Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hello friends welcome to my channelAmerican women but see after that youlook at the position kaikoura but Ican’t let the tweet that was this thereI move about whom I mean I mean Barnabasa boost it’s an American Mitchellemergency when you shoot could you be doKody to America to cabana boy in thecorner boy me I couldn’t cookies when abirthday see I mean I couldn’t cook Ihappen to go to that couple mythicalsays so and I hope we shut the kitchenand I how could she friend Aamir Khankitchen a judge hit or meet up the Ricoand the habari Gani my balcony as himunder protective partying put on thecard I mean after you my balconydetected on the whole balcony viewdetect agenda Oliver quarantine toattend a video to take been like ohCorbin shear government commenced theoption of altering how many currency Icollected the current syrup shouldmonitor go into the chocolate is youknow material since I will cook Elishapersecution in two hours and sell itfreeze it also ate a functioning I’mdoctor- dr. patty Cena pronunciation ofadditional features hello shoot at youwhen we go to parties you know my nameis Gerard cuvee be sorryHatake is still on camera there[Music]yeahempanada thank you sirI’m this productivityconference I need if you say you havedifficulty see it’ll do to accommodate ahurry I call no I – no just realize thatyou know but me I’m gonna go belowjaan-e-mann a brutal advocacy communityso take yourself gonna burst come upclean tydomin afterharderI mean you and me I feel I’m gonna dosomething real good herewhen I want to money is hung a misfit totake it Lisa Cuddyso I’m Nutella which he your galaoperator please strike Gordon PachecoI’m really going to happenhow many nuclear than see a pyramid aquarter-mile in Japan of divided thehorrendous in Europe the gulagI’m a test our location school friendsof a neutral on across window procreateI’m a magicianI have an ideaholy minute because how can Icontribute now Mia come here to playhe said where does he fit meI cannot neither do it that is reallydifferent now we don’t become really bignight for you inhabit the year the womanI have plotted graphically we do it in -chocolateythe cottage here only potent hands upLisa I’m the body to Rocco but we’recreative approach a computer tubercleI’m gonna hire a Buddha who is theirvisitor I’m on the phone in honor ofthis year when we come back upingredients as you shop on my favoriteI want to party on a kind of a biscuitcould at least have a visitor and theHaiku widget it kind of that positionevening table oh I’m is equal to Paulinawho asked us to come I am need a lot agood this is real ami torture becauseyou knowwe’re gonna watch windowsorryyou can just see me coming over thisparticular sitting downhi name I wrote okay back yes I meangood luck on free jet up machine hunamatoo – me too – no feature above so freej-rock republishes I know friends onyour column are harmonic biscuit thefridge it’ll be like when I’m miserableI’m a comment option to teach collegeteam hmm I mean later on commentaryauction of a ball hard circular or canbegin to expunge a video blog orchocolate hammerI’m interruption TKO yourself I gotthere I might get cocky a day when I’mhere come back to life huh quadratsfilament it up to him DiekmanI’m actor number two shadow Sukhram nowI challenge it a devotee means a timeago sonic console access them I’m busymr. Perino – mm – medium at the moon orhigheryou know but I’ll be with you though I’meating barbeque we’ll go togetherplease come into a pool manI mean key video chord ok become videogo to yoga challenge Coco are you lovedon’t you look I’m a promise code listento me okay I’m a hat ocean 200 video gowe love to enjoy my my honey did you putthe party see now I logged on to saysure I make a promise good SD Jamie aretoo soon this will be we do go back toyour colleague hello that this aparamedic support for venom hug there Iplease I like to call how soon would youplease strike weapon J gonna bescheduled cream mmmNutella I should throw up you’re gonnaflavor China chocolate ready Drago onlyPaulo love itI’m pretty skittish it I cannot honeycan do emit almost a square velocityCUDAMy Darling my love like the truckChronicle Hotel told me Hana and a cubebut you beware my name don’t freesouvenirs what about magicians Aqaba Imean you should work on the money inYemen mana Khemia girl I couldn’t handlehere is there any first lady to dragwomen at the honored mother little townhmmwhich I made out with evolutionI’m gonna head around I might reallygood up toyou don’t put it up there today get insay you know J hook it on emotionalsometimes I will just like Corbin she’llgo burn our channel subscribe Corbin I’mon a cushy watchingcome on my team Dina Dina Dina moremission subscribers a subscriber maytake to call my home to me little bitwho should participate it to come metersum Kushite according to how muchcontrast Aesthetica Byron adjustable forme I’m coming Mahalo Viloriachallenge problem la curva video shouldgo verticalI’ve come to place the food urban I tellyou about ribbon you can see come up andevery key solution for those healthycoral chair take Jamie who skipped I domoo-coo Tomica DD sniffing clear on thebalconybaba domalix it on mother – please openbreak women are oh my god mover showthank youso next ratio that I have in my life