Lauren and Leah make cookies using their name cookie cutters. At the end more bonus with T2 joining to make cookies.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Applause][Music]one egg and three tablespoons of flourand the butter every has to melt that sofirst we’re gonna pour in our cookie mixthen you can pour in our threetablespoons of flour we’re now finallyI’m gonna have to melt our butter andyou need one whole stick so we’re gonnaopen this up and you have to microwaveit for about one minute to be fullymelted okay so we melted I bought her solet’s pour this in as well it looks likeegg when it’s mixed okay now we have allthe ingredients and and we have to meetwhisk it together with this hand mixer[Music]now the dough is ready so it’s a nicecolor okay so now we’re going to rollout our dough and pressing our cookiecutters so as you can see I have my nameout and three is H just sticking aroundokay so we’re gonna put our gloves oncuz there to touch the doughwe’re finished with making it so here’sWarren yes Mia okay so now we’re gonnafake it but you first have to pre-heatyour oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit andyou pump it in and you have to bake forabout five to seven minutes the cookiesbake we’re gonna make chocolate pen sowe’re gonna melt in on chocolate yeah wehave lots of different colors in therenot expected I thought only a preamblearrowdad I knew it’s so good and it smellsreally good too but Lee and I’m kind ofworried about yoursmine is kind of burn so we’re gonna letthem cool we’re gonna decorate okay sowe’re gonna take them downand then we’re gonna decorate and I putthe chocolate inside the top with themso it’s already[Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music]Oh[Applause][Music][Music][Music][Music]