A demonstration of how to make homemade Oatmeal Raisin Cookies. Homemade cookies are a better choice than store bought cookies. They can be made with whole grains, and do not have extra preservatives, or additives to make them shelf stable.
Copy of the recipe is available at http://www.kickstartntc.ca
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
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Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
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Video Transcription
welcome to my kitchen and thank you forjoining me I’m going to go through somerecipes here and teach you how to makesimple healthy family friendly mealsthat are available from ingredients inyour kitchen in your pantry I’m going tostart with some of the basics these arerecipes that I’ve been teaching you tomy grade 9 food nutrition class for over28 years so we’re gonna start today withthe basic of making some oatmeal babiesand cookies first up and anything you dowhen you prepare in the kitchen makesure you’re ready for proper hygiene sohair should be tied back you should havean apron on to protect anything fromfalling into the food and as well weneed to make sure we always wash yourhands before beginningnext step in the process is to make surethat you always have your ingredientsready before you begin first thing youwant to happen is we part with yourrecipes and you don’t have ingredient wecan’t continueso take inventory get everything outthat you need so you’re ready to startcooking so for our oatmeal raisincookies we need to have ever preheatedto 350 degrees and the first thing weshould start with is getting our dryingredients ready and then after thatwe’ll work on blending and creaming ourother ingredients which will thengradually add our dry ingredients too sofor our dry ingredients we need 3 cupsof oats now measuring our boats isfairly simple you just need to put yourmeasuring cup onto a plate so if youspill your mess is easy to clean up youpour the oats into the measuring cuppump till they’re slightly overflowingusing a straightedge level off yepthere’s one cupthree cups next one cup of all-purposeflour so flour when you’re measuring ityou want to give your spoon or scoop alittle bit of shake as you’re puttingthe flour in this flow should be addedlightly to the measuring cupnever ever packed don’t ever pop it orbang the cup because when you’reactually going to end up with too muchflour in there then of course we levelwith a straight edge and we add that toour opening a mixture then we are goingto a 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda sobaking soda our measuring we can justscoop into the box and use the cardboardedge to leveler now using spoon and apocket and then need one teaspoon ofcinnamon again I can just level you tomy container and then I need 1/2teaspoon of salt make sure you measureyour salt over another plate or anothercontainer so that we don’t accidentallyput in too much saltnow these ingredients can be just gentlystir together[Applause]okay so then you know large mixing bowlwe’re going to combine one cup of buttersoftened you can use margarine if you’dlike I prefer the flavor of butter in mycookies so I took out some butterearlier so they pick soften you don’twant to use it hard from a refrigeratorit’ll be very difficult to mix so itdoesn’t need to come out and sit for awhile to get acclimatized to thetemperature of the room do that we aregoing to be adding 1 cup of packed brownsugar so do measure packed brown sugarwe’re going to be putting the sugar intothe measuring cup and each time you adda scoop you’re gonna push it down withyour spoon to make it firmly justlike when your kid at the beach playingwhen you’re saying castlehey Philip just slightly over then useyour straight edge and then if you’vegot it that’s correctly they should takethe shape of your measuring cup allright so now using an electric mixerwe’re going to beat these twoingredients together they are light andfluffy now always start on the lowerspeed but everything doesn’t fly up inyour faceto incorporate training this gentlyso they certain blend as one[Applause]now a lot of people mistakenly stop onethat first comes together as a mask andit’s all blended but that’s really notenough mixing you need to actually beatit longer until it’s light and fluffyyou should actually see the dough changecolor and it should actually lighten incolor so we’re gonna mix it some more[Applause][Applause]hey there we goand mix better and it is actually latentin color and is a lot more of fluffythan it was beforeall right to this we’re now going to addan egg and some vanilla I just need tograb my brother scraper so I can scrapedown the sides of the bowl here alwaysimportant to scrape down the sides asyou’re mixing with an electric mixer youhave a stand mixer even better downeasier so to this we’re going to add ana now when you are iv8two mixtures always crack your egg intoa smaller sized custard cup that waylittle pieces of shallick just fell inthis Cup don’t get actually get intoyour mixture and also if a company’sbeat off or had a blood spot you’re notgoing to end up playing that into yourdough that you’ve already made and it’sa lot easier to pull a shell out of thiscup than out of the dough so I got inand we’re going to add one sorry twoteaspoons of vanilla so there’s oneand there’s two using the electric mixerso let’s get lighter[Applause]now we are going to add in our dryingredients that we measured already sofor about half of what’s enough stirbefore all of it in at once it justmakes you a little bit harder to mix in[Music]prestothis is your basic oh wow cookie now I’mgoing to add raisins to this but youcould if you prefer use chocolate chipsyou can use craisins you could put nutsin that just make sure your proportionstays to just one cup of extraingredient here I’ve againall right you make surely come tocrumbly it’s difficult to work okay solast ingredient add in is our 1 cupraisins[Applause][Applause]those nests herea little bit bigger bowlall right so now we need to put the goodmixture onto a tray make sure yoursurface is clean that you’re puttingyour cookie sheet onto otherwise it’sthat stuff will stick to the bottom ofyour pan and will start to burn put inthe oven okay to put the cookie doughonto the tray just take a spoonful ofdobo use another spoon to push it offdon’t go like wow anything like that youdon’t need to roll them you’re reallywhat I’m tryingándale food with your hands as little aspossibletrying to be consistent with the size ofyour cookies you don’t want really bigones and the only small ones becausethey’re all going to be in the samebaking time so you want even it gameswith each of themso this recipe should make about threedozen cookiesall right so Oh sit on this tray justnicely but one moreokay the recipe says to bake for 810minutes generally whenever a recipegives you a timeframe always go for theshorter timeframe to begin withso you know the cookies are done whenthey have a nice golden color to theedges of them and the tops of them areset they’re not all soft they love alittle bit of give to them but you don’twant them gooey in the center you shouldleave them on the tray or only about aminute and then you need to remove themquickly to a cooling rack or else theywill stick to your tray and you have ahard timebut you do need to give them a littlechance if they’re stuck together justuse your spatula do to separate themfrom one another all rightso they’ve been on it for a minute andwe’ll just move these to the coolingrackthere we go and there you have someoatmeal raisin cookies I like to alwaysfreeze my cookies when I take thembecause they help with portion controlit’s too tempting when you have a nicefull cookie jar to eat you know five orsix of them whereas if you come in thefreezer you’re more likely to describemaybe one or two and spread them outover a period of timethank you for joining me in my kitchenand I hope you enjoy making your ownmeal raisin cookies