Henry Helps Make Cookies
by Beth Bracken
On a rainy day, Henry helps his mom make cookies. From mixing to measuring, making cookies is a lot of fun.
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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hello and welcome to book reading withSammy today we are going to read Henryhow to make cookies written by BethBracken illustrated by Ellie busty onerainy dayoh Henry can think about is cookies whatshould we do todaymom asked Henry Henry sees let’s makecookies put on your apron mom tellsHenry I will heat up the oven firstmoment Henry mix butter and sugartogether mom does the measuring Henrydoes that make same next they add eggsHenry is careful when he brings mom theeggs then mom add a splash of vanilla asmall spoon of salt and an even smallerspoon of baking soda YUM Henry sees thatsmells so good the flour bag is heavybut Henry can still carry it to thecounter after mom adds the floor Henryas the best part the chocolate chips momand Henry each eat a few Henry and momeach scoop cookie dough into smallcircles they put the circles on twobaking sheets how long do we have towait Henry asked about ten minutesmom says Henry doesn’t know if he canwait that longfinally the cookies are done bakingthank you for helping mom says whodoesn’t say anything he’s too busyeating be and thank you for watchingthis video if you liked it please giveit a thumbs up and subscribe to mychannel