Cookies Recipes

Making cookies! (FAIL)

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[Music]today I’m gonna be cookies and firstwhat I’m going to do is I’m going to getpure vanilla extract and it’s 1 teaspoon[Music]next we’re going to Lake shellit would be okay if here like a waterlike a so just get it like a water onyour finger and you can just go for theegg show like – maybe this act doesn’twork but it works just like maybe itjust doesn’t have any sake okay got it Igot it my CC works it works[Music]so after I’m done starting I put it inlike wet dirt PlayStation thingy okay sonext I’m going to put two sticks ofbutter and this thing yes I’m so shortJesus[Music]while we’re waiting follow my Instagram[Music]early date to supper one on ThursdayI think how long doesn’t need to bemelted I feel like that’s good[Music]that’s good now yes that’s good okay sowe what um so next I need these likemini story things and then I put it withthe wet oh right I forgot the preparethe ovenhi Gracie Allen did you hear my dog’sfootprint okay so next to me put it onbake it for 350 degrees so now that theoven is preheating so now we need brownsugar but we don’t have that so I guessI’ll just use sugar right no okayI would have missed that up the financesso let’s go to brown sugarsay you need two cups this feels likekinetic sand okay now we just need topat down sugarokay that’s good enough okay we got itokay so oh that’s cool okay sorrybackground noise cuz of the cars likeit’s really rainyokay I think I have enough actuallyswert so now two cups of brown sugarthis so next we need 1/4 cup of sugarthis thing’s taking forever whateverthat’s mine oh okay this is going reallyslow 1/4 cup that seems like a lot ofsugar – 1 cupthere’s a whole chunk this is gonna failisn’t it I feel like that’s enoughoh yeah okay there we go so okay thatwas a big mess on to the next one okaynow we need a half a teaspoon of bakingsoda I’m scared about for this part okayperfect perfect okaywhere are you next floweryeah two and a half cups so we need thisso we’re just going to move this becauseit’s really flying out the flower tomake sure that’s actually one cup ohthis is this is disgusting trust me Iwash my hands you slimming videos andsanitize guys okay I feel like that’sone cup Oh perfectone cup okay I feel like that’s yes onecopy okay so one cup now when you go onokay that’s good that’s a cup I feellike it is I can just tell it isbasically a cup get why than that yeahoh yeah now things right now we justneed to do a halfokay that’s good that’s a half I feellikeokay to us my pony cool okay I misseverything now what I need to do is getthe story thing image in yeah okay andput some flour look I need a spoon a bigspoon do we have a wooden spoonokay there we gonow we’re just gonna add a little bit ata timethese cookies may fail it may work[Applause]I’ll tell you when it’s all mixedSarge’s man is mixing and now I need toget chocolate chips so it doesn’t sayhow much chocolate chips to put in but Iwould just put in like a little bit at atime until you feel like okay so wefinished mixing it so this is what itlooks like it looks so good so now Ijust need to put it on the Whizzer :your mom okay she yeah yeah that’s waytoo big thank you yeah just fill theteaspoon that’s great like thatwell this isn’t a teaspoon that’s atablespoon so you’re about a teaspoonis that goodlike I’m just making shirts this isreally goodI’ll tell you when I finish she trainsdown there so I saw a lot more batterleft but I don’t have enough so I and Ihave to reach how long does it takehow’s it take I’ll tell you guys whenthe results are done look like they thisone’s kind of good so that’s gonna endthis video guys hope you have a best dayever and byeyou

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