Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
welcome back to my channel don’t mindbut let’s go see what is the title I’mgonna make sugar cookies so don’t comeat me because this camera will not focusno matter how I dim the light[Music]okay so for mefor me it says to get to get cookiesheet but your girl don’t got that wayyeah like I said your girl don’t gotthat so put these old-school bang andyour clean hands clean and then you wantto do like merge it on you so don’t lookso- everywhere and then I’m more fun inadvance to decide it so now you want topre-heat your oven to 350 or 35 and thenget your dough wanna unravel itokay so I’m kindaput on to get back until when I’m donesometime they’re just gonna play balltonight I got permission from ourmothers do this with their parents[Music][Laughter][Music]I don’t know how my cookies are lookingand the oven just like preheat like likepreheated like just be chilled and I’m a1 2 3 4 5 – yes I wash my hair so maybesix and a half feet but I must have putthis leave me in here for 11 to 14minutes I might set a time of bird fortwo minutesAlexa set a timer for 40 minutes 40minutes son now there we goso yeah so come back to you guys in 14minutes honey but I was teasing me withthe fork and these two so they don’tlook so good at outside but it says heybitch I feel like it’s a win it’s lesslost but yeah so much for tuning in andI will talk about more active so