Cookies Recipes

Kitchen Cookout-Sugar Cookies

This video is all about having fun and learning how to cook delicious meals and desserts to enjoy with the whole family! Videos will be uploaded every Saturday or Sunday, a great time to spend some quality time with your family and learn how to cook! ENJOY!

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[Music]hello everyone and welcome back to myyoutube channel so today my mom is hereback againand we’re going to make some fresh softsugar cookies so let’s get straight tothe video go ahead and like that but hitthat like button and let’s get startedalright so this is actually a recipeI’ve never done before so I’m going todefinitely follow the instructions alittle closer than normal so let’s firststart off with 2 & 8 cups of all-purposeflour so we’re gonna get two and eightcups we’re going to put it in a sifterlike this just next we have this thingkeep it up and it will work with twocups of flour so we know that that’sgood enough it’ll balance outthere you go – and I will just do aquarter our age rather sorry it says twoand eight and so we’re taking the littlequarter cup I’m gonna do half of thatlove how we can put math together -rightperfect so we’re gonna put that in thesifter in this big bowl the next thingwe’re gonna add before we sift it is 1/2a teaspoon of baking soda take your halfteaspoon again we’re putting it in thesifterhere’s our oven and then we’re gonnatake 1/2 teaspoon of saltall right we like to use salt balance alittle less salt content awesome go nowmanda do you want to go ahead and siftit sure I’m all the way through that’s afun little toy we got there butbasically it puts all the ingredientsand batter mixes them all together[Music]so we can actually put this so cleanthat later too late we’re going to putour dry ingredients over here just togive us some more room so next thingwe’re gonna do is combine the kind ofall of our quote unquote wet ingredientsso the first thing we have is a cupunsalted butter its softened to roomtemperature so one cup equals how manysix now this is a half cup so we addedtwo six your sticks might be one cup sojust add one stick but we have twosticks two six is equal to one cup forus yes so we’re gonna do this add 2/3cup of sugar so we’re gonna take 2/3 ofthose that’s alright of the sugar so onesugar and two sugar and then we’re alsogoing to take 3/4 of a cup of powderedsugar no actually that’s gonna beperfect so that it doesn’t varyaccording I yeah that way you that’sgonna stay nice and fresh for us cuz howmuch sugar can actually get a little toomoist too much moisture in it there yougokind of sift it all out a little bit asthe time you talked with us todayexactly so there’s one quarter there’sanother quarter coming in on us don’tworry we’re making bread – so we gotheaps going around all over the houseI’ll let the quarter of a cup one morequarter that was – yeah there we goperfect 3/4 and do that and we’re gonnatake all right little handy dandy mixerand we’re going to mix this in a lot ofmedium low speed for about 4 minutes soI’m going to start as low as we can be alittle bit to go through or it takesabout organiz to do that so I’ll beright back so we’re back with mixing ourbutter and sugars and next we’re goingto add our egg yep B then the egg allright just one egg is needed and then wealso need one teaspoon of vanillavanilla vanilla extract sometimes that’shard to pop openand if your duty it says just untilcombined so basically you don’t want toovermix it together and so the nextthing we’re gonna slowly do is add theflour mixture mixture and just beatuntil combined as well so same idea solittle by little we’ll put in a littlebit first not the whole thing I wouldsay about a quarter of it then we’ll mixem in we’re going to alternateand you’re back so after we mixed in allthe ingredients this is actually ourcookie dough batter so we’re gonna takea scoop an ice cream scoop and scoop youwant it could be just a little it couldbe just a little regular spoon thisworks just fine it’s in my house that’swhat I have we’re gonna go ahead androll it together shape it into a balland then we’re gonna stick it in our 1/4cup of sugar which is just like thiswhich makes it sugar cookies and we’regonna put these on a cookie sheet withparchment paper tops unable to getburned and then we’re gonna throw thisinto the preheated oven at 350 degreesso Amy why don’t you come on over hereto help us with this okay to make it alittle faster in time it gets a littlesticky so that’s okay so not quite thatmuch let me show you how much this noit’s a little too much okay so I cantake half for that okay and make it intoa little bit of a ball not so closetogether we’re goodno it ice cream yeahabout two inches apart from each otherso we’ll probably put 12 on the cookiesheet dozens always good to go by so forcost three down and we will get rightback with us yeah that looks good yepthat’s fine all right we’ll be rightbackall right so we’re back with theselittle balls of our cookie dough we’regoing to put it in the preheated oven at350 degrees Fahrenheit for about 10minutes now that from there you know andwe’re going to switch them out once thatone is doneall right so wheel back we got all thecookies out of the oven and we have letthem cool on our trays for about 10minutes and even when I come on overhere we’re going to take one of thesecookies and we are close your eyes righthere this is our big brother Ryan overhere try that – sugar cookie they tasteso what’d you thinkawesome great why don’t you go and enjoythat all right guys thanks for watchingplease subscribe down below turn on postnotifications to see our videos everyweekend and we’ll see you guys next timeon kitchen cookout[Music][Laughter][Music][Music][Music][Music]

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