While we’re stuck at home, it’s the perfect time to spend more time baking and cooking. I’ll be doing live videos – if you have a request, leave a comment.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
we’re cooking be cooking in that areaokayokay hmm okay well welcome to our veryfirst quarantine cooking I literallynever had any idea this would be comingbut I know a lot of us are stuck in ourhouses and maybe this will be somethingfun you can either do it yourself orwith your family with your kids butlet’s get started the way we have to doall of our cooking before but especiallynow watch your hands so let’s go watchour handsso far okay so I posted online foreveryone what the recipe is theingredients I’d put that on Instagrambut we’ll go through it together and oneof the things I wanted to do iseverybody’s grocery supplies are just alittle bit crazy and we’re avoidinggrocery stores but also grocery storesin some places have a plenty of one itemand then another place is not so we’lltalk about substitutions and things thatyou can put if you didn’t end up withwhat you wanted to in the grocery storethings that can still make it tasteabsolutely wonderful if you only havelimited supplies so the first thingwe’re going to do is we’re going to putinto the fat in the in the bowl if youhave butter I’m not using better forcooking for cookies even though thetaste is better butters are perishableit has to be in the fridge it’s notshelf stable and it really can affectyour cookie more like with with Dvegetables or things like that so I’mleaving my butter for those kinds ofrecipes and for this I’m going to usejust some vegetable fat some Crisco soyou can use butter you can use Criscoand you can use a mix of the two you canalso use lard my favorite really isCriscothe way I grew up making them and one ofthe things about Crisco that’s differentthan butter is that it will hold the airmore so you’re going to get lighterfluffier cookies so you’re gonna be onecup of whatever fat you’re using so I’mgoing to be using full Crisco so we’regoing to stick it in the carton and I’ma one bowl cook anytime I can avoidgetting another pan dirty I tend to dothat so what I’m gonna do is show youhow to add the dry ingredients withouthaving to put them in a separate Bowlyou certainly can it’s just I don’treally see this incident when it’sreally not necessary depending on howyou mix it together when you put them inwith these ingredients in the rightorder so here we have one cup of Criscomake it pretty flat and then we’re justgoing to take it and we’re gonna drop itinto the bowl clean off which as you canand then you’re done with thatso there’s your that so the next thingwe’re going to do is we’re gonna add thesugar and for this part I follow the oldToll House recipe we use 3/4 cup ofgranulated 3/4 cup of brown you can kindof play with those if you like it morewith regular sugar or brown sugar flavorthat is something you could play withbut Ithe balance of it so we’re going to do3/4 cup of granulated sugar now we’regoing to do 3/4 cup of brown sugar nowif you have brown sugar whose it’s inyour pantry that you went to pull out tomake these and realize that it’s hard asa rockhere is what you do you can either putit in the microwave on the low heat somaybe 2 or 3 for like 30 seconds andcheck it and then try it again that’snot gonna help so you can actually takethat really hard chunk of brown sugarand you can put it in a blender or afood processor and beat it until it’spure and it’ll almost make like powderbut you can still use it that way andit’s a way could still be able to use upyour ingredients that you have even ifthey’re not the most perfect conditionsso now we have 3/4 cup brown sugar 3/4cup of granulated sugar and a cup ofCrisco if we’re going to blend thosetogether now I’m doing this the hardestway which is just with a whisk and aspatula if you have a blender this iswhere you would use a blender and youcan beat these together and it’ll goreally fast but I’m doing it this way soanybody who doesn’t have a blender stillmost how to do it if you’re using aKitchenAid this is where you go aheadand put it on high speed for maybe aminute but for now we’re just gonnablend these together so what we’re gonnado is we’re gonna mix the brown sugarand the white sugar together the best inthe Crisco so we’re gonna take and justpush it together as you can see itstarts to incorporate it into the fat sothat it becomes one ingredient insteadof three and the reason you want to dothis first is because this will give youthe base for your cookies and by puttingthese three ingredients together thenyou’ll have a perfect base depending onwhat other ingredients you might want toadd so now that you can see it’s prettywell blended in together now we’re gonnaadd our eggs so using the kitchen ageyou can still leave it beating and youcan drop one again at a time using ahand mixer put your mixer down drop inyour eggs this is just two eggs theseare two large eggs you could use tomedium to extra-large it’s not that bigof a difference and now watch here thisis part of what I’m talking about aboutusing one mole do you want toa little closer see how I dropped theeggs in now I’m gonna take just that onelittle section and eat the eggs before Itry to put them in with the rest of theingredients you didn’t need to put aseparate Bowl to be able to blend theeggs together and it still worked outjust about the same you can see it’sstill a little lumpy but we’re gonna goahead and now we’re gonna add thevanilla now if you are using regularvanilla extractyou’re only gonna want to use oneteaspoon vanilla extract has flavoringbut it’s not a natural ingredient it’sbeen infused into that flavoring so youonly one about a teaspoon or it’s gonnataste bad if you’re using Mexicanvanilla you can afford to get it alittle more intense so I’m gonna use atablespoonwe use the same method we did before andblend it in now just when it’s going tobe as liquid as it’s gonna get so we’regonna take the whisk and we’re gonnamake sure all of the lumps are out thereto get all the lumps of the Crisco sugarmixed together so now we have that doneand now it’s time to add the flour sohere’s a trick if you’re only going touse one[Music]once you add all the flour in it’s areally thick dough and it’s hard to makesure it gets blended so what I do is Itake this is going to be 2 and 1/4 cupsflour if you want to add oatmeal you canadd a cup of flour and then take awayabout 1/2 a cup of the flour that youuse with the one cup of oatmeal ifyou’re adding nutsthey really don’t really change theratio all that much but if you’re makingit the way I normally do with just theflour then what you’re going to do isyou’re going to take that 1/4 cup we’regoing to take that and we’re going toput that in the 1 cup holder and nowwe’re going to add the other dryingredients just in here so that’s onecup of saltI’m sorry not 1 cup wheat teaspoon saltand I forgot the baking sodaokay now we’re going to do one cup andyou just need a flat one teaspoon nowI’m just going to take my spoon I’mgoing to mix those two in so now as youcan see I have the salt and the flourand the baking soda balloons togetherhere and I’m going to sprinkle them overmy liquid dough and I’m just gonna bidblend this small amount in because thislittle small amount isn’t that hard toblend and this way the salt in thebaking soda get blended early before thedough’s are really really thick soyou’re going to make sure it’s blendedwell we have all of the dry ingredientsblend it in and then we can add ourchocolate chips and then the rest of theflour so there we are nice and blendednow we’re going to add chocolate chips[Music]you’re gonna make it less it stilltastes goodit’s just to taste so we’ll add thechocolate chips in and these are justsemi-sweet morsels but you can use darkchips you can use white chips whateveryour family likesand we’re going to blend those in as youcan see because the dough is stillreally soft it’s easy to get thechocolate chips nice and mixedI’m evenly distributed so now we’regoing to add the other two cups of flourand then we’ll be ready to put them outonto the baking sheet if you’re usingcookie sheets you can use no stick tospray the bottom you also if you don’thave them stick on hand you can take alittle bit of cooking oil and put it ona small piece of paper towel and rub itall over the cookie sheet I useparchment paper because I have a bakingstone but if you’re just using cookiesheets that works perfectly fine onething about cookie sheets when you takethem out of the ovendon’t put them directly in cold waterbecause that’s what will cause them toseize up and then every time after thatwhen we bake with them the bend so waituntil they come back to room temperaturebefore you put them in the water so nowif you’d like to see how this the doughlooks with all of the flour you havethis nice thick doughand one way you can tell if it’s done isto pick it up and feel it and if itdoesn’t stick to your fingers then it’spretty much ready to go so you can havemore flour and less flour but that’s areally good test so now we’re going togo ahead and put them on our parchmentpaper or your cookie sheetnow if you want your cookies justcompletely perfectly round you can takeand roll them I’ll show you how to dothat like this and they’re gonna comeout really fat and they’re gonna havelittle Mound even once they’re cookedthey’re gonna be a perfect shape if youdon’t care so much about it then itdoesn’t need to be that big of a job andyou can just literally drop them andthey’ll still work just as wellthe don’t won’t be quite so packed sothey’ll come out a little flatter butwith it being Crisco they’re going tokeep their shape much more than if theyhad butter so we’ll go ahead and putthem and you’re gonna want them and whatfor me is almost a finger apart if youdon’t want them to touch and lose theirshapeso now we’ll have them there and nowyou’re going to want to bake them forabout 10 to 12 minutes so what we’regoing to do is going to make sure thatthe oven is heated up to 325 degrees to350 degrees you know your oven that isno one else so the cooks things a littlefast go towards the 325 if it cooksthings a little slower move up towardsthe 350 degrees but we’ll go ahead andput them in now and then it’s going tobe about eight minutes and then you’llbe able to take them out I had this onso it’ll come right back up to the righttemperature but anyway hope you had funonce they’re cooked you bring them outyou’ll put them on a cooling rack or youcan heat them hot from the oven butwhatever you do at least your house isgoing to smell amazing all afternoon andthat’s a pretty good thing for a Mondayin the middle of quarantine so thanksfor joining me and we’ll do this again