Nick shows of his baking skills and makes us some chocolate chip cookies!
Toll House recipe:
2 1/4 cups flour
1 TSP baking soda
1 TSP salt
1 cup butter, softened
3/4 cup white sugar
3/4 cup brown sugar
1 TSP vanilla
2 Eggs
2 cups chocolate chips
Preheat oven to 375
Combine all dry ingredients
Cream together butter, both sugars and vanilla.
add eggs one at a time
add flour slowly
stir in Chocolate
bake for 9-11 mins
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
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Cookies Recipes
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Video Transcription
I all welcome back to our kitchen heyMick is going to be making me chocolatechip cookies I know so I’m just gonnarecord and try and stay out of the wayand not tell him how to do ithooray and I’m gonna add it so hopefullyI can sit back actually cook literallyentire time making anything so sorrysorrywell he’ll show you all right he’ll showyou how to do it today okay so the firstthing we’re going to need to do is we’regoing to need to add our flour salt andbaking soda into a bowl that mix that upit’s gonna be one teaspoon each salt andbaking soda and then two and a quartercups of flour start measuring this stuffup here here’s my sealed baking sodawhoops whoops I assumed it was open or Iwould have had all these things open forhim also don’t mind our broken door overthere that’s why our entire pantry lookslike it’s wide open yes we live in anapartment and it was an old farmhouse sothis house is like a hundred and twentyyears old so just break sometimesyep easy easy peasy opening the bakingsoda divas very interested just likethat can I eat the bacon stuffno he’s not no I know what the heck allright so baking soda in the bowl boomfinally a little saltyou little salt going like I said what’she’s doing each of this can’t the bakingsodathere we go we’re going since you’rebaking you want all your measurements tobe accurate or else it will come out notcorrecthe’s asking me guys not you I don’t dothat oh you might want to who I wouldput the sorry I’m not telling you whatto do what were you going to say dear Iwas gonna say I would use the quartercup to play fill the one cup so that youdon’t make a mess everywhere cuz I cupsnot gonna fit in that mouthfulI thought when I put the flower in therethat would be like the world’s best ideabut first time using this flower since Iput it in there and showing that itwasn’toh now I make a mess ehoh no that’s that’s not a good idea tome this is so much more difficult tryingto mess with this mason jar yeah I knowthat’s what I was just talking about myman won the Cup this thing after I justflower that let’s just measure this outover the same oh no no no don’t putflour down the think that’s like puttinggrease down the things you can’t do thatI did that know that see you guys I’vealready told him how to do three thingswe’ve been recording for like threeminutesboom there’s all that stuff give it aquick mix a little mixing mix make sureeverything’s all combined in there linksup al gonna be alright it’s just flourClaire cleans up decently I thought itwas an exact science so you don’t wantto be flinging stuff everywherewell you know we flee like a little babysprinkle flour it’s not gonna reallymess it up so there’s that and I’m gonnaput this flower away foreverback to the pit from whence it cameaka the pantry the cream together thesugar this one teaspoon of vanilla andbutter so we’re using 1 teaspoon ofvanilla use 3/4 of a cup of sugar andget that ready this I’m just eyeballingdon’t feel like dirty to make dishes somuch for that exact science there yeahyeah by your business over there long asthey come out good I don’t care how youdoing that’s probably about rightoh ok I’ll be alrightyeah beautiful alright there’s that nogotta measure the brown sugar brownsugar you’re gonna make sure you pack itdown or else you’re not gonna be gettingan accuratefor what should be the easy to open pulltaboh look the little boy came to say hellothat never happens unless he thinks ofthat bagwhat’s next yeah please get some sex sowho is that appreciate what it is aresealable one can’t eat the empty sugarpack this down how much brown sugar is3/4 of a cup that’s okay yeah all rightall right that looks good to me and itgoes it’s just garbage everybody hasgarbage I mean it’s the thing we reallydo live here yes that is true but no onewants to look into the trash can so thisis what we got another garbage haul thisleave a little bityeah you’re gonna put through the mixalright yeah yeah yeah that’s good yeahit’s going to make sure so no way ourbutter and now this needs to get creamedokay yeah this would be all right littlemelty on one side it’s calls for one cupof butter so that’s going to be twosticks[Music][Music]so this has been softening and creamingso we got a good we’ve hit happy goodconsistency for our sugar and buttermixture and you can see it looks verynice now we’re gonna turn this back on Idon’t raise it back up now turn it backon[Music]what that makes senseearlya little bit[Music]our second egg[Music][Music]hello and now we’re gradually adding ita little bit[Music][Music]it’s snowingagain a man ya know[Music]other thing[Music]Ohprobably are you gonna hand this off sothey don’t get all crunched up yeah overhere make thema little bitlet’s turn the mixer off we’re back downsilence[Music]let’s get off with my handswhy not surprise that wasn’t the firstthing you did you know I just I don’tmind getting my hands dirty doing stuffbut I hate it when my hands are stickyit’s a big bonus sugar you put on thatcome on back at you now this is this ismy nightmare is gonna be deliciousthat’s good enough[Music]Alicia’s we had some chips[Music]see how that looksyeah you know what there is a headlockyes so let’s uh let’s utilize it yeahthick dough this is not some familyrecipe oh yeah recipe I’m like the bagof chocolate chips yeah like grandma’ssecret cookie recipe yeah so we’ll haveit in the description below but uh it’svery simple it’s not anyone’s like greatgrandma’s recipe yeah so he forgot toshow us this but our oven is already hotat 375 beforehand that was when I madefor dinner stuffed shells that’s why hehad to make dessert yes all righthow we looking over here Chef Boyardeethat Chef where D is looking good andcovered in there’s gonna be no cookiesleft for me Thank You Vienna MAchocolate chip cookie dough go wash yourhands you’re awesomeso now we need to scoop it on toungreased baking sheet I surprised thatI had to double check the bag and see ifthey wanted grease around grease and itsaid on Reese so okay we’re gonna need alittle scooper laughs come on inI definitely want to make sure you leaveenough space in between each cookie soit has room to kind of like flat nowit’s gonna have a of cookie instead ofcookies so there’s that first roundhe’s got to go on unfortunately thisbaking sheets too big to have anyfriends going with it so there’s gonnahave to just be a solo adventure he wasgonna get baked for nine to elevenminutestaken out like cool on the cooling orcool on this for two minutes and thenmove to the cooling rack to finishcooling it’s gonna be a lot of coolinggoing on cause you don’t want to pushpulling hot chocolate chips into yourmouth that’s not fun so on our firstbatch of cookies here we got she ate acouple already it was like six that cameout a little burnt on the edges thatlike super burp like a little more likedone and it was just a little too hot soinstead of 375 we turned the oven downto 350 and we left a man for instead of11 minutes we did 13 and this is howthese ones came out I think I wasn’teven meant for eleven minutes because Iwanted to be a little more less browneda little more all right so I already hada couple s he’s so rudely pointed outand I thought they were delicious I likea crispier cookie so the darker colorworked better for me Alec is höppnercookie so I’m gonna try and get him alittle softer but they’re stilldelicious gooey gooey in the middlelook at all that melty chocolategoodness nice and sweet and flavorful sothey came up pretty goodOh also I did notice that I chopped halfhis head but he’s an entire foot tallerthan me so I apologize Nicholas butthank you guys so much for watching makesure you subscribe it hit that Bell formore videos like this