#Strawberry #Cookies #Sweetsi
Hello my fellow bakers! Today’s recipe was fun and i hope you guys enjoyed the video! hit that thumbs up and subscribed if ya did
things you’ll need
* mixer w/ paddle attachment
* 1/2 cup strawberry purée or chopped strawberries
* 1/4 + 1/2 cup sugar
* 1/2 cup butter soften
* 1/4 cup brown sugar
* 2 cups cake flour
* 1/2 tsp baking powder
* pinch of salt
* 1 egg
* 1 tsp vanilla extract
1. Cook strawberries down with 1/4 cup of sugar until it is all broken down
2. Cream butter and sugars together for 3-5 minutes
3. Scrap down your bowl. Add your egg and mix until combined
4. pour in your cooled purée and mix
5. slowly add dry ingredients until all combined
6. chill for about 1 hour
7. roll into balls of your desired size
8. bake at 325 for about 10 minutes
9. decorate to your liking or leave plain
10. Enjoy
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Ring light phone stand I use: https://amzn.to/3hGJ0fh
Original of the video here
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Video Transcription
guyswelcome back to my channel today we’regonna be making strawberry cookiesand if you want to learn how to makethis gorgeous plate of funfettistrawberry cookies please stay tuned formoredon’t forget to like comment andsubscribelet’s get right on to the video okay sofor this recipeyou want to get your handy dandykitchenaid mixer if nothand mixer will work just fine i havesome frozen strawberries herethe first thing i’m going to do is i’mgoing to cook these downwith a little bit of sugar over thestove because i want pureenow you can use strawberry chunks forthis if you want to bite into an actualstrawberrybut if you want more of a deepstrawberry flavor throughout the wholecookiei suggest turning your strawberries intoa puree or buying strawberry pureeso i’m just going to put these in a potwith a little bit of sugarokay now so what we’re going to do iswe’re going to take our mixerwith our unsolvent butterwe’ll pop that in there with our brownsugarand our white sugarand we’re just gonna cream thosetogethermy butter is softened by the wayi’m gonna take my salt and my bakingpowderand mix that in with my flourwe’re just gonna cream that togetheruntil it’s all nice and combinedthis is one of my favorite cookierecipesthat’s all combined we’re just gonnagive thata scrape downnow at this part i’m going to add my eggcrack that right in the bowlwith some vanilla it’s a little splashgot a teaspoon of vanilla and we’regonna mix that togetherso now our strawberries are allcooked down i’m just gonnatake an immersion blenderand just give that a quick blitz you canpop this in a blenderif you want to you don’t have animmersion blenderor if you want to leave them chunky youcan definitely do thattoothen blend that all together[Music]now i have a puree and as you can seethis is piping hotif you throw this in now you willscramble your eggs sohere’s a little trick for you to get itto cool down fast get a bowlwith some ice get another bowl put thatbowl inside that bowland then pour your puree in this bowland go ahead and just give that a stiraroundin the ice the ice bowland within a couple minutes your pureewill be cooled down to temperatureboom we’re done now i’m gonna measureouta half a cup and two sometimes i likemore strawberry than sometimes i don’tso when you cool it down it gets kind ofthick almost like a jelly it’s kind ofcooland we’re just gonnait’s going to look a little weird it’sgoing to look like it’s notmixing but it just keeps goingall right now we’re going to add in ourdry mixtureyou want to be careful not to over mixthis dough either because these aregoing to be thick cookiesif you over mix it you’ll get morecrispier cookies than soft cookiessee what we have here it literallysmells so good okay so now our dough isdonei’m gonna pop this in the refrigeratorfor about 30 minutesjust to let it cool off trust me alwayscool your cookie doughalways do not mix itand put it right in the ovenwe have our beautifulcookie dough right here look at thatpink and luscioussometimes i’ll add sometimes i’ll addextrafood coloring to it to get it more pinkbut that’s okaynow we’re gonna pop this in therefrigerator and we’re gonna chill itfor about 30 minutes and then we’regonna bake themokay i’m back our dough has chilled it’sall nice and firmed upso i just got an ice cream scoop hereand i’m just gonna scoop these outonto my sheet tray[Music]our cookies are done they have cooledand they literally smellso good i have some leftover strawberrypuree i’m gonna use that to decorate mycookiesas well as some melted white chocolatethat’s hotand some sprinkles um or you can leavethem as isand do whatever you want with them buti’m gonna just kind of play aroundwith some different like decorationsso yeah here we goif i like one more than the other i’mgonna just like[Music]do them all like thatit looks like a jellyi already don’t like this i don’t likethe way that looks alright boom whitechocolatey’all like that okay a spoonyeah i like that try somesprinklesyeah okay i figured i was one i like iti’m gonna plate these up okay so that istheend of the video this is the plate ofcookiesum i’m gonna call these strawberryfunfetti cookies becauselook at that that looks fun these arelike perfect for like kids partiesi gotta try one though we gotta try thisoh my god it’s literally so soft on yourside likeyou see that however how to be doingthati don’t know i don’t know butit’s literally like cake onions onyes this is a must make this summeryou guys gotta make this you need tookayokay that is it for the videothank you guys for watching please hitthat subscribe button pleasecomment please like and i’ll catch youguysnext time bye