Baking Cookies together LIVE
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Pancakes Recipes
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Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
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[Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]hi friends welcome back to my channelinto my kitchen I’m gonna bake somecookies todayand definitely not play animal crossingeven though I have my switch right hereand it’s very tempting to want to playsome more animal crossing but guys youwrecked me yesterday going to 20 peoplesislands so no I’m not playing anymoreanimal crossing but hi how are you guysI want to give a quick shout out toeveryone who’s here oh we have SeanEdward blue Xavier chewy serenity RJ Timrock salt shaker lucid drew SpartanMatthew Ben Eclipse Knight howlerMichael hawk yay hi hawk and oh shoothold on it keeps jumping Zacks in thehouse we’ve Gary we have Matthew with alot of Matthew’s um we have soccer fanhello Ralphwe have the glorious Phil Iceman heyguys and Grady boy hellohopefully I got all of you and Brent hiBrent and Omega hey guys I love seeingall these like familiar names in thechat it’s amazing and Jeremy’s here andRichards here and King jr. is here heyguys we’re gonna bake cookies today I’mreally excitedIceman said I sent you the wallpaper inthe floor you asked for it I didn’t getit yet did you just send it um anywaythank you thanks very excited um so yesOh is there no crossbones is crossbonescrossbones hello crossbones thanks forjoining and Thanos is here hi guys allright um who’s gonna be making with meglorious is saying he likes the shirtinks it’s actually pajamas it’s likeWonder Woman pajama set but you knowwhat it’s the apocalypse and Iwe’re what I want isn’t that great whatkind of cookies do I like so I’m reallypicky when it comes to cookies myfavorite type of cookies are chocolatechip cookies and I love snickerdoodleand sometimes I like chocolate chipraisin like raisin oatmeal cookies butthey have to be really chewy and reallydelicious so that that is my cookiepreference oh and I like sugar cookiesbut I really don’t like what are thoseshortbread cookies I don’t likeshortbread cookies so I’m gonna bemaking chocolate chip cookies greedy boyyou’re lagging now crossbones with ahand up can I send you some cookies no Iwish I could um which I could send youall cookies just like in in animalcrossing we can send each I can bringfruit to your Island but I can’t sendyou cookies but yes chocolate to cookiesare my favorite anyway guys who’s gonnabake some cookies with me do you guyshave any cookie stuff um we can you knowyou don’t have to follow my recipe youcan make your own cookies you can youcan come up with your own recipe but nosorry Iceman else I’ll add you to mybest friend list I forgot I forgot Lucasis here hey Lucas and Erin lives hey umso and Joey hey what’s up Joeyand Tim saying sugar cookies are myfavorite um[Music]peanut butter cookies crossbones isgrabbing an apple no you should begrabbing cookiesAndy’s saying Wonder Woman I take it yousaw the new poster in the new releasedate yes I’m so sad I’m so sadOh night how they’re saying he needseggs bummer you could probably look up arecipe that doesn’t have any eggs maybeor an eggless cake I don’t know my runhey it’s 2:00 a.m. here greetings fromthe Netherlands – I am goingwe a pal in the house Oh Matthew sayingI’ll cook with you yes yes okay whatkind of cookies are you gonna make I’mgonna make chocolate chip cookies um I’msorry you’re lagging greedy boy a dozeneggs here two dollars like I usually buyorganic eggs and they didn’t have anyobvious ly because we’re in like a foodshortage and these eggs remix six thehuggers so hahaum chocolate chip cookies are myfavorite what’s your favorite musicalokay guys we’re talking about cookiescookies okay so I’m gonna start andhere’s a little secret brent is saying Idon’t really have the ingredients forcooking cookies but it’s fun to watchand imagine that’s fine you can stay forthe check snickerdoodles need eggs sadlyoh that is sad okay so before I get toodistracted by all of your amazingcomments I cheat at baking cookies a lotof people have these like family recipesor they follow like some professionalchef that they know when they love butmy family recipe for chocolate chipcookies is like you’d never believe ithey Andy what’s up okay so you can findmy family’s chocolate chip cookie recipeat any store just find yourself a bagthat’s upside down of Nestle TollhouseNestle semi-sweet chocolate chip cookiemorsels chocolate chips they’re just thebag of chocolate chips okay Toll Housesemi-sweet morsels nestle bag ofchocolate chips here they’re openbecause I use them for brownies so Ireally only have maybe more than halfthe bag but um it was Zachary saying Ican bake brownies but not cookies that’sfine big bronies whatever you guys canbake or cook let’s all just do ittogether and then we can all sharephotos of how it came out so yes sothat’s my that’s my secret family recipeit’s on the back of the back andon the back it says on your NestleTollhouse chocolate-chip cookies and therecipe is right hereso no cheater who cheats but you knowwhat these are the best cookiesbite me seriously tonight how theysaying Katie if it’s a family secret andyou shouldn’t be telling everyone it’snot a secret because there’s probably abillion families in the world who usethese chocolate chips and make thecookies okay so this the directions onthe back here say that you want to putall of the the wet ingredients and thedry ingredients separate so we’ll startwith the dry ingredients Mitchhi friend oh my god my girls bakingtoday I’m baking I’m making cookieswelcome welcome welcome Oh Lucas sayingI can bake brownies and chocolate chipmuffins and cookies great do that um andI check my Instagram okay we’re goodcheck it right now I’m baking cookies sohaving a bowl here I’m gonna put all thedry ingredients in here all right soflour baking soda salt flour baking sodaand salt so and oh I think I still havea Betty Crocker cookie recipe aroundhere somewhereyou should go get it grab your wife sackgrab your wife and you should be bakingtogether because baking brings peopletogether okay so I’m gonna add the flouris going to add the dry ingredientswhich recipe calls for 2 and 1/4 cups offlour so here we gothis is gonna be a slow process todayhave a small spoon can’t cook but I candraw roxelle that’s more than I can sayI can cook but I can’t draw so we’re theoppositeand hopefully I don’t make a big messlike I usually do okay that’s one cupbut we need to and report well it M&Mcookies Oh funny you should mention thatyes yes I do oh yeah tuna for okay it’sfunny because I haven’t had dinner yetbut I’m making cookies first cuz youknow what sometimes you can have dessertbefore you have dinner and during anapocalypse who’s gonna tell you you’rewrong no one not you can’t tell me I’mwrong I won’t listen I don’t have to Ican eat cookies for dinner if I wantedto I’m just happy I had all this stuffto bake cookies hey what’s up NateNate’s in the house alright oh that’stwo cups no need oh thank you Ben okaylet me turn up my sound so I can hearthat thank you you get a donation dancethank you so much Benusing super chat to give me two dollarsand says hey Kati love gingerbreadcookies my dad makes the bestgingerbread cookies you’ve ever had inyour life now that is a secret recipethat he probably wouldn’t want to sharewith anyone but it’s like they’re thebest through this big they’re like thesize of like maybe a quarter and theirwe call them ginger thins he makes themevery Christmas and they’re so good[Music]and forth okayso we’re going with the flower Xena willsave Katie from the zombies as the chainTV exactly alex is saying yay cookiescan I have one wish I wish I could sharethese cookies with everybodyooh Brent is saying it literally justhad a bag of popcorn and a cup of macand cheese for dinner Katie do what yourstomach tells you I like that mentalityI do all right Wow done nowa lot of you are probably wondering heyKatie are you drinking wine while you’remaking cookies yes yes I am but anytimeI want to drink the wine I’m gonna haveto go off camera to do it because mylast video drinking wine got demonetisedbecause I was drinking wine don’t peoplehave like shows where they’re like isn’tthere like a tipsy bartender type showwhere like people can can make drinksonline I don’t get it okay so I’m gonnatake a sip of my wine over here youcan’t see me it’s the strangest thingit’s like YouTube just chooses when todo monetize something which makesabsolutely no sense to me but you knowwhat what can you do nothing ah roxellesaying I’m already done drawing thecookie how long has it beenah hey deranged you get a foundationdance and saying oh that’s very sweetKatie you’re the prettiest thing I’veseen all day thank you thank you so muchyou wanted like the prettiest thing thatI’m gonna have seen all day thesecookies when they’re caress me wineequals not appropriate says clay youknow what um nothing in the YouTubeguidelines says that you can’t show wineit says like no drugs and no like drugparaphernalia or guns or weapons oranything like that but whatever whateverI even read it anywaybaking soda and salt okay so we need oneteaspoon of baking soda all right oneteaspoon of baking sodaokay baking soda one teaspoon and now weneed salt what I like to do with thesalt is pour it over the sink becauseit’s really hard to get an exact amountand then I’ll take like a little knifeor spoon and on the flat edge just wipeoff the excess and into the bowl okay sowe’re done with the baking soda and okaynext hey that’s just old old man grumpyYouTube for you says pre goo yeah whatif you were cooking with wine I wonderif that would get to monetize probablynot it’s probably cuz I was drinking itand saying everyone like bring yourdrinks but I didn’t mean alcohol I meantjust a drinkHey whoa that’s a gamer hey welcomewhat cookie little cookies what are wemaking we’re making chocolate chipcookies so if you have any ingredientsto make you have any ingredients to makecookies make some cookies with me is italcohol a drug no it is not considered adrug as far as how YouTube broke downwhat was considered a drug uh Katy withher kitchen hacks he yeah okay so movingon slowly oh I didn’t heat the ovenpreheat the oven to 375 hold on we haveto do thatokay greatdone it’s thereokay then okay so then we put the butterI’m gonna put this bowl aside it has ourflour baking soda and salt in it thenwe’re gonna add our butter which hasbeen sitting on the counter to kind ofget it a little bit more roomtemperature which makes it a lot easierto mix not gonna lie and you guys can’tsee but I do have try to move things outof my way I have a little KitchenAidmixer here I don’t know if you can youcan see it there you go it’s a littleKitchenAid mixer and I love this thingit’s so old it’s probably like one ofthe first generation mixers that theyeven made and but I love it my grandpaknew that I really really wanted onelike ten years ago and then found thisone for me at a garage sale and I’vebeen using it ever since and I love itand right now I’m just saving up becausea lot of the fixtures in my well youcan’t really see but oh that it’s goldthis is like a gold medal basically mykitchen is like white black and gold andI’ve been saving up to buy the gold withthe metal the gold metallic kitchenmixer so hopefully one day I can buy thegold one which I really really love ohno Branyan saying oh I didn’t preheatthe oven Katie’s off to a fantasticstart look there’s this is gonna taketime and my oven takes like threeminutes to preheatit’ll be fine um up to none what’seating Girl Scout Samoas while watchingthis so you’re eating the worst kind ofGirl Scout cookie just kidding justkiddinganyway room-temperature butter in thereinto the mixer two sticks two sticks ofbutterSantonio by the way I renamed to myselfon switch have I noticed no I have ityou’re gonna have to remind me afterthis streamokay two sticks of butter in the mixerthen we have to add the sugar and thisrecipe calls for 3/4 cup of sugar whichis a live Oh Joey’s movie blog petitionfor Katie to get her own cooking showit’d be very all over the place they’dbe like hey guys okay so we’re cookingactually wait if it wasn’t live you’d befine you’d be totally fine if youweren’t live but because we’re liveI get very distracted with all thecomments anyway sugar 3/4 cup you’re notsupposed to do it like this but I’ll doit cuz we’re on camera but then if youwant to make sure that you put yourmeasuring cup on a flat surface so youcan really see how much you got in thereand either add or subtract 3/4 cupperfect into the mixer now this is kindof where we start getting into the likehow to make a recipe your own sort ofthing this basically all the recipe saysis add butter sugar brown sugar vanillaand then you mix that all up and thenyou you’re supposed to add the eggs butbut what I like to do is I like to startmixing pretty much from the beginning somind your earsI’m giving you a heads up if your thingis turned up a lot I’m gonna turn thismixer on this up that loud but just towarn you it’s not plugged in that mightbe helpful see this is why I don’t get acooking show I’ve already failed alrighthere we go[Music][Music]okay so basically I’d like to like getthe butter all whipped and it basicallyjust becomes like a sugary butter so nowyeah oh sorryhopefully it wasn’t too loud so nowwe’re adding brown sugar this is anothersort of family secret when adding brownsugar it says 3/4 cup well that’s what Iadd but let me show you exactly what Idooh this brown sugar it is withoutgetting it all over the place hopefullyyou should have a wine tasting withKatie show I would if I wouldn’t getdemonetised goshcome on YouTube girls just trying tomake a living here so if you were topour in your brown sugar into this cupand sort of just kind of take a look atitit would look like it’s 3/4 to cup rightokay well in my family what we do whichis probably not healthy at all but wetake a spoon and we press down the brownsugar so much so we basically are addinga crap-ton of extra brown sugar to therecipe but by packing it down we can fitin a lot more to get to 3/4 cup so wereally that’s like one of our familysecrets which I’m sure a lot of peoplejust do anyway really pack down thebrown sugaruh-huh creak ooh you’re so sweetI think you’d do really well with acooking show you could team up withRosana Oh her stuff is so cuteokay so I have pushed down all of thisreally just trying to firmly pack it inhere although it keeps sliding aroundbecause so it still looks like it’salmost at 3/4 a cup and I’m just gonnaadd a little bit more more kitchen hacksuh unison I heard baking cookies and Igot excited yeah welcome so ok 3/4 cupactually that’s a that’s not 3/4 cup Ineed more anymoreI get the feel of Katie makes a cookbookand have recipes from store packagingand boxes but she scratched things inherself that’s funnythat’s really funny look sometimes thereare recipes in the store for a reasonbecause they work and they’re deliciousbut homemade recipes are the best and mymy mother is such a good cook and shehas kind of taught me a lot of thingsabout cooking but everyone in my familycooks even my dad my dad is such a goodcook and my dad these are like hiscookies so he he’s the one who hasreally mastered this recipe and passedit on to me and even like as hard as Itry I baked these cookies a bajilliontimes they’ll never taste as good as hiscookies all right 3/4 a cup of brownsugar firmly packed in there into themixer and we’re gonna mix it up mindyour ears rinses buh-bye[Music][Music]all right so I’ve mixed that all up andI’m not cutting corners Zack you knowsometimes I mean no matter what you cooksometimes you’re gonna go online and geta recipe that’s the same thing I’m justusing a recipe that probably peopledidn’t think about what’s my worstbaking failure probably that dragon cakethat I actually did make a video aboutdo you guys remember my dragon cake itdid not look good at allso I tried that once tried it justdidn’t work I don’t know if it was thepan or the recipe wasn’t good okayI’ve added sugar and butter now we needthe vanilla and two eggs we have vanillaright here how much vanilla okayone teaspoon 1 teaspoon okay I probablyam NOT gonna have enough in this bottlewell yeah I doOh No shoot I should have opened up feellike The Witcher there we go okay oneteaspoon of vanillaokayI like the video of Mario Party 10 theBowser party with others can you do moreof that when we’re allowed to not bedistant from each other sure oh did ittaste good the cake uh not reallyit was okay it was a box cake Brent issaying you’re making it your own that’sgood especially if someone wants torecreate it and blow and blows theirhouse up in doing I mean yeah sure Iknow like unscrewing a bottle like thatreminded me of The Witcher I don’t knowwhy um oh you said don’t go don’t leaveokay great now I’m gonna mix this upsome more then we’re gonna add the eggssuper easy[Music][Music]great okay so the recipe calls foryeah Michael’s back hello hello hellowhoo I want to see how much to eat whatkind of sandwich uh that’s true okaytwo eggs I’m gonna crack them in thislittle measuring cup here in case I getany shell then I can weed it out unlikeum if you were to just crack themdirectly into the ball you would geteggshell all over the place but I dohave to say that my I cook I made acooking video last week making a chickenand my little cousin was watching it andloved it and really wanted me to giveher a shout-out and I know she’s notwatching live right now but for when shewatches this back hi KieraI’m making cookies just for you and Ihope you make cookies and hi that’s ashout out for my little cousin she’syoung and she’s adorable okay puttingthe eggs in one at a time and the mixergoes[Music]the next egg[Laughter]okay so now all of the white ingredientsare in there and now we have to slowlyadd in our flour baking soda and saltthe dry ingredients into the wetingredients slowly without hopefullymaking a giant mess but I probably willcuz that’s me cookies[Music]Zacchaeus asked how did my cousins reactwhen they learned I make youtube videosthey don’t really know what YouTubevideos are like they don’t know whatyoutubers are that’s they’re too youngfor that but she’s she’s so sweet and socute and she loves to cook and bake andso she saw my video and she she justloved it so I had to say hi hey Marwhat’s upwolf King alright one more time sorry[Music]all right and now hopefully hey SM downis here helloall right admin the last of the dryingredients now they’re all in hereget mixed up[Music][Music]hello I’m just mixing up this batter[Music]like to put it at a high speed so itgets everything off the middle do I likesnakes and lizards no no am I likepetrified of them no I have held a snakeI did that for Tomb Raider one time atcomic-con I got to lay in a pit ofsnakes and that was kind of creepy andterrifying but I did it so I’m not likescared but do I like them no oopsall right I’m just kind of getting allthe batter off the sides and then I’mgonna mix it one last time I bet there’slike people who cook in real life whoare like you’re doing everything youknow what okay I love these cookies okayhere we go[Music]there’s like morning little piece ofbutter that just weren’t mix just likemix there we go it makes finallywhy did I lay in a pit of snakesyeah good question why did I do thatokayso now I’m gonna add my chocolate chipsbut I don’t have a full bag of chocolatechips but that’s okayit’ll be fine favorite videos Andre Idon’t know I have so many what’s yourfavorite video I’ve done with Andre youguys ask me that all the time I don’thave a favorite because we’ve done somany videos together hey Cocoalright here we go mix it up thechocolate chip[Music]we is asking if I have any pets where ismy pet lucky lucky dog it’s actuallyhurt dinnertime I should feed her -what’s this mixer it’s a KitchenAid it’sa KitchenAid mixer it’s really reallyold really old but yeah and my someonewho tastes their batter you betRocco Vito is the best thing ever lookit up come heregood come touch she’s so confused she’slike something’s up I can tell come hereduckthey do it with that her name is luckyclearly this is lucky she’s a big girlso she’s kind of hard to carry no I haveto wash my hands but yeah I’m gonna feedher and then I’ll bake cookies hang onone sec oh what’s the best Girl Scoutcookies definitely Tagalog tag along formy favorite hey what’s up beat tez Idon’t think this is a marble countertopI don’t knowalright I’m gonna feed the dog hang onall right dog has been fed what’s myfavorite movie oh that’s too hardexcuse me Thin Mints are the best grossgross gross gross you know I hate thinmints they’re disgusting oh I need acookie sheet sure if you’re supposed togrease it firstlet me check uh into ungreased bakingsheets cooloh wait and I need to know how manyminutes and just gonna leave that thereokay so now we can take the spoon andbake and put the cookies on the cookiesheet and you kind of have to use yourhands for this so that you can get inthere and I’m not sure like if there’sany sort of technique to doing thisbesides plop them and smush them alittle so that they don’t get too fat inthe middle I don’t know I don’t likemint and chocolate put togetherI like gum like mint or toothpaste mintbut or I’ll eat a mint or peppermint icecream but not if it has chocolate in itI don’t like that I’m making thesecookies like way too bigdon’t you have to put flour down firstno no wayjust straight onto the cookie sheetsometimes when you’re baking it’ll saythat you need to grease your cookiesheet or your pan first but no have Iever had a pizookie you bet they’re myfavorite I love pizookie one day I’dlove to make a pizookie probably justwith this ingredient like with theseingredients I could probably make areally good Kisuke but yeah I would loveto do that chocolate and mint don’t mixwell I agree gross but some peoplereally like it people love Thin Mintsit’s the number one selling Girl Scoutcookie I don’t know why they’re grossgross grossall right then making two lowly babycookies on the side Quarantine kind ofsucks Katie you bet you bet but I’vebeen doing a lot of baking and cookingand chatting with you guys and playingvideo gamesum you don’t like thin mints okay wellwe all have our likes me Kazuki’s arelike they’re so goodthose who don’t know to pizookie is it’sbasically um chocolate chip cookie doughin one big pan and then half-baked sothe top layer is like a chocolate chipcookie that’s been baked and the bottomis just a gooey yummy delicious cookiebatter it’s so good love it okay now weput it in for nine minutes hey Siri heySiri set a timer for nine minutes greatso now what we do well that first batchis going I’m gonna grab my my batter isin and I’m just gonna kind of take itall off of this this big mixer youshowing up lucky is the highlight ohthanks she’s adorableshe’s a cute little girl she’s she hashad the best day today I took her on awalk around the neighborhood don’t worrywe didn’t act with interact with anyoneand she was so good she was loving itshe was having such a good time whichuse which usually lucky doesn’t like togo on walks but today she was all aboutit she was so excited and then she justkind of has been running around all dayI’m shocked she’s not exhausted it’s forreal she should be so tiredokay I’m gonna eat this cookie gommm cookie toes a bethmm hey agent deep thank you hi heyfearless Astrid yesterday was yourbirthday happy birthday hey Wonder WomanKatie yeah hi I’m making cookie doughbecause why notcookie dough is the best part it is itis the best partmm-hmm oohMyron’s asking any tips against asnoring husband sorry no I have zerotips for that luckily that is somethingI don’t have to do it all rightOh No lucky doesn’t get any cookies shewould get a stomachachetrust me it’s getting dark out so I’mgonna turn this light down a little bitthere we gowhat’s my favorite video game I don’tknow it’s so hard yeah best reason foreating the raw cookie dough yum yum yumoh yeah you should definitely do itanyone who has a birthday during thishorrible stay at home time you shoulddefinitely resell abrade your birthdaywhen we’re not in quarantine that’s whatI think[Music]ooh ice cream YUM how am i holding upI’m doing just fine I mean obviously Ican’t work which is really sadI really miss working I miss being outof the house um actually you want toknow what’s funny let’s let’s play alittle game herewhat is I’ve been seeing like a lot ofpeople being like oh my gosh I reallymiss sports or I really miss um gettingmy nails done or something what is whatis kind of like the first world problemthat you guys miss about the world likewhat is something that you miss that islike a first world problem I missgetting to go to the grocery storewhenever I want and buying avocados nexttime I should try to bake cookies forlucky using peanut butter no she doesn’tget any peanut butter she’s had enoughtre 80s is today right lucky did you getall the little little pieces of food Idropped over there I think she did I’mgonna miss the bar yes going to the barI send down sports shadow is asking whatdo I work as I’m an actress and a hostand I’m making YouTube stuff obviously Ican continue to do that but all myhosting gigs unfortunately are cancelledbecause all the conventions I usually goto the hosts or movies that are comingout are canceled um school I’m justwatching sports and going to the moviesNate is saying I can’t believe I’msaying this but I miss school Wow I missgetting paid so like in my movies I wasgetting paid to seeing a movie in atheater March Madnesssports for sure movies I miss moviesgoing Lego shopping being able to go tothe theater and see anything school alot of people are saying school forinstance goes to school gratis a movietheaterMichael’s saying I just miss being ableto browse in a store Ohverso was saying I’m considerednecessary so I still have to work that’sgood I guess I mean it’s dangerous but alot of people are losing their jobsHaji s productions Myron is saying Imiss shoppingChuy’s saying going to the mall shockysaying movies yeah Mitch saying I missgoing to Target and going to the coffeeshop to study drew misses going to thelibrary mall and the movies Mitch goingto Disneyland that’s mine that’s mineI miss Disneyland ah you just remindedme and I’m sad cuz yeah I missDisneyland so bummed I was supposed togo to Disneyland like the day that itshut down I’m so sad I missed getting afountain drink my schools canceled tilJune holy molyI miss hanging out with my nieces ohyou’re a UPS worker thank you for yourservice seriously without you no onewould be getting anything you’ve gotlike an amazing job thank you for doingyour job and thank you for continuing towork and putting yourself at risk oh mygoshlike thank you Lucas I miss Disneylandmarsan Barnes Noble glorious saying youmr. Cody going to Subway getting TacoBell you can still get Taco Bell get inyour car you could go through adrive-thrurap saying Universal Studios yeah himiss Disneyland and I miss I missgetting my nails done that’s kind oflike my first world problem like Ihaven’t had my nails doneall year and I usually do so I missedthe toilet paper aisle that’s hilariousthat’s hilariousBrad saying I’ve never been toDisneyland it’s so love it over sosaying you work in a homeless shelteralso thank you for working andcontinuing to work because that is soimportant um killuminati what kind ofcookies are we making tonight we’remaking chocolate chip cookie chocolatechip cookies getting a haircut saysAndrew yeahFrancisco saying recess meow-meow gaveour time yeah uh like the wolf stovethank you thank you thanks thank you[Music]yeah eventually eventually this wool whydon’t you do your nails at home goodquestion um I suck at itI’m terrible at it um it never works outfor me I will forever pay someone elseto do my nails unfortunately I cannothave anyone to my house and I cannot goanywhere so I will just deal with reallygross nails OhKenickie saying I miss my days off workwildly sure Chuck the chip yes I’mmaking chocolate chip cookies yeah Iwent through the drive-thru of Taco Bellnot too long ago it was like a week agohang on I gotta check the cookies B Siriset a timer for a minute yeah I’mexcited for Wonder Woman but sad it gotpushed back but it’s for the best Iwanted to make all the money it can yeahI miss doing everything – yeahI’m a licensed cosmetologist I’ll helpyou woof that’d be nicethe best type of cookies or chocolatechip cookies yeah you know what’s funnyis like I am a homebody and I usuallyhave friends over and they all come hereI don’t go out a whole lot except forlike work and I really really reallymiss working and I miss um I really misshaving friends over but you know assomeone who doesn’t really go to barsthat much I really do miss like goingout going out to dinner going out for adrinkmeeting friends oh I can’t wait to dothose things so oh you’re a dutchlicensed cosmetologist you’ll teach meoh I’ll never learn trust meI’ve attempted to paint my nails beforethat’s why I usually get gel nailsbecause I will break or chip the painton my nails in ten seconds after havingthem done I’m lucky I got a haircutbefore the quarantine yeah I got my hairdone before quarantine – thank goodness[Music]Lucas and Katie we have you to talk toand you’re amazing thank youyoutuber you’re an amazing youtuberthank you guys it’s you know I I’ve donea couple of live things on my youtubechannel hang on we took he’s serious notimer for one minute you know I’ve I’vebeen making YouTube videos for likeeight years or nine years it’s somethingcrazy and just YouTube has changed somuch over the yearsandI like I’ve made a couple of live videosbefore but nothing has been so rewardingthen getting to like make these livevideos with you guys and get to talkwith you guys and get to just get toknow you like I see your name’s pop upon Twitter on Instagram on my YouTubechat and I’m like I know who that personis and that’s something I’ve alwayswanted from you know like I have alwayshad like a really core group of fans orfriends fans you know I hate that wordbut viewers people who watch me and Iknew their names but it’s so nice to getto kind of get outside of that a littlebit and just get to talk with you guysknow where you live and what you do andall of that thing all of those thingsanyway that’s that’s it for me I willnot go on that but anyway I think thepoint I was trying to make is thank youand I’m really appreciative of you guyswatching my videos and chatting with meand being here with me and supporting meI mean deranged and Ben and Michaelthank you so much for your super chatand supporting these streams it reallymeans a lot to me and just the fact thatyou guys are here to bake cookies withme it’s awesome you guys Rock all rightI’m gonna get these cookies[Music]here someone screencap this so that thiscould be my thumbnail later and then Idon’t have to fake one so yeah these arethe cookies I really excited so coolyeah they look so good they look perfect- you really do they look perfect oh youguys are so sweetMitch saying we appreciate you have beensubscribed to for a while but neverreally got to sit down and get to knowyou it’s nice that these streams allowus to hang out with you Nate thanks formaking all the awesome content drewthank you for making videos and I helloyou’re the best Katie thank you for allthe videos and streams I love chocolatechip cookies they’re the best me too metooZac saying YouTube’s been such astruggle for me lately but its creatorfriends like you and the few people whowatch my content that make it worth itthat’s how I feel I mean I I used to getso many views on my youtube channel andthen they just kind of all went away oneday but it’s not really about viewsbecause you can’t really make money onYouTube anymore it’s really just aboutsharing your love of something withpeople who appreciate it and that’sreally what these streams have been it’sbeen all of us hanging out together andappreciating each other which is awesomeokay hold onsorry that was Wowso we need to load up the next panel ofcookies all right so we should have beendoing this we should have been preppingthe next batch of cookies while thosecookies were in the oven but we didn’toh geezBobby is asking hey Katie if you won thelottery what is the biggest nerdiestthing you would spend it on I don’t likespending money that’s kind of like aweird thing about me but I have alwaysdreamt of going to New Zealand so Iwould absolutely spend some of the moneyto take an incredible trip to NewZealand and get to go to Hobbiton andget to see where they filmed Xena that’skind of always been a dream of mine getto go to New Zealand see all the filminglocations and so if I won the lotteryand had copious amounts of money all ofa sudden that’s what I want to do go toNew Zealand hey Deb what’s updeath water is here Oh Myron is sayingI’ve watched your bids a long time agobut YouTube’s algorithm keeps me fromshowing things I want to see that’sweirdhey Kevin yeah I don’t know why thealgorithm does that sometimes sosometimes you kind of have to just watchall my videos even if you don’t careabout what I’m talking aboutsometimes it’s it’s good for thealgorithm to just like throw it on inthe background while you’re doingsomething else I think you can even mutethe video but it just helps get thevideos up in like I have a couple ofyoutubers that I don’t like missingvideos of but sometimes I’m likeinto that kind of video but I make sureto watch all their videos otherwiseYouTube will be like cool you don’t likethis person anymore bye and then you’llnever see a video from them again that’swhat happened with the warp zoneall of a sudden YouTube was like we’renot going to show you any warp zonevideos I was like I keep missing alltheir videos because YouTube’s beingstupid don’t worry I fixed it I’venoticed that just watching I hit thebell notification and I watch theirvideos right away seems to work nowthey’re always in my timeline which isgood alright last batchI had something in my throat and I’mgonna eat this cookie go except ifthere’s any left in this bowl you knowwhat first I’ll put them in the ovenhow’s that Danny and chat paybackFandango thank you guys for the screenshot for my thumbnail appreciate it pregoo cookies turned out greatI’m putting more cookie dough into theoven now those cookies turn out awesomehey Siri set a timer for 10 minutes thisis it that was it it only made twobatches of cookies because I made themkind of bighave you watched them off in theirvideos appear more something sometimesthat wasn’t working for me I don’t knowwhyall right guys should we try a cookie Ireally I really want to I’ll show themto you again I need to actually pullthem off the cookie sheet dang hang onall right I’m gonna pull them off thecookie sheet and put them on this rackhere you can just let them cool for toolong because I like cookies straight outof the oven cookie yeah they’re not ashot yes get me eat one all right we’regonna try this cookie and see anotherreally good mmmladies like homemm-hmm so usually when you pull thecookies out of the oven you need to putthem immediately on a rack on thecooling rack because otherwise they getthey keep cooking on the cookie sheetwhich is stupid but I was distracted sobut he turned out greatsorry I don’t like talking with my mouthfull hmm Brandon is saying do you haveany music recommendations I made aApokolips on Spotify when I’m destructdescribe the taste in color so I’ll justscrap I’ll describe it like how they doon the Food Network the the outer edgesof the cookie are crunchy as you firstbite into it but then you’re met withthis warm gooey melty buttery insidecenter and and then the chocolate chipsare just so decadent and chocolatey andyummy and I would not make it on theFood Network but really though they’relike butter buttery and they’re like Ilike to leave them like a littleundercooked in the center so that youkind of get that crunch on the outsidebut then you almost have like that warmcookie dough taste in the center hmm hirevolutionhi Connor what’s up reading cookies YUMI baked cookies you guys are so funnyI don’t know my wines in the shot I’mgonna get to monetize don’t tell themokay um oh my god you guys are so funnyMyron’s saying you’re amazing greedy boyyou nailed it Kevin you’re making mehungry back Fandango Katie just made mereally want one of her cookies Spartannow I want one Oh Zach posted myapocalypse thank youthey’re really good they’re super gooeyand they’re yummy but I want one freshfrom the oven I waited too long hmmthey’re really good thoughanything’s for evolution likes my shirtmm-hmm-hmm really though that’s like oneof the best batches I’ve made in a whileI like is the last place I lived had ahorrible oven we would like never bakeanything rightthey were baked with love they were I’mglad you guys were here to watch me bakecookies I can’t drink on YouTube stupidYouTube there probably didn t monetizeme for calling them stupid mm-hmm mironBRB gonna go downstairs for some cookiesten out of ten for your chocolate chipcookies yay thank you they are reallygood my parents would be proud of mewho’s my overwatch mane Moira oh my goshback grande go yeah gooey in the middleand crunchy on the edges is like God Tyrconsistency isn’t it that’s what’s thebest about chocolate chip cookies like Ihate them when they’re all hard andthey’re they’re not like soft all theway through but like you kind of needthat little bit of crunch and a littlebit of gooey and then they’re perfect umwait spartans said no surprise sheincluded a song from the Tomb Raidersoundtrack it was called run for yourlife is the apocalypse and that was myapocalypse makes sense I should get fiveof your friends PJ’s for the otherJustice League heroes and have a slumberparty Oh that’d be funyeah when we’re all allowed to hang outagain together silly hair driving mecrazyderpy fandom reporting in oh I’m notmaking muffins sorry guysbaking cookies I didn’t make any muffinstodayyeah the Tomb Raider soundtrack is firedthank youit is Mitch saying you’ll be right backgonna take some medicine maybe play theswitch for a bit oh don’t get sick don’tget sick it must be so hard toconsistently think about YouTube rules Imean I don’t usually have to I neverthought my video we get D monetize fordrinking wine that’s absurdsome people have whole YouTube channelsand brands built off of alcohol I mean Iget ads for alcohol on my videos I havedone ads for alcohol on my videos andsomehow that that gets to monetize I betI know why I bet it’s because mythumbnail has a glass of wine in it andthey probably didn’t even watch thevideo they probably just saw a wine andway yeah we’re not even here and I’mgonna watch it was only two hourlivestream they were gonna sit throughit hey first stream hey suck Sarah oh mygosh sorry Sarahhi I was reading your last name as whileI was saying Sarah and then I saidSarris are um well welcome to your firststream I’m very excited to have you Ibaked you some cookiesand they turned out really good andthey’re so yummy and I have one morebatch in the oven right now so I’m justchatting up a storm okay Tara is sayingor Tara sorry um favorite switch game ofall time breath of the wild for sure yesyou all know I was in the muffin songfrom random encounters I know I knowI’m not ashamed of it I loved it I lovedworking with them I would work with himany any day did they call me up they’relike we’re doing a video and be likegreat from there unless it we’re rightnow because we’re supposed to socialjustice but my drunk kitchen yeah thatthat’s a thing that people can doYouTube doesn’t get fair useah Francisco saying me make some fishthe only fish I have is I have somesalmon in the freezer but that’s notwhat I’m having for dinner tonight I’mmaking tacos no no I did like asuperhero pose but yeah I’m making tacosfor dinner tonight but first be seriousset a timer for two minutes so littlelonger any quarantine TV showrecommendations yes Mick millionsamazing it’s on HBO it’s awesome if youhaven’t seen Hulu’s into the darkepisodes puka and culture shock I’m inthem and you should watch them if youhaven’t watched superstore I’m also onthat show and you should watch that showwhat else The Witcher if you haven’tseen The Witcher you should watch TheWitcher not on it but I would love to beTaco Tuesday is it Tuesdayit’s today Tuesday why don’t I know thistoday’s to Taco Tuesday I haven’t hadtacos in so long that cookie made mereally hyper okay Oh Mykel saying thatyou first discovered me through the warpzone yeah they’re amazing greedy boywhat yeahSara is saying my favorite randomencounters video is console wars andthat’s how I first discovered yourchannel console wars is my favoritething I’ve done with them just becauseof the epic harmonies and all the ladiesit was awesomeangry dragon fetch a coin if you’rericher it’s toss a coin hello backFandango saying uh so that was he withsuperstore I thought I was imaginingthingsthat was me I’m in the Golden Globesepisode Westworld is great – yeahwatching Westworld make millionsWitcher shits Creek if you’re notwatching shits Creek and you want tolaugh watch that so good I think that’sit I watch a lot of trash TV so unlessyou like reality shows and trash realityshows you should yeahthat’s a different list I could give youOh Ben say you still watch superstoregood thanksshe slides out of frame to drink herwine why you know make video with Andreno more hey Elliot welcome why don’t Imake videos with Andre well currentlycurrently we can’t hang out togetherum and also I don’t know we’re busy doyou make videos with your best friendevery day I’ve been funny if that wasAndre texting meOh Robert thank you it’s taking my dad15 years to get back from the cigarstore and he’s still not backuh oh well thanks for the super chat Iappreciate ithold on I have to put this oh why notduh oh my gosh duh how can I forgive myNonna it’s the best show please everyoneif you’re not watching my Nonna watch myNonnait keeps forgetting because like wehaven’t had it in a whilethese ones are already cool whoothis batch feels gooier than the lastbatchoh no I have to fit three more cookies Ihave no realokay done but now I need a gooey cookieright now I have to eat a gooey cookieI’m watching Jojo Bizarre Adventureright nowAndre and Katie are busy and we arethankful they are usually means morecontent for us thank youyeah it’s funny everyone’s like when youdon’t make me other Andre it’s like cuzlike sometimes we like to just hang outas friends and not video it if I could Iwould I would super chat but I am babyso that’s okayyes those cookies must be sad sorry it’sso gooey mmm cookie oh she dropped itit’s fineit lived it’s right Thank You Brent Ihaven’t had a chance to get around to itbut I will eventuallywho is the hot cookie do i watch any ofthe DC shows I really like arrow but I’mnot caught up not caught up bra theydon’t look like tacos nor are cookiesnot tacos I’m making tacos for dinnerwould i rank Xena as luzina is all-timegreat showyeah hey Connor thanks for being hereyeah I wouldn’t say Xena’s the bestmechanically made show everlike that’s Game of Thrones but Xena ismy favorite TV show of all time[Music]crazy guitar ladies saying now I wantcookies mmm they’re really good did thisit was better to eat them while theywere super hot and fresh and yummy[Music]what’s up just Jonah mail me a cookiethey would be gross trust me I know thatgreedy boy I figuredthat was a really good bite of cookiecuz it was like the perfect Centerum Spartan is asking if Seinfeld’s is inmy top 10probably I love Seinfeld do I think thatthere’s gonna be a show to step up tothe Game of Thrones level hmm not rightawaymm-hmmmy cookies came out great thanks forasking Lee did you discover Herculesthrough Xena or Xena through Hercules Iactually discovered Xena throughHercules but first ever time I foundHerculesthey showed a trailer for I think itsaid like next week this whole new showXena and I went oh my gosh I have towatch that and I said like I was a tinykid I was 5 and I set an alarm to notmiss that show and I remember going tobed because it was past my bedtime Iwent to bed and I snuck out of bed towatch the first-ever episode of Xenahmm free tacos are free cookies for lifefree tacos hmm am i excited for Lord ofthe Rings on Netflix or prime video yeahBoy Meets World love Boy Meets WorldXena started on Hercules well obviouslyduh I haven’t caught up on the newestseason of Walking Dead I need to watchit though so here it’s good I heard it’slike getting better so I want to go backand watch it all right guys I’m gonnaturn my oven off do that cuz I’m donebaking cookies it was so quick so easyand it would have been a lot quickerthis has been an hour in 20 minutes andit would have been a lot quicker if Iwasn’t distracted but that’s good allthen it’s so easy so quick to makecookies um hey what’s up mmmGideon Gideon quick-witted wit Ian yesfavorite season of Game of Thrones Idon’t know I don’t know Oh bye Kevin umall right guys I think I’m gonna headout because I baked my cookies and Iwant to continue to eat my cookies butum I gotta make some tacos stuff now andactually eat dinner and then all you ourcookies but I really appreciate you guysjoining me and cooking with me and Ihope you guys made something foryourself at home and if so share thephotos of of it with me I hate to go soI know a lot of people are joining rightnow but I gotta I gotta make some dinnerI gotta go it’s funny because umyesterday I skipped lunch to stream I’mnot skipping dinner tonight but guysthank you so much I appreciate it thanksfor being here thanks for watching mebake cookies and a quick shout out toRobert deranged lunatic and Ben Taylorfor supporting the stream tonight Ireally really appreciate it you guys areamazing and I’ll see you tomorrow forsome more something what should i dotomorrow maybe animal crossing maybe youover watch yeah we’ll see we’re gonnalivestream something tomorrow I’ll seeyou guys enjoy your nighthappy cookie making