Cookies Recipes

simple homemade cinnamon sugar cookies kids can make during coronavirus lockdown

My mother taught me how to cook from a young age. I used to make cinnamon sugar cookies all the time starting about 8 years old until I eventually moved out. I probably haven’t made cinnamon sugar cookies since then. Its an easy recipe and kids will enjoy making them. Its something the entire family can do while we are in coronavirus lockdown. I’d suggest doubling the recipe size … they sure didn’t last long at my house and I’m the only kid here lol

FYI, one of the best things my mother ever taught me was being self sufficient and taking care of myself. Its something I still do to this day. Make sure you are sharing your skills and teaching your kids something they will always remember and cherish. Cooking doesn’t seem like a big deal, but how many people actually still cook today?

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it’s been a while since I made this butsomething you can make and include thekids in and then it winds up being atreat when they’re done you knowsomething to kill some time keep thekids busy and it’s a lot of fun when Iwas a child I used to make cinnamonsugar cookies all the time I wasfortunate enough that my mother thankyou momtaught both me and my sister how to cookfrom a very young age so we were alwaysmaking cookies or cobblers and helpingout in the kitchen you know evensomething as simple as how to makemacaroni and cheese you know probablyfrom the time we were 8 or 9 years oldyou know and until we moved out we wereconstantly helping in the kitchen and Ithink that’s something that a lot ofkids don’t get to do now but anyways youcan make regular sugar cookies orcinnamon sugar cookies and the theingredients are slightly different butthis is for cinnamon sugar cookies andhas been so long since I made them Ihonestly can’t even remember the recipeI had to look it up online basicallythis is what it is one and a quartercups of all-purpose flour quarterteaspoon of baking soda quarter teaspoonof salt 1/2 cup of butter the sugar isgoing to be divided into twomeasurements and you’ll realize why whenwe start making them but you need a 1/4cup of granulated sugar 3/4 cups ofbrown sugar you need 1 egg 1 teaspoon ofvanilla extract you also need a second1/2 cup of granulated sugar and 2 and ahalf teaspoons of cinnamon that I don’thave set out yet but I promise you I gotcinnamon so that’s all the ingredientsyou need and this is how we makeactuallycoming back I do have the cinnamon youcan also do a variation that haschocolate sugar cookies and all thatrequires is some Hershey’s cocoaunsweetened so I’m doing the cinnamonsugar cookies and if you want to knowhow to make regular sugar cookies or thechocolate sugar cookies just google therecipe for those the ingredients arealmost identical with some minorvariations and them in One Bowl you’regoing to measure out the flour thebaking soda and the salt again it is oneand a quarter cups of all-purpose flourwhich comes out to a hundred and fiftygrams because I always measure my flourI need 150 grams of flour always justuse a spoon and a one cup measuring cupso I’ll put a hundred grams in here thenI’ll go back and do another one with 50there’s actually a hundred and three soI need 47 it was my first bull closeenough 48 I also needed quarter teaspoonof baking soda quarter teaspoon of saltif I go over that’s not gonna reallymatter that much so that looks like aquarter to me that looks like a quarterteaspoon to me okay so with that doneset it out of the way go ahead and grabyou another Bowl we’re going to add ourbutter which was 1/2 cup butter whichcomes out to a hundred and thirteengramsthat’s 114 that’s close enoughgoes in there we need a half cup ofsugar which comes out to be 50 grams I’mmaking a mess everywhere I’m gonna callthat good enoughI actually got quite a bit of sugar onthe top of that and I saw this weightchange and then I need brown sugarI need 3/4 cup of brown sugar apparentlymy camera set off we need 150 grams ofbrown sugar which is 3/4 of a cup by theway so once you’ve got the brown sugarthe white sugar and the butter and yourother bowl this is where you take andmix it up it helps if the butter issoftened and I will bring you back whenthis is done okay so once you’ve gotyour butter and your sugar is that oldscreen once you got your butter and yoursugar mixed next you’re going to add the1 eggyou’re going to add the vanilla which isone teaspoonyou get a little extra one matter and ahalf of your cinnamon so one and aquarter tablespoons I’m just gonna gowith 1 tablespoon normally I would takeand scrape at but let’s face it you havetoo much or not enough cinnamon stillgonna be good then you’re gonna mix thisup when you have that mixed up it’sgonna look like this you’re gonna addyour other bowl that has your flour andbaking soda and salt to this bigger bowlmix it all up okay the next part is youtake the other cinnamon and the othersugar let me see what that was it was ahalf cup of sugar and then the one and ahalf cups of cinnamon you mix thattogether that’s right here this bowl ofwe originally used would be perfect forthat you’re then going to take and dropyour cookie dough which is this onto acookie sheet and then you’re gonna takeyour mixed cinnamon and sugar sprinkleit on the top and then we’re going toput it in the oven and I’ll bring youback when I get to that part because I’msure you don’t want to stay here andwatch me scoop all these out I couldonly find one of my cookie sheets Ilined it with wax paper just to makecleanup easierand you can see about the size that I’vedumped those out at so let me get theother sugar and cinnamon mixed up thenext thing we’re going to do we’re goingto mix up the sugar and the cinnamon itwas a half cup of sugar I believe I’mgonna just estimate what a half cupsugar is close enough I’m going toestimate now I can actually do this oneso I needed a one and a half teaspoonstablespoons I mean of a cinnamon nowyou’re probably gonna have more of thisleftover than what you actually use ifyou’ve got extra cinnamon and sugarafter this is over with then just takeand make you some cinnamon toast orsomething in the morning so next takethe sugar and cinnamon kind of sprinkleit on the top you also want to pre-heatyour oven to 350 degrees you want to putthe cookies in the oven 350 degrees for12 to 15 minutes I’m going to put thesein here for 12 minutes and then I’mgoing to check them and we’ll be back in12 minutes I have the second batch inthe oven now this is the first batchended up taking 14 minutes I also madethe cookies just slightly smallerbecause as you can see they expanded outquite a bityou

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