Cookies Recipes

Making Cookies from Scratch with Ms. Skylour from Garcia YMLA

Step by step instructions
Step 1: Gather your materials

Step 2: Wash your hands

Step 3: Preheat oven to 350 degrees

Step 4: Take your 2 sticks of butter and blend lightly

Step 5: Add 1 cup of brown sugar to the butter and blend well

Step 6: Add a half a cup of white sugar to that mix and blend well

Step 7:In a separate bowl add your 3 cups of flour, 1 tsp of baking powder, and ½ tsp of salt and whisk it around

Step 8: In a separate bowl add your 2 large eggs and2 tsp of vanilla abstract and mix well

Step 9: Add the egg to your sugar and butter mixture and blend well

Step 10: Slowly add in your flour to your batter and blend well

Step 11: Add in your chocolate chips

Step 12: Roll cookie dough into small balls and place on a non stick pan

Step 13: Place in oven for 12 minutes

Step 14: Let cool for 10 minutes then enjoy

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Video Transcription

hi guys this is miss Kyle Boys and GirlsClub at ghost Garcia wat Emily and todaywe’re gonna be making homemade cookiesingredients you’re gonna need twoteaspoons of baking powder a half ateaspoon of salt one cup of brown sugartwo teaspoons of vanilla opstatchocolate chips two large eggs twosticks of butter three cups ofall-purpose flour and then 1/2 a cup ofsugarnow before you actually start cookingyou need to always wash your hands topack the safety so you know wash them inwarm water for 20 seconds what I do issing the birthday song so happy birthdayto you happy birthday to you happybirthday dear Miss Tyler happy birthdayto you go ahead and preheat our oven to350 degreesnow that our evidence preheated I’vealready taken our 2 sticks of softenedbutter and what I’m gonna do is justblend this around just a little bitnow what I’m gonna do is add in our onecup of brown sugar and blend this aswelllaughs we’re gonna put in our half a cupof sugar and we’re gonna blend this allthe way up[Music]now in a separate bowl you’re gonna addin three cups of flour your half ateaspoon of salt and then your oneteaspoon of baking powder and thenyou’re just gonna give that a whiskyounow what I’ve done is taken our twolarge eggs and put them in a bowl thenwe’re going to add in our two teaspoonsof it a lot of stock and what we’regoing to do is give this we’re gonnabring back our sugar and butter mix andwe’re going to add in that egg vanillaextract mixture and mix this well withyour hand blender or whisknow that you have your batter mixed inyour flour you’re going to add inspoonfuls of your flower at a time whileyou’re may now that our dough is all mewe’re going to add in our chocolatechipsokay guys now that our chocolate chipshere and what we’re going to do is takespoonfuls and roll them in a ball andplace them on our panyouokay guys so now that our cookies areall roll we’re gonna put them in theoven for 12 minutesyounow that our cookies are done we’regonna let them cool for ten minutes andthen you can enjoy okay guys well that’sall for today and I hope you have funmaking cookies with Miss Skylar and besafe bye

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