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hi everyone welcome to honey’s kitchentoday I’m going to teach you how to makethis no bake cookies and cream cheesecake but before that hope don’t forgetto subscribe and push the notificationbutton so you will be notified when Ihave new recipes so without much adolet’s get startedfor this recipe we need 36 pieceschocolate sandwich cookie 5 tbsp ofmelted butter 800 grams or 3 cups ofcream cheesehalf top of sugarone tablespoon of vanilla extra 240 mlor 1 cup of warm milk and 1 tablespoonof gelatin powder first you separate thecream from the cookies and to 2 separateballsthen place the cookies into a plasticbag and then crush them into fine crumbswith rolling pin[Music][Music]once you crush them into five cones setaside half tap for labor and then pourit in a bowl and combine your meltedbutterand makes it well until the texture islike a slightly wet sandand then after you mix it properly thatthe texture become like a slightlywebsite put it in a nine inch or 23centimeter spring phone springform panspringform pan is like this becausebecause cheesecake is so delicate toremove we’re gonna pressed up to hereand use like a glass or anything that isa flat surface to pack your crumbs atthe bottom of the panonce you set your cookie crumbs nicelyat the bottom of the pan you set itaside and then we will start to do witha cream filling in the medium part withlow fire mixed together the cream cheesethat cream from the cookie the vanillaextra and the sugaryou steer it until there will be nolumpsand then I mix the gelatin powder intothe warm milk and then you stir it andthen pour it into the cream cheesemixture and then you still continue tostir it until it starts to bubblenow when it’s starting to bubble we willremove it from the fire and then we willpour to our plan now we will pour itover the crust on the baking pannow the cookie crumbs that I set aside Iput it in a food processor to make itmore fine but if you don’t have a foodprocessor you can still use the rollingpin to make the texture fine and thenyou put it in a scepter and then you setthe pin top of your cheesecake make sureyou do it evenly[Music][Music]we’re done and then we will put it inthe rest for four hours so this is thefinish brotherour no baked cookies and cream cheesecake hope you’re gonna try this and letme know on the comments section belowthank you again for watching and hope tosee you on my next video