in each linemaking them smaller as you go in towardsthe middle of the cookie work your wayall the way around and then finish itoff with whatever sprinkles you like[Music]once I finished up the flowers Irealized I needed a few leaves Ihand-cut these and flooded with xxiiicing and then went back in with asingle line to add a little bit ofdimension to the design[Music]once your cookies are done you can putthem in a vase or wrap them in papersuch simple designs that look sobeautiful once they’re all groupedtogether I hope you enjoyed this videoand I hope everyone is staying saferight now if you liked this video pleasehit the like button and make sure you’resubscribed click the notification bellif you haven’t already so you don’t missout on any of my future videos thanks somuch for watching and I’ll see you soon