So basically I go to a couple stores near me some cookies and that’s it hope you enjoy😁✌❤
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
I look absolutely disgusting um okay sothis is my outfit we’re going to thestore and we’re going to Kohl’s Costcoand somewhere else but I just have likeshirt and some green pants if you cansee andokay so I forgot to film at Target andsiphon below but we left Costco went toTarget and then we went to 5mm below andnow we’re at Wegmans what my mom is butI’m not cuz I got but yeah we’re gonnago pick up my sister from her friend’shouse and then drop her offI hear up on a hair appointment and then11:00 go home and then hopefully makesome cookieskind of forgot to film myself puttingcookies into the oven but I put the timeon for 10 minutes and I’m just gonnaturn around see if you can see when Iopen up in a little bitboom looking gorgeous art read to youvery exciting if them go get out ineight minutes but don’t have to let themcool so yeah do you when they’re outokay so my mom just took just took thecookies out the thing and I’m gonna havewait to do a little taste test of howsmall take them up easier they’re verysoftthey are very hot probably like yeahwell yeah I’m a cool I feel like gonnabe better so that’s my dog oh I justrealized that I could tell me like thisthe whole day that little inconveniencethe next time I saw I remember by thecuff like thatI remember to UM film like this but yeahthank you for taking time out of yourday to watch my video really appreciatedit maybe you know like comment subscribeI don’t know if you want to[Applause]