Hey Cake Chums and welcome to episode 10 of Mr Baker’s Cake School.
Every week during the national school closures, I am uploading a child-friendly ‘baking’ lesson (with the occasional bit of maths and more squeezed in too) to help support you with your home learning.
This week, after LOTS of requests, we’re learning how to make bakery-style CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES!
Catch up on the rest of the previous episodes…
Episode 1 – Cupcakes: https://youtu.be/57F2GclASm8
Episode 2 – Scones: https://youtu.be/Y9WFjyqHXp0
Episode 3 – Hot Cross Buns: https://youtu.be/ke3CfnWpOXo
Episode 4 – Chocolate Brownies: https://youtu.be/cqJENILDGRM
Episode 5 – Gingerbread Men: https://youtu.be/-oppHumFsUY
Episode 6 – Welsh Cakes: https://youtu.be/xOUDyTN44lY
Episode 7 – War Time Jam Tarts: https://youtu.be/2muHDR1GSTk
Episode 8 – Cupcake Toppers: https://youtu.be/qdddL6WLHkM
Episode 9 – Pizza Margherita: https://youtu.be/TpqZImT723E
380g plain flour
1tsp bicarbonate of soda
225g butter
300g golden caster sugar
50g soft dark brown sugar
2tsp vanilla extract
2 large eggs
340g dark chocolate
Recipe adapted from: https://www.handletheheat.com/bakery-style-chocolate-chip-cookies/
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Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
Hecate charms and many chums and welcomeback to the mr. Baker’s cakes kitchenand another episode of mr. Baker’s cakeschool now you might recall that in lastweek’s episode I said there have been alot of requests to try some more savoryrecipes so in last week’s episode we hada go at making pizzas from scratch nowbased on the stats on that video I don’tthink you guys are as interested andsavory as you thought you are so thisweek we’re going to be going back to thesweet recipes and trying another onethat again has been requested an awfullot now if you are getting into yourbaking one recipe that you’re going toneed to have in your repertoire is areally good recipe for chocolate chipcookies now as somebody who loves and Imean loves a chocolate chip cookiethey’re not something like baked anawful lot of because otherwise I’d eatthem all but this week I’ve done lots ofresearch trying to find the perfectrecipe that’s not too complicated so youguys can have a go at it but also itcaptures all those gorgeous flavors andtextures that you expect from a reallygood bakery style cookie you know thatones I mean crispy around the edge andreally gooey in the middlewhen I say I’ve done a lot of research Imean I’ve baked a lot of cookies andI’ve eaten a lot of cookies so afterthis week’s episode I’m gonna pop the upto look at another cookie for a whilebut as I’m probably gathered in thisweek’s episode of mr. Baker’s cakeschool we’re going to be making bakerystyle chocolate chip cookies let’s getto the videonow as a sec I absolutely love biscuitsand cookies they are probably one of myfavorite baked items to eat and as Isaid in the intro that’s one of thereasons why I don’t bake them all toooften because otherwise I would eat themconstantly when it comes to finding theperfect recipe for cookies I really likerecipes that you can make in advance andthen store batches of in the freezer sothat every time you fancy some cookiesyou can just pull out some cookie doughpop it on a baking sheet and throw it inthe oven so in the recipe we’re going tobe exploring this week I’ve tried topull some of the best bits of thedifferent recipes I’ve been looking atand hopefully create one that you canuse to make a huge batch of cookies toenjoy all in one go or you can put someaway in the freezer and bake them up asyou want to but anyway that’s enoughchat for me I think it’s time to getbaking so and slims go and wash yourhands put on your apron and let’s getcrackingbefore we get started I’m going to beginas always by taking you through all ofthe ingredients you will need to makeyour chocolate chip cookies today nowbecause today’s recipe has been adaptedfrom a variety of American recipes someof the numbers might seem a little bitstrange but it’s mainly because Americanrecipe is quite often use things likecopsand sticks of butter which of course wedon’t do here in the UK we weigh ouringredients so if some of the numbersare a bit random that’s why okay so thepassing reagent you’re going to need is380 grams of plain flour and again ifyou’ve watched my previous videos youwill know that that’s the file withoutany sort of raising or leavening agentto it this of course means we are goingto need to add our own raising agentsand therefore you will need one teaspoonof bicarbonate of sodayou will need 225 grams ofroom-temperature butter now as alwaysI’m using slightly salted butter whichmeans that I won’t need to addadditional salt to the recipe if youonly have unsalted butter you can justadd a little pinch of salt as wellyou will need 300 grams of caster sugarand I’m using golden caster sugar todaybecause that will help to give a reallynice caramel eat taste to your cookiesto also help give us a nice caramel eattaste I’m also going to be adding 50grams of soft dark brown sugar you canjust up an extra 50 grams of the goldencaster if you don’t have the soft brownsugar but I really like again apply somemolasses in flavor it brings to thecookie you will need two teaspoons ofvanilla extract two large eggs and 340grams of dark chocolates now you’llnotice I’m not using chocolate chipsbecause I really love when cookies havenice big chunks of chocolate in them andso for that reason I like to chop upbars of chocolate rather than use chipsif you have chocolate chips you can ofcourse use them and if you have a messwheat tooth you might prefer to switchyour dark chocolate to a combination ofhalf dark and half milk chocolate oreven just milk chocolate but yes that’severything that you will need now I willbe honest with you this is one of thoserecipes that is so much easier if you doit in a stand mixer like my stomach amix over here but as I’ve said inprevious videos I don’t like to assumethat you all have one so for that reasonas always we’re going to be making ourcookie mix today in our big mixing bowlbut of course if you do have a standmixer like this one or even a hand mixerlike this small one here then by allmeans use them they will make your lifea lot easier okay so the first I’m goingto do just like when we made ourcupcakes actually is beginning bycreaming the butter and the sugartogether in our big bowl now becausethere’s quite a warm time of yearroom-temperature butter is actuallyreally soft so I haven’t botheredslicing this up at all well though itdoes make my life easier now there is anextra step that we will need to addbecause it is quite warm I’ll talk aboutthat when it happens so even withoutbutter I’m also going to add in mygolden caster sugar just breaking upthat might be in there with my fingersquickly and of course my soft dark brownsugar and then just using a wooden spoonI’m going to mix these together untilit’s really pale and fluffyagain this is definitely the sort ofthing that’s a lot easier if you have amachine doing it for you[Music]wait for mixing it for a while youshould hopefully start to notice themixture gets a bit paler in color now wedon’t want to mix it too much more thanthis because what that can actually dois be air into your mixture which makethem cookies rise up in the oven but assoon as you take them out of the roadand go fart again and we don’t want thatto happen if I was using an electricmixer to mix these together I probablywouldn’t run it for more than about twominutes when it comes to mixing by handI’m just going to mix it until it looksa bit of hell and I’m too out of breathcarry ononce you’ve got to this stage where thenI’m going to add in vanilla extract andthat’s our two large eggs and I’mliterally going to put them straightinto the bowl and then again just byusing my wooden spoon I’m going to mixthem until they’re fully combined[Music]and then once one of our worksingredients are combined we can add inour dry ingredients which of course areour bicarbonate of soda or baking sodaand our plain flour[Music]and that’s what we want an apron[Music]now like with most of our recipes we’rejust mixing these ingredients togetheruntil we can’t see any more flour Idon’t need to mix it much further thanthat at all you should find that themixture starts to stiffen up slightlyonce these ingredients are all combinedat that point I’m going to set thisaside I’m going to turn my attention tomy chocolates now as I said earlier onif you would prefer to use chocolatechips and that’s absolutely fine butyou’ll see when I bake my cookies thatby leaving my chocolate and slightlybigger chunks you really get that lovelypayoff when you break open a cookie andyou see those big chunks of chocolatefor my chocolate you can see that I’vemelted it just with blue bars I’m goingto take a sharp knife and I’m going toremember to work safely we talked aboutthis before but I put my hand on top ofthe chocolate with my fingernailspointing towards where the knife will gothis is actually called the claw andthat’s because of the shape of our handwhen we’re cutting and it just means ifthe knife does little is going to hitthose hard fingernails rather thancutting my skin I’m going to start bycutting across my chocolate in onedirection and then I’m going to cut turnand go in the opposite direction to makesome chocolate[Applause]this can be quite tricky so if you wantto get an adult to do this bit for youthen that’s absolutely fine so havingdone one of my bombers if I get a littlehandful of my chocolate can you see thatI’ve got some smaller bits that are kindof the size of a chocolate chip but thenI’ve also got some nice big chunky bitsas well okay so I had this chocolate tothe bowl and then carry on chopped andthe rest and then while all of yourchocolate has been added into the bowlagain it’s just a case of stirring itthrough[Music]now once you get your cheeto to thisstage where all that chakra is evenlydistributed throughout the rest of themixture then you have a few options onething you can do is take it at thispoint wrap it in something fill and popit in the fridge overnight and that willallow those kind of caramely flavorsthat we were talking about from the thedark brown sugar in the golden castersugar which will really start to developa little bit just like with a lot ofcooking the longer you leave things toset me mix to the better they tend totaste however I’m not very patient whenit comes to baking and the last thing Iwant to do now is wait a whole notherday to be able to depend on some cookiesso there is a bit of a shortcut you cantake what I’d like you to do is take acouple of baking machines and I want youto line them with greaseproof paper nowwe’ve done that in quite a few videosnow it basically just means cut a pieceof greaseproof paper the same size asyour baking tray and place it on top nowyou can see that I’ve cheated a bitbecause I’ve already done a bunch ofcookies on these this morning I wastesting this recipe Ohso I’m just being lazy and using itagain about to portion my cookie dough Ilike to use the same ice cream scoop yousaw me using in my cupcake video I findthat using one of these fill to the topgives me the perfect amount of cookiedough to make a cookie so I take a scoopof the die push it flat slide off anyexcess and then that has a special toolon it when I push that will pop out theperfect amount of cookie dough nowcookies will spread a lot when you bakethem so you need to make sure you leaveplenty of room for them to do thatotherwise you can end up with one giantpan ofokay so on this pan here I’m only goingto do six cookies oh and in caseanyone’s wondering this ice cream scoopgives you about three tablespoons ofmixture so if you don’t have one ofthese you can use your tablespoonmeasure to ensure you’ve got the sameamount that I have so here you can seethat I have scooped out enough dough forcookies and these need to bake in theoven around about 180 degrees for about15 minutes now if I put these straightinto a preheated oven now on a warm daywhat you’ll probably find will happen isthey will melt and expand more than Iwant them to it’s not so much forproblem in cooler weather because ofcourse all of our ingredients at roomtemperatures start out cooler as wellbut on a warm day like today just behindpop them in the oven I like to chillthem down in the fridge for a fewminutes for that reason I’m now going togo and preheat my oven at this point andput these in the fridge while I’mwaiting for it to come to temperature afew moments later so I’ve set my oven topreheat to a hundred and eighty degreesat sea and while that’s been preheatingI’ve had these scoops of cookie doughset in the fridge you can see thatthey’ve now gone quite hard so if Iwanted to I can actually put these intoa freezer safe bag see it and pop themin the freezer meaning I could just picksome out out and when I want to bake upsome cookieswhat Schilling them down we’ll also dois it what mean they won’t spread toomuch when I first put them in the ovenbecause otherwise I could end up withcookies made with pancakes and wedefinitely don’t want those so now myoven is preheated and these are nice andchilled I’m going to pop these ones intothe oven for about 12 to 15 minutesdon’t worry if when they come outthey’re still a little bit bubbly andthey don’t look quite done because theywill continue to cook on the hot traysfor a fewminutes see us into the oven 12 to 15minutes until they’ve just sucked into abrown on the edges and then pulled themout and all will see you in 12 to 15minutes a little longer then a fewminutes later and otherwise through themagic of editing there is my first batchof chocolate-chip cookies now like Isaid just before the video you’ll noticethat they’re still very soft in themiddle and that’s absolutely fine that’swhat we want because they will continueto cook on the trays for a few moreminutes and then after about 10 minutesI’m going to transfer them onto acooling rack and let them cool downcompletely while they’re doing that I’mgoing to torch it up the rest of mycookie dough pop it onto some more traysput those in the fridge and then oncethey’ve chilled down I’ll switch theminto some freezer bags and they’ll go inthe freezer for next time[Music]ok so it’s been about 10 minutes I’veput the rest of my cookie dough in thefridge and in about half an hour or soI’m going to transfer that into freezerbags and put it in the freezer but inthe meantime I thought you’d like to seewhat these guys look like while I’mputting them onto the cooling racks sothey’ve hardened up slightly now whichmeans I can pick them up and if I flipone over you’ll see that it’s going tolovely golden brown color you can alsosee some of those big chunks of Java inthere so these are now going to go on toa cooling rack until they’re completelycool and then they can go into any sortof airtight container for up to 5 daysif they last that longnow don’t know about you but one of myfavorite ways to enjoy a cookie is warmfrom the oven and now that these havecooled down and not we should be able todo what now so if I take this one hereand do it in front of the camera youshould see that in the middle you’ve gotthat nice gooey chocolate but around theoutside it’s gone nice and crispy and ofcourse others tradition I get to tasteaboutoh my goodness they are so good you’llsee because we’ve used the chunks ofchocolaterather than chocolate chips we’ve gotsome really lovely big pieces of meltedchocolate in here which of course asthey continue to come down or harden upa bit because we’ve gone for the darkchocolate rather than a milk chocolatethen not to sweets although if you havea super sweet tooth then by all meansmake them with milk chocolate but I haveto say the balance of this super sweetcookie dough with the almost bitter darkchocolate really means that these arereluctant violent recipe and so sodelicious so they go guys that is how tobake a batch of bakery style chocolatechip cookies with that lovely crispyedge and that’s soft and chewy middlenow as always if you do have a go atbacon along with this week’s episode atmr. Baker’s cake school please pleaseplease do share the images off yourbakes with me over on social media ifyou have down to the description boxbelow this video you will find all mylinks for Instagram Facebook Twitteryou name it I’m on it and of course ifyou haven’t already subscribed to mr.Baker’s cakes here on YouTube you can dothat by hitting the big red button downthere on the right and if you click thebell right next to it that will makesure you get some notification everytime I upload a new video if you didenjoy finding out how to make bakerystyle chocolate chip cookies then pleasedo give this video a thumbs up that willmake sure that YouTube knows to showthis video to more people and it willtell me to keep making more content likethis no I’m just before I go as alwaysdo let me wish you a happy and healthyweek stay safe stay well and I’ll seeyou at the same time next week take careguys[Music]