A Twist on Traditional Oatmeal Raisin Cookies for Easter – Mini Egg Cookies with Oatmeal!
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hello this is my name is Matias and herewe are cooking with you this is my momshe will be my assistant and my favoritebrush or my favorite curry recipes isoatmeal raisin cookie recipes but in thefestive Easter we thought we would mixedup instead of raisinsCadbury mini eggs is you do not haveCamry mini eggs you could do theoriginal as there’s only one next upthere is Camry mini eggs instead ofraisins you can use you know what thisis my cat sappy just wanted to come sayhi and skip some okay first thing youneed to do is two-thirds of cup of grandold granulated granulated sugar okaydon’t put your face in it it’s good it’sa cooking show not an eating showokay and then what’s the second thing onthe recipetwo thirds of cups powdered belches yesmattias what know they can hear both ofus so that’s one third brown sugar andwhat’s the next thing on there keepreading the recipe now cups of buttersoap or a man look butter or stickmargarine and the next thing is half acup of shortening so what we’ve justdone is taken 1 cup of margarine becausethat’s what we had what’s the next thingon there Mateusz wouldn’t have cups offhalf a cup of shortening I’ll have a cupof shortening yes oh really put one cupand then you’re going to mix those upwhatI’m waiterno why not ok so the butter and themargarine have all been put in there doyou did 1 cup okay so turn it on low andlet that next[Music]with one teaspoon of baking sodayeah and then what’s the next one whatdo you keep only the ground groundground cinnamon okay and then is therehow many eggs and you look down to theeggs so I’m gonna do eggs and vanillanext so two eggs I think they’re calledlarge egg either side phone because ifthey hold it oh yeah what how muchvanillacan you read how much vanilla is neededlook okay one teaspoon good covered overby something TSP yeah looks like one toooh damn ityou hold up over thisvanilla really smells like sorta smellslike it smells like cookie doughyes baby I need to show you then andthen we’re gonna do[Music]how much how much baking soso how much baking soda did we need upsome up the top one after shortening oneteaspoon baking soda here you godon’t mix just pour it in and then halfa teaspoon of baking powder one teaspoonof cinnamon can you check that we didn’tmiss anything don’t sponsor sponsor sowe’re all after the half a cup ofshortening what was next one teaspoon ofbaking soda we do that yep did we docinnamon yep what’s next baking powderyeah we did that did I put the salt inor no yeah no are you sure I’m sureLaura two large eggsokay what’s next Oh reCAPTCHA thatcinnamon vanilla half a teaspoon ofbaking powder half a teaspoon of salt 2eggs okay now mix the towelokay so what’s the next thing what’s thenext thing here above that one threecops are you cooking or oilold-fashioned oats 1 cup of purposedall-purpose flour cup of grape raisinsor today we will not be using raisinstoday we work whenever the Easter themeI need to hope you’re here be able tousing Gambari mini eggs so I’m gonnagive you the 1 cup of flour to mix inokayput in the flour and then you need toturn it on low to mix all that flour ourall of it so lower – yeah[Music]okay so now we have three cups of oatsto add I usually add a one cup at a time[Music]said quit cooking or old-fashioned sopour those in and then mix again[Music]so maybe you can tell everyone what youlike about boat meal raisin cookies theytaste good social group using doughballs they are really good tooI advise like if they’re still in stocklike mushy like not feel like bad andyou’re like like stall for me like likeall this you might want to put it inthere for an hour so we’re gonna freezeit up and it goes taste so this recipewill make 24 cookies and extra for doughballs one so that’s one of the reasonswhy they like it you can add a bit lesssugar to the recipe than what it callsfor and they still taste nice and sweetbecause you either add chocolate chipsor Easter eggs or raisins so I’m gonnapour about half of these in to get agood feel for the mixture I want to makesure there’s a nice one so Matthias nowwhat do we do with the cookies can youbreathe here to be dropped of Rondondrop dough dropped oh let’s talk to thisis the dough what are we do with thedome now Oh drop dough by Brownhe rounded teaspoon tablespoontablespoons about two inches keepbreeding inches apart apart on to on tocookie sheet sheet then what’s the nextthing bake 9 to 11 minutes or untillight brown on to here and we will beback when they’re all on the rest inapproximately around evening hourbecause you might be doing anythingvideo an adult you put these in the ovenand how long are we gonna bake them forwe will gonna bake them for 12 to 11minutes 909 gelatin alright for 9 to 12nine to 11 minutes and then when theyare done we’re going to take them out ofthe oven and you will show them andvegetableshello guys cookies just got finished Iwe kicked them exactly for nine minutesso there is soft and crunchy and we putthem on this cooling pan and 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