My Mom and I decided to make the Jack-Jack Cookie Num Num from the Disney Parks at home as part of a fun little Disney at Home Day! We have had the Disney Jack Jack Num Num Cookie from Hollywood Studios in the past and loved it! You can also find this yummy Disney snack inspired by Disney Pixar’s Incredibles on Pixar Pier out in Disney’s California Adventure Park at the Disneyland Resort.
We are SO HAPPY with how the recreation of one of our favorite Disney treats came out! We love doing Disney DIY’s like this! Let me know if you make your own Jack-Jack Num Num Cookies! Also let me know if you would like to see a video of us trying to recreate other Disney foods and snacks!
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Hello! My name is Megan! I have a love for traveling especially to my favorite destination in the world, Walt Disney World! I am a huge fan of all things Disney Parks. My family and I have been Disney World Annual Passholders for about 10 years. We love making memories together in our happy place. I have always loved documenting our trips through photos and in 2014 I felt inspired to capture our memories in an even more in-depth way. I picked up the camera and discovered a pure passion for vlogging! I love getting to capture my travels, cherished times and fun moments! I enjoy getting to relive these moments while I edit the videos and love having these memories documented to look back on. I have discovered such a rewarding love from the feeling I get through sharing my vlogs here on YouTube! I love meeting people here in our online community who share the same interests as I do! We all get to connect over our mutual love of all things Disney and travel!
I have visited all of the Disney Parks in the United States: Disneyland, California Adventure, Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Hollywood Studios and Animal Kingdom! It is my dream to one day visited all the international Disney Parks as well! My travel interests also go beyond the Disney Parks, I love vlogging my cruise vacations and trips to all-inclusive resorts!
I am from Pennsylvania and grew up in a small town outside of Philadelphia. I currently live back and fourth between my home in PA and Texas. My fiance is from Texas just outside of the Dallas area. I met my Fiance Danny through working with his Mom. She connected us and we started dating long-distance. Danny is also a huge Disney fan and participated in the Disney College Program! We recently got engaged at the Philadelphia Zoo on December 21, 2019! We are in the process of planning our dream destination wedding in the Central Florida area and have even been looking into Disney’s Fairytale Weddings! It is our dream soon after we get married to relocate to the Orlando Florida area to live close to Disney World!
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Have a Magical Day!
God Bless!
– Magical Meg
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hello from our kitchen today we’re gonnabe doing another Disney at home day andwe’re gonna be making the Jack Jacknum-num cookie from Disney’s HollywoodStudios and also out in Disney’sCalifornia Adventure at Pixar pier sothis is a more like New Age Disney treatit’s becoming a kind of classic stapleand we had it for the first time atHollywood studios and really loved itit’s like a deep-dish chocolate chipcookie it’s delicious I love it mm-hmmyes we love it so much so we are goingto try to replicate it today we have arecipe to make the Jack Jack num-numcookies and we’re gonna try it out seewhat we can do okay so the first thingwe’re gonna start with over here is theytell you to brown your butter which isdifferent I really have never brownbutter before so we’re going to overmedium heat you’re going to take twosticks of butter and they said to takeit out about 1/2 hour beforehand so thatit’s not real cold that’s perfect and tocut it into smaller cubes so that it’smelts and Browns evenly so I have thison medium heat[Music][Applause][Applause]okay so we’re just gonna keep stirringthis it says you really have to watch itbecause it will burn easily they said ifyou leave it unattended she doesn’t havethis on medium heat medium heat and I’mjust gonna keep stirring set in aboutfive to eight minutes it should be readyand what happens is you’ll notice thatit starts to get kind of foamy and itstarts browning underneath and like it’sstarting to to separate the the milkfrom there and it’s supposed to give ita nice rich nutty flavor which enhancesyour cookies and it’s a French techniqueactually browning the butter and theysaid a lot of times it’s used for pastasand desserts and things like that thatyou’ll have a nice rich thick sauce onceyou’re done with this[Music]you can see it starting to bubble alittle bit oh yeah we go it’s happening[Music]so how long would you say it’s been thathas been about three minutes now[Music]ba-bangand you can start to see the white foamand started to brown yet so now we’regoing on about five or six minutes thatwe’ve been browning the butter and it’sreally really bubbling now but we stilldon’t have the brown color yet thatwe’re looking for and somebody’s comingin to say hi little helpers here in thekitchen[Music][Applause][Music]yeah you can they said it’ll start tosmell kind of nutty I’m starting thisyeah I definitely smell a different isstarting to change go a little bit morethat gold me yeah I definitely see thegold color coming yeah oh it definitelysmells yes Tapaniso do you want it to be filming or didthey say that the film bubbles will goaway never done thiswe’re just wingin I mean it’s definitelylike something’s changed here within thelast couple seconds looks like oh wowokay yes okay so you’re gonna know whenit that’s now like I won’t call it outready yeahso you want to keep going in so it lookslike like this foamy go through me likea normal like it’s a obvious change incolor so we’ve been gone for about eightminutes I asked I would say I’m gonnalet that I’m gonna say that’s good atall yeah I mean I can smell it and justlooking at it you tell it’s changed yeahall right so we’re gonna call that doneso when you have it to the color thatyou want and you have those little brownbits like that that’s exactly whatyou’re looking for you can see it on thespatula they say to take it out of thepan quickly and put it into anothercontainer so it doesn’t continue to tocook to cook so I’m gonna put it in hereand then just let it sit now we can’tcontinue on with your recipe until itsolidifies well it cools down and itstarts to solidify back together andthen we’ll be ready to add it to therest of our ingredients and what do youthink so you want to have a Jack Jackcookieokay so while we were waiting for thatto happen our butter to cool down andsolidify I thought I’d give you thewhole rundown of the ingredients thatwe’re using for this so it was the twosix of butter and then over here in thisbowl I put one and a quarter cup ofbrown sugar a quarter cup of regularwhite sugar and a teaspoon of sea saltand then in this bowl we have two and aquarter cups of flour with a teaspoon ofbaking soda the other ingredients thatwe’re going to mix into it is one eggand one egg yolkwhich is kind of different I’ve neverheard it separated out to you it’s oneegg and one and then want to you andthen a teaspoon of vanilla extract andthen our chocolate chips and that’sthat’s all there is[Music]okay so it’s been about an hour now andI think we’re ready for our next step sowe’ve just had the butter cooling and itseems to me about ready to be aboutready soon it smells really good andlooks really good so we’re gonna sweepthese two sugars and that is the bowl ofthe dry eight almost with that had thebrown sugar regular sugar and salt andthen we’re gonna mix in the butter itdoesn’t melt really good yeah I’m gonnamix that init’s just too cream mat so I got mymixer and one egg so I just put themboth in the same thing along with theone teaspoon of vanilla[Music][Applause][Music]good that screen together to me and thenwe’re going to take our flour and thebaking soda that was in there and slowlystart to combine that until it’s allmixed together all rightit smells really good at estimatedelicious that Brown already lakes outthat yeah[Music][Applause]okay that looks pretty well combinedtogether right now we’re just gonnawe’re gonna stir in the chocolate chipsit call for eight ounces of chocolateMarkel’s put that in there I just gotthe Toll House wafflesI would like to about in like theGhirardelli oh my gosh yes shopping soyou just eyeballing right and this isnothing 12 ounce bag and it says 8ounces but I’m just putting in I say themore chocolate chips better means I’mjust gonna stir in this way not use theblender hold them in those are the nicebig chocolate morsels it’s a very itseems like I think so it seems to fit alot in there well was that more what doyou thinkthat’s pretty good it does look prettywell coated with chocolate chips allright right about right yeah okay so thenext step it says that we should chillthis at least an hour preferably it saysovernight the longer you chill it thebetter I don’t think we’re going towe’re going on right now but it’s suingus about three o’clock right now so whatI’m thinking of doing this putting thesein for about three hours and then bakethem tonight for a nice treat if okay Ilove that word it says to put inbusiness alum part of the recipe didn’treally give specifics it just said putthem in balls so I’m thinking that thecookie is in the parts it’s a biggerright it’s like that deep dish show Idon’t know we’re gonna maybe use like anice cream scooper and see what thatturns out I don’t want to make them toobig it might take too long to right andalso they need to like kind of spreadout yeah now just to chill them I’mgonna put them all in one pan but thenwhen we bake them will will separate usseparate them outI guess you can make smaller ones toobut and just adjust the time that youbake them what do you think should I gofor the bigger ones I think do thetraditional Jack Jack big deep-dishcooking this dhoti stone or smells somuch different than a regular chocolatechip battered with that butter thatBrown it does that’s like the secretthing who would have thought justbrowning the butter it really does smellrich and nutty smelling tastes evenbetter[Music]I say go for it here we go I know thisis controversial the you know there’s avery minor part of rolling in this andwe always believe there’s nothing wrongwith a little bit though is my favoritepart I know yeah we don’t need to bakethem let’s just eat the cookie noseriously though that is really reallygood we have made the cookie dough wehave made I can’t lady that video we’veactually made Disney cookie dough beforebut oh my gosh this is but you I can seewhat you mean that it it tastesdifferent than a regular cookie dough ithas to do with that brown butter justthat simple browning the butter it hasmore of like a richer nuttier it’s moresophisticated cookie I’m excited aboutthis I can’t wait to like see what theseare like once they’re all cooked up butoh my gosh just having that littlesamplernow of a little bit of cookie dough thatwe snuck that is it’s amazing so look atthat so I’m gonna go for maybe about $3and three hours which I chill them andbake them up and see what is that was abig part of this recipe was that it saidto actually you don’t go ahead and bakethese right away you chill it and thathas something to do with I don’t knowthe science behind the baking that it inthree thumb prints is starting to tocook to cook they say it doesn’t youknow how sometimes the chocolate chipcookies like spread out Route one ittakes a while and it makes them a littlepuffier and thicker if they’re colderwhen they go in right so that’s how weget kind of a deep dish effect so I yeahI can’t wait to try this out cos we’regonna stick them in the fridge for likethree hoursgo about our day here we are currentlyjust hanging out in our Disney clotheshaving our little Disney at-home day andwatching Disney vlogs back there on theTV we’re watching some Disney weddingvlogs which is really fun so yeah havingour funny Disney – stay tuned stay tunedwe’re gonna put these in the fridge andwe will be back okay so some time haspassed we just finished dinner and thecookies have been chilling for aboutfour hours now ish so my mom just placedthen she transferred I’m not gonna bakethem on the same sheet that they werechilling on we don’t want that like yousaid to affect the temperature oranythingso you transfer them actually to twoother trainees over here I’m gonna putyou can space them out tray so I thinkthat should space out they they did firmup like really firm something I don’tknow how these are gonna cook this is anexperiment is an experiment I’m excitedthat’s not gonna be so we’ve never madecookies like we heating to 350 okay itsays seven to ten minutes so we’ll see Ithink they’re going to need for the sizethey are at least 10 minutes and I don’tknow what them be I’m so coldI’ve seen all kinds of these recipes outof line yes I’ll have to leave them infor over 20 minutes ifit should be yes we will see all rightso it just beeped it’s preheated to 350so here I go cookies seven to ten I’mnot checking in about eight and seeeight minutes all right eight minutes onthe clock okay so it’s about to go offhere we have to put it back in for acouple more minutes because eightminutes was not nearly enough but itwasn’t enough this will actually be 13minutes 13 minutes ago if I made thembigger they didn’t give a scoop sighs itlooks right it seemed like it was a nicenormal student says it’s safe here we gothis seems like it should be thirtyminutes did the trick yet they look nowlike they’re done all rightyeah we just kept like checking it anddoing the little toothpick test to seeif it was still Joey are getting it tocook through more in 13 minutes now thatseemed to be they look so good and theirdevice and like deep dish they’re thickso out of this recipe we got 12 17 17 soyeah now I’m gonna put the horizon cankind of judge whether you want to makeyour smaller or then they might not getas much time and in comparison yeah sowe will let you know how they tasteafter they cool down but this was a niceway to I don’t think we’d said thisearlier that this week we were meant tobe in Disneyworld we didn’t know ourgarden trip so sad butyou know we can at least do the givenmany lemons when they’re given lemonyeahflower let’s take a thing we can come upwith but you’re getting something youmake chocolate chip they are beautifulthey do look beautiful I’m reallyimpressed with like we’ve never we makea lot of you know we love to cook andbake in this house and we make a lot ofchocolate chips in the past never havewe made once quite like this like thisis definitely like the puppy is likethickest chocolate chips but I’ve everseen they look I’m excited I can’t waituntil they cool down some so that we cantry it and we can even then you knowhave it when it’s still like slightlywarm even like heat it up in themicrowave first I can cook the ones inthe parks they actually they keep themlike warm back there in a little heaterand serve it to you like it’s a warmfresh cookie and that’s kind of part ofthe whole experience of it all so I’m soexcited about this yeah some so yeahgood way to celebrate Disney even thoughwe can’t be there right nowhe’ll be back little Disney magic so yeswe will check back in with you when it’stime to try these guys okay so it’staste test time my parents both justtried one and yet their father had it hesaid it was the best cookie ever atewhen it was better than in that partthat’s crazy not just like the bestcream thing though because I made ithe’s saying it’s the best cookie of alltime so I am super hyped to try this allright we’re done or and so what was yourthoughts you had it – I it really isgood good yes so if it might have beenbetter than the one I had at Hollywoodstudios it was work okay all right let’stry this out okay there we go look atthat it’s nice and warm and gooey um allright that looks amazing – Ellen a.m.all right Meg okay here we go do youthinkjack-jack num num cookieoh my gosh mmm Wowthat is better than in the park it’sthat is one of the best cook this is thebest cookie oh my gosh it’s just so likeit’s you I like my cookies chewy likethis like I don’t like when cookies arelike super crispy and like you know morebut it has real crisp on the outside onthe outside but the inside that’ssomething that makes a cookie for me isthat it has to be like chewy and theseare definitely they’re chewy on theinside and oh my gosh this is so goodmmmyeah this is a winner I cannot get overthis we nailed it we did like such agood recreation this is seriously likethese are the best cookies you need tomeet they were feeling amazing thenenjoy them get a little disney magicmagic at home we all need it right nowyeah all right No thank you so much for- thumbs not please thumbs up this videoas well that really helps us out andthank you so much for watching be sureto comment below let me know what otherrecreations you would like to see we areloving doing these Disney at home daysand just see DIYs so thank you forwatching and we will see you soon inanother video bye[Music]