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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
my hair is not working hi guys[Music]tonight we drove on my cousin this isawesome I am today why are we gonna benakedpreheat oven to 350 do that Bobby startstart waitbake anybody can tell already like[Music]okay you don’t seem angryhey guys so we should even working thiswhole time that we obviously wouldn’thave liked or that black thing well Iget copyrighted for the song Chuckhey guys in here we have two and aquarter cups of flour a teaspoon bakingpowder and a teaspoon of salt narniawhisk it now a hard dry ingredients orelse we’re here and make them the wetingredients two sticks of butter oh Iknow that is not a hair on my butterstick now I got to the other stick ofbutter inI’m kind of worried about my futurethere’s a shelling guys no that makes itit’s a little salty Ohare you making fun of my pan are you put[Music]wait we have to make it thumbnailalready right wait right like that boysI’m going in the wait how do I do ittimer okay that’s where these these arenot the clothes[Music]what is this you like okay so we haveour cookies or our cookiesI’m trying this one looks good you tryit – sureokay so my final light we have effortpoints um maybe like a three out of tenno I know what is this we tried so I’mnot fully disappointed in us bye guysthat was so awkward[Music]