Cookies Recipes

Learn to make Madeleine Cookies

These cookies are so fun and easy to make that anyone can do it!
So why not try? This video provides step by step instructions on how to make these cookies perfectly.
And what’s even better is that it’s all ingredients everyone should have at home.
Baking can seem like a daunting task but following the instructions is what it is all about.
I hope everyone likes this videos and if you try making them let me know how they turn out!
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Video Transcription

hello everyone and on this episode ofmrs. mess hall I’m gonna be showing youguys how to make these wonderfully easyMadeline French cookies so what’s greatabout these is it doesn’t require a lotof specific ingredients so everyoneshould have everything already in theirpantry so we’re gonna start withbuttering and flowering a shell pan andthis is going to help prevent thecookies from sticking so I just take astick of butter and I rub it along thepan and then once I get enough coated onthe pan I just use my fingers and I makesure I get in the divots of each section[Music]then we’re just gonna take a little bitof flour and coat each cookie space andthen I’m just gonna shake the pan makesure that every spot is covered and thenwe’re gonna just flip it over and bangit on the table because you don’t wantyou know like a lot of flour once you goto put your cookie batter in the moldsbecause then you know you’re outside ofyour cookies are just gonna take likeflat tastes like flour so you just wantenough to coat the pan and that’s it soas you can see I’m just turning it overand lightly banging it on my table andyou should have a pan that looks justlike this now we’re going to go aheadand take our butter and this is gonna bea stick of butter and we’re gonna meltit in the microwave and we’re just gonnaset it aside because we want it to coolbefore we get to adding it to our batternow in a mixer with the paddleattachment we’re gonna add our eggsvanilla and salt and we’re just gonnawhip this until it just becomes lightand frothy and you’ll see what I meanI’ll show you once we get thereso and I just have my mixer set on amedium settingnow we’re gonna zest a whole lemon andif you don’t have a zester like I do youcan honestly just use a fine greatsetting on a cheese grater and you’llget the same resultnow we’re gonna slowly add our sugar toour froth eggs so you see how it’s likereally light and bubbly that we’re gonnaslowly add our sugar you don’t want toadd it all at once because it’s gonnadeflate your eggs and then your batteris just gonna have to work twice as hardto get the air that it needs this wouldactually be the same process if you weremaking a meringue obviously just withegg whites but you always want to startmixing your eggs or your egg whitesfirst so that way they already have alittle bit of air incorporated into thembefore you start adding anything elseanything else that you’re adding to yourbatter is going to weigh it downpreventing it from getting as much airbeat into it that you need[Music]so we’re almost done adding the sugaryou see how long it’s taking me I’m justslowly sprinkling it in as the batter isbeating[Music]so once we got all that sugar added inwe’re gonna go ahead and sift our flourinto a separate bowl and you just wantyour flour to become nice and lightbecause like I said these are very lightcookies so this is gonna get folded intothe battery that we’re beating and weagain don’t want to lose any air to ourbatter so everything that we’re addinghas to be very light so after about twominutes your batter should look likethis and this is just the eggs the sugarvanilla and salt so we haven’t added theflour yet and you see how light that isand how as its turning the bat there isribboning this is what you want so nowwe’re gonna pull the bowl off of themixer and just scrape the sides down andgetting the bowl ready we’re gonna addin a third of our flour and fold it intothe batter and we want to make sure thatwe’re keeping as much air in this batteras we can so we got to move very slowlyand very lightly as we’re folding thisflour into our batter[Music]so of course you’re gonna lose some airjust as you’re adding you know the restof your ingredients so now we’re gonnaadd our lemon zest and then we’re gonnaadd our melted butter so your meltedbutter should be relatively cool by nowand we’re just going to add all that inat once and then we’re going to fold itin one last time[Music][Music][Music]so our batter has lost some volume likeI said that’s normal but it’s still yousee how light it is and how Airy thatbatter still is this is what you’relooking for now we’re just gonna gentlyspoon the batter into our cookie moldsand once we have all of our cookie moldsfilled I just gently shake the pan toget the batter to fill the edges of eachspace and we’re going to go ahead andput them in the oven to bake[Music]so these cookies only take like between10 to 15 minutes in the oven so theybake really fast which is really greatbecause that means you can eat themsooner so I went ahead and put them on acooling rack and then you can justgently push them out of their molds sowith the butter and the flour theyshould pop out relatively easily[Music]so and this next step is totallyoptional but it makes them tastedelicious I went ahead and dusted halfof my cookies with just some powderedsugar and now I’m gonna melt somechocolate for the other half and I’mjust gonna dip half of the cookie insome semi-sweet chocolate and let me sayit really makes them just taste divine[Music]so I’m once you have your chocolatemelted you can just go ahead and startdipping your cookies I just went aheadand dip them like on a diagonal anglejust for appearance sake but I mean youcan get creative with your designs dowhatever you like and I just went aheadand pop these in the fridge once I wasdone to get the chocolate to set andthen they were just perfect[Music]well there you have it this is probablythe easiest French cookie you will everattempt to make so why not try thank youfor watching my video if you like thisone please hit that subscribe button andit check out the rest of my channel onthe rest of my videos

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