Sorry for the poor whatever this is… quality, format, content? 😛
This video was recorded a week ago when the kids and I were visiting another province. We were in a small… town? …village? and were attempting to stave off boredom for just a little while. I thought I’d share it with you so you can cringe at it as well.
Music, as always, from
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
and today’s shenanigans we’re going tobe unboxing these uhgem dragons i don’t know we got a pairof them to tryi have dolphin helping me and uh she hasa friend as wellso we’re going to do that we’re alsogoing to make some cookies because youknowi’m over here you’re over there what ohmy gosh what are you doing hereoh my gosh this is craziness what willhebe and what’s what’s your favorite oneis the exact same one do you like thesnowthe white one yeah let me just get apicture of themthere so you like you like this oneright here you got a green oneoh my gosh there’s there’s a coupleshades of greens we’ll have to see whatone doesyou got the brighter one so this is uhyou have mint and you have skyeso we got a sky and a mintokay cool let me see what these are ilike this stuff oh my goshlook yours is all winkythose are really cute i’m doing terriblewith mywith my camera work here but these areawesomeno they have ears too though they dothey have horns they have earsoh like two sets of four or three idon’t knowi don’t know look at them these aregreati love them okay time for cookieswe’re gonna make some of these becausei’m not making anything from scratchwhat i’m on vacationhey there rug how you doing rosiehi yeahthis is gonna be awesome see them whenthey’re donei’m gettingthe play goes on as the oven preheatsto get this image almost done but takingso longat last time to eat the cookiesalthough i took them off a little earlyand they go well smooshy but whateverwhateverawesome okay deliciouslet me hear me looks okay all rightterrible terrible i better keep thewhole batch for me they didn’t turn outsorrythey’re awful i’m going to just eat themmyself andno one has to worry about okay bye