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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi everybody it’s mrs. Chema and todaywe’re going to be making carrot cakenest cookies I’m not sure who had achance to view the real out I did onRadio Douglas it was the title was a daylike no math and as I was reading that Isaid to myself wouldn’t it be fun to doa recipe as others have done on videoDouglas so this is a recipe that Ishared with my kindergarten students inroom 2 and hopefully some of thosestudents have had a chance to make itwe’ve been talking and learning andstudying about birds the spring and thisseems like an appropriate recipe for usto share togetherso here we go the first thing we’ve donealready is to preheat the oven to 350degrees we’ve lined our baking sheetswith parchment paper and they’re readyfor us to use them and we’re going towhisk together some of these ingredientsthat I have here and as I’ve talkedabout in this book if they was nomadswhat would happen one thing that part ofthis book was what happened in a certainpart in this book when the mother andthe mother and the son decided to make arecipe without any math when the daywith no math and it was all just anawful experience because of course therecipe doesn’t turn out right theydidn’t know how much of each ingredientto put it so here we have our matroncups which is and so we have the firstthings that we have to put in this bowlhere is 1 and 1/3 cups of flour sohere’s our 1 cup measurer and our 1/3cup nature and that’s already measuredto the blouse and then we’re going toadd 1 and 1/2 teaspoons of cinnamon andthat is we do a pinch of ground clovesso a pinch is just thatthe ground clothes and and that’s thatis putting the begin bowl and it says towhisk it now honest-to-goodness this isthe first time I’ve done this recipe andI’ve never whisked dry ingredientsbefore but here we go okay so the nextstep is one stick of butter and it saidto put it in a lot open your ghost largeroll it’s so soft and I have to give alittle butter and I love to eat butternot like this but butter on popcorn okaythe next thing is 1/3 cup of granulatedsugar that’s the white sugar here andagain we have our thanks to math write aday with math we have our 1/3 measuringcup and the next thing is the 1/3 cupsame thing that’s 1/3 measuring cupThank You math that’s going with a brownsugaryour friends will we have light brownsugar to normal and then we’re going tomix it on high speed until fightingfor three minutes and now it’s likepopping one egg yolk so I separated theegg white from the egg yolk twoteaspoons vanilla mixed in and now we’readding three quarters of a cup there’s acup of shredded cheese egg nests keepclosed okay and it says to speed andwe’re gonna beat this mixture until it’smixed together is we are beating in theflour mixture that we already measuredbefore and we’re gonna beat that untilit just mindfor our next step we have our specialguest mr. Shima ha hi boys and girls andhe’s going to help us roll our doughinto balls using a 1 tablespoonmeasuring spoon and you’re gonna makethem into balls and then we’re going toroll them in coconut coconut or somelong wait and then he’s gonna roll themin the in coconut and it goes on our theends up we have lined with parchmentokay so our next step is some eyes whenyou use the end of the spatula to makean indent if it’s center where theageless it and this that’s right here wego look at that more math so while thecarrot cake missed cookies are facing soit says don’t you need to be two ouncesof cream cheese and I’ve got that[Music][Music]drop of icing in the center right intothe center of the nest so now we’reputting the jelly beans on top of thenest we have our icing we hope you’veenjoyed baking with us todayI’ll make sure dr. Witt Beck has arecipe many ways to read some of mystudents in Rome to my partners havemade this recipe with their familiessince they’re sending eggs thank youbecause we’ve chosen to kind to eachother a stinking healthy and remember ababy with no mask we wouldn’t been ableto make this recipe without all thismath and measuring hi guys take carebe well to see[Music]