Cookies Recipes

Making Unicorn Cookies

Hey guys hope you like the video!
Here is the link to get the unicorn mix

If you want to make these cookies yourself here are the ingredients!
things you will need
big Bowl
Something to mix with
baking sheet
vanilla extract
unicorn cookie mix
How to do it;
Preheat oven to 375 degrees
In a mixing bowl add
a stick of butter (8 tablespoons)
one egg
2 teaspoons of vanilla extract
unicorn mix
mix until evenly blended
put the dough onto a baking sheet
put the cookies into the oven for nine to eleven minutes
Have a good day!

Thanks to our editor
Josephine Lightcap

Original of the video here

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Video Transcription

[Music]welcome back to this acero sisters todaywe are going to be making rainbow sugarcookie mix the first step is to pre-heatyour oven to 375 degrees we’ve alreadydone thatfirst you’ll need 1 stick of butter or 8tablespoons of butter in your mixingbowl you can either mix this by hand oron a mixer we have a mixer foot we’re inherewe didn’t melt it a little bit too muchbut you want to make sure it’s roomtemperature the second step is to add 1egg the next step before adding all ofthese ingredients is to add your vanillaand you need 2 teaspoons of it you canput a link in the description to whereyou can get this so you can make thisrecipe do you want to sort all theingredients so if you have troublegetting it out get a spatula or somesort of Defense get it out it was alittle bit stuck within it so on thedirections it says if the brush[Music]you have to mix it this is the next stepyou want to turn on your mixeryou wanna start it slow at first so itdoesn’t go flying everywhere the doughlooks like it’s about done okay so thenext step is laying it in Cookevillethis is a little tricky but you have tosmoosh it together very well this is agood size and you want to make sure youmake all the pieces even so this is whatit looks like and we’re gonna put themin the oven for nine to eleven minutesthis is our finished product they’restill cooling off you have to make surethey coolyou

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