Think for fun is an amazing channel where we upload almost every single day.
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Created by Wali and Hussna.
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Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]hey guys welcome back the thing for funtoday I hope you making cookies becausethis is the best chance to make cookieswith my mom and I really wanted to makecuz this is the right time to bake nowlet’s get started so we have four cupsof flour 1/2 cup of oil 1 cup of milk 2eggs and cardamom and baking bakingpowder and some sugar now we’re gonna bemixing and yeah stay tuned we’re makingok 3 2 1already we’re done this is writer Mikebut first things first you get 3 2 1 nowlet’s let it freeze one hour later okayguys after 1 hour we’re gonna get thedough form it into a circle and then inthe middle you just push like this[Music]Ohokay now we’re done with that we’regonna get this for now I get some sesameseeds this is white sesame seed nowwe’ve got white some common black sesameseeds now we’re gonna put this in herethe pen by the way we have parchmentpaper here we’re gonna do the rest andwe’re gonna do the same thing with therest of them and we’re gonna put theminto the oven for 350 50 degrees andyeah this is so good I wonder who’sgonna eat this with me hmmI think my friend else man is gonna comeheredoes it look yummy yes okay well thatwas all for this video make sure to LIKEsubscribe and share with all of yourfriends and families babiesyou