All you need is 4-ingredients to make my healthy pecan shortbread cookies. I make the natural icing (i.e dye-free icing) for these cookies using just raspberries and other fruits. Yep! So easy. Watch to the end of the video to see how I do that.
To make these shortbreads, all you need is:
60g pecans, ground
90g unsalted butter softened and cubed
125g wholemeal spelt flour (or plain flour)
3 tbsp maple syrup (plus a little extra for baking)
And to make them:
Step 1
In a food processor, blend pecans until they form a slightly textured meal.
Step 2
Then add the remaining ingredients in and pulse until the dough comes together in a ball. Roll out the dough between two sheets of parchment paper, about 1/2cm thick should do it. Then let it cool in the fridge 20 minutes or so.
Step 3
Preheat your oven to 180. Use a bunny-shaped cookie cutter (or shape of your choice), to cut your bunnies from the dough. Place on a lined oven tray and bake for 10 minutes. Remove from oven and brush with a little extra maple syrup. Return to the oven for approximately 10 minutes or until they are golden. Check from 5 minutes onwards, as they quickly brown.
How to make the icing:
Watch from 15mins onwards. Seriously, so easy!
Come check out my other Easter recipes here:
Check out my Hot Chocolate recipe here:
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Stace x
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
howdy there I am States and I’m sograteful that you are here I’m all aboutteaching you how to make real food realeasy and I have the most delicious lookat these little Boyer Easter’s shortfriends that will surely be a hit inyour house I want to show you how easythey are to make and right at the end Iwant to give you some really great hacksof how to make icing that tastesdelicious and doesn’t actually have anyyou know so make sure you stick aroundfor thatI would love for you to hit thesubscribe button and if you like thelook of these oh my gosh are theygorgeous the color is delicious give ita little like alright let me show youhow easy these shortbreadsah to make and my boys are gonna help methey actually haven’t had one of theseyet I’ve been guarding them so he notyet not yet um I started be cool to seewhat they think of themalright thing I love about making theseshop Reds is that you can make them withany nut I love making them with pecanbecause probably living in Canada for afew years that I did I am Ozzy I justlove that combination of pecans andmaple syrupit’s like pecan pie right so you’restarting off with 60 grams of pecan nutsbelow here in the description and ifyou’re looking at this youtube video onyour phone you will see that there is alittle arrow just next to the name hereand that will pull up the descriptionwhich means you be able to see the fullrecipe and its ingredients so do checkthat out alright we need these nuts madeinto a meal so do you want to put themin that’s probably not the best waythat’s all right and we’re just gonnaprocess it until it gets to fineyeah perfect you can absolutely use anynut meal that you have I have agirlfriend that’s been making these forfive years because that’s how long ago Iwrote this recipe on my websiteStacy Claire and she uses it with almondmeal so whatever you’d like I can seehere see how they are still a bit bigwhat I’ll doyou can do these in a blender you can dothis in a food processor you can do thisin a thermomix there we goso the the look that you kind of afterif you remember what I’m not like anarmy looks like that’s what you’reaiming for okay and now it just getseven more simple so we want to put theflour in let me bring you over a bitcloser so you can see how that lookingwhat’s that in goes the butter can youget this thing out of your handthank you no wait wait so we’ve put inthe pecans the spelt flour or normalflour have 25 grams of that you’ve gotyour butter in there and the next thingyou want to do is add in a sugar now Ilove adding in maple syrup but you canabsolutely use any sugar and you’regonna get this so regularly in my myrecipes which make sure you do check outthat playlist below everything is linkedup that um you know like when we makethe marshmallows you can use honey butyou can also use rice not syrup when wemake the hot chocolate I use rice maltsyrup but you can even use a granulatedsugarI am all about teaching you just how tomake this real food real easy right soyou could switch things in and out thebatch that we made this morning we usesome rapid jurors sugar as well as maplebut you could use even monk fruitanything you got even honey if that’syour thing use that and next I’m justgonna eyeball it cuz mommy knows how todo that one oh yeah that’s okay you’reafter three tablespoons that’s not muchand you’re probably like juice day sothat’s really not much sugar becauseI’ve got this hat so stick around andyou will love it because you can do thiswith other cookies as wellalright and we’re gonna pulse it yeahhoused together in a time all right guysyou can see here that it’s it’s nowstarting to come together pulse again isthat it will start to come together intochunks see that there if you price thisover too long you get a turn and startwhipping your butter and it’s gonna getreally soft but don’t worry don’t worrythis is the steaks recipe it is can Ihave your back all you have to do isjust chill it in the fridge for a littlebit longer I’m just gonna grab myself aspatula bring you guys back and show youhow I love getting it out on the benchso the other thing that’s really coolabout this as well is because there’s noeggs in it the sticks usually set pleasedon’t touch this it’s for a second sorryI want to pull you back so that you cansee everything you can give this a tasteand you can make sure your little staystands that it is good for youI don’t want you to be like well that’stoo sweet or it’s not sweet enough Iwant to show you this hack first for howI get sweetness into my cookies withoutgoing overboardum but see what you think you can alwaysadd a bit more we’ve got a beautifulpeople like that now some baking paper Iuse this baking paper it’s called if youcan’t bread I love it because there’s nocrap in it I especially love it thedewclaws is so thick rightnot God throws plastic on the outside ofit is natural it doesn’t have aluminum Ijust get mine at my local store you canbuy it online Australia you can get itfrom buyer me but a lot a lot of placeshave this brand now I get it just likeHarris farm here in Sydney and you justwant to whack it just like thisBoggs parchment paper how’s it taste andthen grab another one and you justleaving it thumbs up do you guys -five-second rules in your house – or isthat just absolutely disgustingwe do five second rule– something wedon’t have petsthat’s probably why so I’m just gonnasquish it down just a little bit okayand then you just want to give it a rollout the reason that I do thisdifferently and you’re probably lookingat this being like stasis isn’t how areyou usually say the shortbreads diedlike typically you would you would putyour dog just straight in the fridgelike that because I’m so often making itwith these mushrooms I find the if youfollowed pack of rolling it out andgetting it is so much more simple thatwhen it’s chilled a little bit and itonly needs about some of 10-15 minutesin the fridge then it will harden up andit makes it so much more simple to cutso that’s gonna go into the fridge fastforward ten fifteen minute I’ve got oneready to go sodo you do next pull off your parchmentpaper and then grab your little cutteryou want to make sure that these guysjust just for a sec okay and you’reafter just chopping it and then usingyour little total I use this for like anicing one and it’s just to get itunderneath now if you at any point findthis really tricky and you’re like ohit’s being so hard to to get them outsimply it’s just because it’s ashortbread it’s full of butter so for mehere in my kitchen right now like thisis quite cool weather but I I mean youknow it’s kind of top because it isactually quite warm so I would regularlybe putting it back in the fridge ifyou’ve got really strong arms you mayeven want to whack it in the freezerlet’s do this last one and we’ll showyou how we decorate it so you can dothis with any of these that you’ve gotI’ve just got a little um buddy cutterbut you do anything like it it seriouslydoesn’t matter you might just want toeven chop around them I often make theseshort breads you can make them howeveryou wantand the key to getting me to look atthings but if it’s like your kids too tolet me know if the comments I reallyhope not too many what you’ve got tomake sure is it see he I almost diedokay that’s probably enough that’senough he’s pushing them in a little bitbecause that’s how you get them so thatthey don’t burned and they don’t sort ofgo missing see that they’re just pushingat me okay no no no we’re done let’sknow what it’s enough okay perfect sowhat we would do now crazy ones youcould put them in plain they don’t needto have anything on the map yet but thisis just kind of fun right like do ityour way you could do it with chocolateso you can even do these with driedfruit they go into the oven for 180 forten minutes and then here’s that hackthat I’ve been promising you of how doyou get more of the flavor of sugar intoyour baking and your cookies withouthaving to put so much in this is kind ofthat I do to that if you’ve beenfollowing me for a while like I makepancakes and I don’t actually in therebut I’m all for putting some maple syrupover the top because that’s where youget a flavor right and it’s exactly thatwith these cookies so whack them in youroven 10 minutes bring them out and thenyou just have a little bit extra of yourmaple syrup and a pastry tool and whenyou’ve pulled them out of the 10 minutesvery very lightly just go over the topof them you’ll find that that will givethem this gorgeous absolutely amazing Imean look at that there’s a beautifulbeautiful crust on it and it will havesuch a strong maple syrup taste and he’susing so little of it for a whole batchI’ve used about a tablespoon is that soit’s an awesome way now let me give yousomeon how you can trust these I got somelittle guys out I mean look at thesetiny little bunnies aren’t they gorgeouswhat do you think would you make bigones or little ones I’m interested toknow let me know leave it in the commentbelow these ones are the bigger guys andthis is what they look like with theeyes in so they’re just for me these arecalled gems I buy them here in Australiafrom organic times they’re a dye freelike little chocolate bud so like an M&Mjust without the preservatives on top ofit I love using them and they bake somewell the crust like their crispness ofthem is delicious but let me show youhow you you’ll love this one how you canmake your own food coloring Oh like fooddied which we died you’re dyeing it withsome food icing so I do use icing sugarI think don’t use this hack and if youlike this idea make sure you to stickaround by hitting the subscribe buttonand giving this video online because I’malways sharing these kind of ideas youready for itjust grab your normal sugar and put itin the processor whatever it is and giveit a quick blend that is literally howyou make icing sugar so you could dothat if you’ve even got brown sugar andyou could do that if you have coconutsugarRavager ah stand it all brown or whitesugar you don’t have to go and buy icingsugar literally just do that and thenthis is the tool that I love to makecolors with so just grab a strainer andthese are some frozen berries that Ihave let Thor grab your strainer likethat and just push it through it if youwant them really chunky then absolutelyyou could add these in and mash themtogether but I don’t want mine overlychunky you can do this exact same thingand he’s seeing what I’ve got here I’vegot blueberriesI’ve got mango I’m interested Oh haveyou tried this before like have you donethis technique the thing I love aboutdoing it this way is that you also getyour flavor in cuz some often you knowyou put any food ties but you don’tactually get any flavor so I’ve got mystrawberry there and I’ve got my icingsugar just like that now you’ll need tomeasure it like you’ll need to get a bitbetter any quantities that was probablylike this is too runny so all I need todo I’ll just grab something from theother color that I was gonna use andjust add some you you’re after getting apaste that works this is gonna beperfect that works for you notice thatI’m using as well the back of the spoonit’s really kind of because whenever I’mgiving it a push in it simply just meansI’m getting rid of all the big bits ofsugar now that’s still a little bitrunny but I tell you my kids would thinkthat that is amazing as it sits on youras it sits on your cookie it’s kind ofharder it will let’s give this one justa little bit more so you can see so Ireckon roughly you’re probably aimingfor half a cupyou’re probably aiming for like half acup of icing sugar to maybe a tablespoonor a teaspoon of that puree you’re gonnataste you’re gonna love that oh my godit’s so good oh you can absolutelycuz that’s the flavor right cuz I’velike condensed it so much it’s so goodI’m actually just gonna add a touch moreof this I reckoned that would take me upto that full what I was just talkingabout the quantity man you can addvanilla into this you can add in anessential oil as well but when you makethe icing this way you’ve got thenatural flavors of your fruit and howcould you do this well you could putthat straight into a piping bag but forme yeah oh well and I will definitelyget the kids back in to do this one theyare gonna love this hey boys come checkthis out look at the eyes things that Ijust made give it a tastedump your finger in be completely on PChow’s that taste just once just thefinger it works is it good I won’tbelabor because you didn’t see what Iput in there what fruit does it tastelike raspberry that’s rightlook at that I think gorgeous I need tolet it dry cuz it’s gonna dip drip itisn’t that fantasticso you could do this with the mangoeswith the blueberries as welland just let them know no let themHarden for a little bitonce they hard you ready to go you canabsolutely still put sprinkles on top ofthese as well these are such a greatgift and such a fun thing to make withthe kids this Easter but you could bedoing this I’m positive that this pecanmaple is gonna become a favorite ofyours you could be doing this with anykind of time of the year like thatbeautiful color at Christmas would beabsolutely amazing with some Christmastrees you could also you know comeHalloween as well have some fun be sureto give this recipe video a like andsubscribe and could you do one morething for meif you have a girlfriend that you knowthat would love to make this then youabsolutely could you share this with herbelow alrighty I’ll see you back herefor a next recipe but in the meantimelook at that the links below in thedescription because there’s a wholebunch of delicious feast recipesincluding a yummy cake with my bunnytails chocolate crackles there’s beensome really awesome stuff have a greatday