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intro and outro music
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Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]okay so tell me why my face look likethat we’re gonna put the mixer righthere okayI love making cookies we have to preheator anything know when do i preheat Ohbake in a preheated about 10 minutesorange oh okay so basically what you’retelling me is that I have to make mycookies I have to preheat my oven 10minutes before I start making my cookiesI’m only making 12 cookies I’m notmaking 1,700[Music][Music]so now that I’ve washed my hands okaycream butter 1/2 cup of munchy peanutbutter I’ve been measuring things overhere should actually put them on roastwe’re going to clean this again since Ihaven’t uses peanut butter while the oilI love peanut butter but I hate this outa minute this is okay[Music]yeah this is half okay I’m not livingthat off my fingers I really don’t wantme to go to right nowyeah okay I wish I have a tripod thereyou go[Music]I said the sugars rightI believe it did but I just want to bemake sure yeah in the sugars show[Music][Music]maybe you should because I’m neverwilling to use I realized something soto Colchis literally just my first cuttheir fourth of a cupand I’m not even sure yet I’m reallygonna have to level this off tooand then there’s a cusine castleI have three more of those to go inthere that is so much easierI’ve sugar everywhere and I hated feelslike sand and I hatemeI can’t cling to you I’m waitingokaythis doesn’t taste like peanut butterI’m chewingbecause I like mineyeah thank you for comingOh beat in eggs – is that what it said -[Music]yesshow[Music]so push this back a little bityou can say three flipsone drink and then we’re gonna live thisway[Music]so I realized what it was it’s an eighthof baking soda and then a fourth whichis just[Music]except for okay and so nowis it me going crazy or just like stufffor anime coming off now in the housestuff I think I’m very crazy[Music]set a timer for one hourI should be hearing timer set for onehour set a timer for one hour pleaseokay um I said editing my video but Isaid I wasn’t I was only gonna make 12cookies and not like 7,000 how about Ijust get another plate but not only thatnot only did I make 24 regular sizedcookies I made six huge cookies in yourhandhmm they’re really good I’m an AndroidOh what the heck I’m doing that I have acent Buuren if I’m eating talked on thevideo shopso yeah I made 24 like your size peanutbutter cookies and I made six hugecookies so technically if someone saysyou wanted to have one cookie I can takeone of these and be like okay and thenthere’s Tim like 4ab necklace I hope youguys enjoyed today’s video give it a bigthumbs up comment down below what I saidvideo ideas yeah I’ll see you guys nexttime[Music]