Cookies Recipes

making cookies with mik

hi! i made cookies for my friends and family and thought id bring you guys along for the ride. i hope you enjoy.

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Video Transcription

[Music]hi welcome to quarantine adventure withmax if we’re going to be making peanutbutter oatmeal chocolate chip cookies sotoday I wrote down the recipe so that Ican show you guys I’m gonna be doublingit here’s where I make my first mistaketo give some time from Lucy hi Lucyshe’s iconic say hi to Lucy so firstit’s just to beat the butter and sugartogether it’s not really that roomtemperature yet so I’m gonna put it in abowl so you need 1 cup of butter ifyou’re gonna be making the recipe butbecause I’m doubling it I’m doing 2 cupmatches 4 stickscuz each stick is a half a cup thanksfor teaching me that make sure not tokeep the paper on it because that’s howyou start a fire I’m gonna put thesefour sticks in the microwave for like 30seconds[Music]vixx’s that it cooks the eggs that’spretty cool so it’s a little bit meltybut that’s okay so it says beef butterand sugar and okayI’m gonna put my better in here youshould we have the butter and now we’regonna get the sugar you guys we’redoubling it we’re gonna need two cups ofnormal sugar ooh perfect we need one cupof brown sugar because it’s half ofoptin againwe’re doubling it this is dark brownsugar but you also can use light brownsugar on its ending the recipe either/orbut really not the differences like whyis it like differentare you sure they taste exactly thing ifanybody knows the answer to this pleaselet me know urea is so we’re going tobeat this for a little so worriedbecause the fluffier that um the cookiesare so if you just do this for a littlebit then um your cookies are gonna beflat and we don’t want thatthe knowledge is going I think I’m gonnaget the rest of my ingredients ready thetwo cups of peanut butter because Idon’t even think this is all gonna fitinto this thing now we have to add ourflour baking powder and baking soda sowe need three cups of flour and this islike filled up to the max that’s reallycool the show must go onit never says in your dad the salt soI’m just gonna add it in with this stuffwe need three cups of flour and thenwe’re gonna add our baking powder bakingsoda and salt 2 teaspoons of each oneteaspoon two teaspoons baking powderwhy is Shawn getting mad that I’m makingmore you can never have germinatecookies we met[Music]okay it says add more cups of oats and Icannot mix that in this bowl four cupsof those you have a chocolate chip I’mjust going to dump a stay back[Music]so as you can see double in this recipewas a big mistake amazing this has to goin the fridge for 30 minutes it’s beenabout 30 minutes since I plus talked toyou cookies are done filling and I putthe first batch in the oven I lined mycookie sheets off with parchment paperand I’m running them for across fivedown and I’m putting them in the ovenfor 12 to 14 minutes I’ve never madethese cookies before so I really hopethat they turn out well this made a lotof dough though I doubled it because I’mgoing to give some to my friend but lookhow much my mom doesn’t get me I[Music]finished another trio I’m gonna makeanother trick biggy even two more[Music]finished another one officially made 100I still have like half a bowl left so[Music]this badge tooand that’s all the pans we have here’swhat they look like look very yummy soI’ve been putting them in for 14 minutesand they’re pretty good they’re likecrispy on the bottom yeah I’m gonnafinish making this all this and thenI’ll let you know how they taste tastetest here we gothey’re good definitely recommend[Music]

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