This recipe is on the back of every bag of Nestlé chocolate chips
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi hmm we’re we’re doing the same recipeagain because fuck you we want cookieswhy we’re doing the same recipe again Imean out of character we just did thisis Dave cat yes it is but who cares whogives the shit okay I’m not even gonnaplay hereI already know the ingredients and shithow long do I cook it for my brother Danfor like 30 seconds okay okayyou good yes what is going on with yourmicrowave or is your microwave okay youjust the panel was just straight upmissing I was no oh my god no and how doyou open it now there’s a little buttonright thereyeah I’m surprised I’m allowed to behere right nowyeah yeah I was off straight for theentire time it’s I hiwhy did you just write yes in your armsyou couldshe’s offended the camera can see youthis is a terrible video thank you herewe are you’re supposed to be stirringhow long we are yeah why because youneed to makes me ingredient why don’t Imake somewhat is you left a better chalk rightthey’re doing it right nowyou’re the one doing this right now[Laughter]that’s exactly the pointexact well yeah[Laughter][Laughter]I’m used to using plastic balls so thatyou’re not very good to crack up well wehave premium bowls right oh yeah eggsare nextoh this is gonna be gross right nowI I will give you no excuses for thatbecause that’s you’re not doing itbecause it tastes good you’re just doingit because you know I get pissed offlike this is like half egg at the momentI mean it’s not technically half egg butplease come out doorI can’t read help what were you tryingto achieve exactly okay so I think nowwe add flour no vanilla vanilla you kindof get it everywhere I’m not yes youhave this under controlI don’t I don’t I have this undercontrolanyway no we’re putting baking sometimeteaspoon okay like sink cleaning andshit why do you put it in foodI mean it says baking in the title somaybe the real question is why do youput it in sync and show singing for yourwhole kitchen so I guess we can eat itit’s fine I’m just like last day on itfor refreshing that relaxing bath Idon’t like that fuller more manageablehair I don’t want to be facial exfoliantwhy is it used for something it’s like afreakin men’s shampoo isn’t it like alike some sort of weird chemical thingthat makes chemical reactions like thelake with the vinegar so yeah and soit’s good for like anything it’s it’sjust a thing to make things react it’sgood idea when we don’t get to safebecause I only ever hear people countingto say egg count into Spanish uhcounting to ten in Spanish counting toten you know what I mean yeah I get youthis is such a good pun time soentertaining no oh wait[Music]this is terrible look I’m allowed to sayyou’re not this is why I want[Laughter]wow you’re really enjoying having me[Music][Laughter]we’re did a single chocolate chip comefrom I think I threw it out well now wecan’t eat it[Music][Music][Laughter]I guess okay you heard how I was out oftime right what’s going I actuallypressed record this time yeah I have toomuch better when you make a Marin man’swell now they’re just in my waywait we never got that how much preheat375 fridge while we preheat it cuzthat’ll make it less more firm this isso awkwardwhat’s this footage I do better in mypockets what I got pockets yeah you needhim I got himyeah being awfully awkward reach don’tyou think wait my hands are cold so wedon’t die[Laughter]what you’re looking at your shirtbuttons hmm understandable now you’rejust messing with my bracelet yes Ireally made it for me it’s a good bracelook she’s my favorite I hate youBeverly’s my favorite was your favoritegood geez how does I know I just knowyou’re at the bottom of the laddersomewhere above the top at the top theremy dad knows me so much masochist yesyeah okay I’ll buy itmm-hmm you’re just way down there at thebottomuh-huh wait no Ben Ben definitely goesbefore that one Mike like love them butlike that I think you should definitelyshare this ranking Richie is the richestfavorites that goes stand in Beverlysomewhere up there at the top I’m surewon’t lead to any infighting Ben BellMike and I mean that honestly cuz nochance to be your friend Sam ensuite myfriend Sam invited me to us to his BarMitzvah you invited me to your houseactually not sure I just showed up hereI would make some sort of demeaning jokeabout it Stan but I don’t want to draghim into those honestly yeah I mean youalready did when you asked rips todaywhen you yes but I knew[Laughter]this energy yeah yes yes because yourcamera work is awful it’s the worst gotflour on your pants and you’re gonna getyour pants on my calendar I have thehigh ground you always a very insertinsert Star Wars joke here this is veryout of character but you woulddefinitely know a lot about Star Wars itscared memeanwhile my dog is dying in thebackground I’m just kidding cheese Bob Ilisten listen to me get salmonella I’mnot gonna come with you to the hospitaland when you die fine I’m like not evengonna cry at the funeral because it’syour damn fault yeah I bet that the factthat my death was my own phone makes itless sad yeah I cuz I’ll be like I knewthis was coming for years have you metRichie I knew it was gonna be his owndamn fault that he died young JesusChrist stop eating the cookie dough I’vegot too much of a death wish for thatI’m gonna stop making cookies with youone of these days we’re gonna only makeegg-free recipes from now on because Icannot tolerate that I cannot toleratebut this is untenableit’s really the flower you have to worryabout you know I’m not even worriedabout the Salmonella I’m more worriedabout the e.coli and there’s so muchflour in it wrong Laur yeah we’re notgonna cook anything with flour any morework and we’re not using flowers yeah Ineed to turn this around close up yeah Ijust feel like we’re taking a selfie butlike not even a good onethere we go wait[Music][Music]soWow a lot of my mom’s keeping busy rightnow no me too[Music]be terrifying if she wanted on this yeahlike she would not take the like there’sno way she’d take but no we’re wearingsocks explanationyeah it just does not understand peoplethese days doesn’t understand that’s nolonger oh I didn’t mind it and then yousaid something and now I hated it that’sasking the audience yeah well I thinkit’s natural Eve because you hate theaudience hands neck footage yes you’rejust wiggling your feet[Music]this is terrible this is baking showwith Ricky no um Eddie is dead oh my godhe got stabbed through the chest with aby a clown the stomach why you gottabring Beverly shit into this becauseBeverly’s my favorite person remembersome in your own weight this guy so muchno don’t say thatmy faultthis is completely your phone you didthis okay it’s not being able to standagain thing I know not being able to sitcorrectlyit’s not like people aren’t gonnacomment it it’s the Internetso the cookies are taking like foreveryeah no oh my god your body you’re notstraightening yepthat was the point come on suicide pactbullshityeahanyway we have cookies now want to seesureI was answering to the audience get intheredon’t what good job B no what are youdoing what Richard God what are youdoing there’s no Godyeah you could have at least even one ofthe crushed ones is more this one okayI’m still so hot how do not burn yourfingers I didn’t touch the chocolateokay that’s it we should both get intoshot it’s on anything oh okaythat’s a by sincerelyMeganium divided now by now officiallyby okay where that wasn’t supposed to bepart of the outro but okay bye yeahwe’re a messwe’re doing the same recipe againbecause like you[Laughter]