Kat has been doing a lot of baking during quarantine, and she loves to bake things out of my old Betty Crocker cookbook. In this Learning English video, she will show you how to make chocolate chip cookies. Kat also edited this video, added some cool background music and used special effects and filters to make the video more interesting.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey it’s me yeah today I’m making somechocolate chip cookies cool right no Iknow I know what you’re thinking why areyou doing chocolate chip cookie videosafter you’ve been doing three codingvideos already trust me I don’t know whywe’re just thinking I’m it’s 40 and I’mgonna make some chocolate chip cookiesthen like don’t don’tokay today I’m using Betty Crockercookies right there I already have allthe ingredients out I’ve been looking atthat earlier but the thing is um thething is like you know I don’t want tosearching so the ingredients I’m notgonna go over them I’m not that kind ofweird person but basically cool so we’regonna start by heating preheating theoven to 375 degrees there uh what do wedo now I’m gonna mix the sugars cuz wehave brown sugar and we sharemarjorine which is actually just gonnabe butter shortening egg and vanilla[Music]I’ve got these measuring cups here Ihope they’ll work I’m gonna start withsome sugar that butter of the light Igot some Dom no sugarwe bought this thing it was full ofsugars I know he’s just been refillingit and I’d roll over the top you hadthis thing for like three years butwhatever I need half a cup of sugarnormal recipe not doubling it this ishalf a cup right yes it isthat was satisfying this is now we’regonna need 1/2 a cup Brown the shopchopped why how much talk to packed so Iam going to put it away because I’mgonna put things away before I I don’tknow are you done with the sugar go ahhwhoops whoops again so just white sugarsee nothing crazy I usually lovesquishing this butter thishere came dark brown sugars so the thingis usually keep the scissors in thisdrawer and also the can opener the thingis like those things just recently havedisappeared we found the can opener inthe dishwasher so but the scissors arenot in the dishwasher so I don’t knowwhat they were thinking like what’s thepoint would you like some plastic on astick[Music][Music]goodbye so margarine which I’m justusing normal butter trust me it worksand I’m gonna just kind of cut third ofa cup which they have these nice thingsdon’t judge me for cutting it with thepaper on all rightI’ll judge you for watching this videobecause it’s probably gonna not trueyou margarine no shortening where’s theegg put the egg in first because the eggneeds to be I can’t get the eggs openthat’s how weird I am currently that wasan eggshell that’s not good oh go backin the fridge with the mustard anyonewho loves mustard no just no egg yolkabroke that’s finevanilla shortening though I need to getthe shortening what do I need exactlyhow much shortening do I need[Music]people need that right shortening andbutter are not the same thingsno I should be telling myself that getin there so vanillaput the vanilla away away away you meanwhat am i singing nearly not to Kim thatwould not be good[Music]so now I turn on the blister thing it’snot plugged in stack these in here hopeI don’t press that on accident[Music]their salmonella is a favorite flavorwhat nextsaltI’m chilled weenie half a teaspoon salthow about a 1/2 teaspoon saltI don’t like zombie cookies is it toomuchfrom softnow what I’ve been or me looking thattastes like salt half a teaspoon bakingsoda only half a teaspoon you sure youdon’t want chemical cookies like my mamatook college once and she there werecookies Oh cookie have a piece of hersand I bit into the cookie and itrealized it tasted like chemicals andI’m like what does it taste likechemicals and it turns out that placethey actually put way too much bakingsoda injust gonna carry this baking soda waitthereI’m back so now that should be out waita second I missed the most importantingredients the chocolate no flour on myMIT switcher again we are not sponsoredby MIT Wow we’re beyond I’m sure noflyers not go there would you like someplastic[Music]I loved about recording bales up mybrother isn’t allowed to come in and eatall the chocolate chip cookies[Music][Music]delicious so this is the final productbecause basically I just I’m not goodwith Cory geyser so he was already like18 minutes long just got those into theoven so I don’t have as much batter leftbut yeah we’ll make a second batch itsays that it’s gonna take about 8 to 10minutes to bake until they’re aboutlight brown and not the dark or coloredthat the batter was and they look cookedof courseso I’m thinking they’re gonna be prettygood so I still have some chocolatechips tickets which should be more thanenough for next time back in I will showyou the finished product in about eightto ten minutes hey Google set a timerfor nine minutes that should work soI’ll see you then and a little bit justperfectly red balls there like thiswhich they also stuck together and if Ihad put them any different than theywould have stuck together even more somegliders hey stopalright so now that I’ve done my best toseparate those cookies[Music]I make good cookies so yeah that’sbasically it thanks for watching thisvideo goodbye[Music]