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Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi guys it’s Ava welcome back to anotherYouTube videotoday I’m going to be showing you guysmake cookies this is gonna beinterestinglet me recommend for let’s go bake somecookies first we need to make sure thateverything is clean so there’s new Juneso I’m adding my butch hair into a bigbowl and then I’m going to add somesugar and I don’t know the measurementsbut I’ve already measured it I’m sorrythat I can’t give you it guys that I’mnot adding a pinch of salt and then somedrops of vanilla extractthat I’m going to the draw to gettonight’s bachelor and then I’m justgoing to cream it so this is it allcreamed up I did have to put the butterin the microwave just to soften it a bitso I’m just adding my egg and I’m goingto beat that in as well looks like thefall and that’s what it looks like afterso now I’m going to add my flour butit’s very very important to save yourflour so you don’t get any bumps in oranything like that so I always my flourI’ve just got it measured it in a bowlalready so this is me trying not tospill it and it actually works prettywell but yeah that was fun that’s whatthat’s what it looks like all everythingand then I added a couple of tablespoonsof cocoa powder it didn’t really turnout by far they just you know and sothat’s what it was like and it wasn’tworking but I had to try some obviouslybecause you know priorities and but itwasn’t working so I had to go in with myhand and that eventually worked so Iflailed my surface out and I put someflour on my rolling pin and my handssuch as me putting it on my hands anddoing the let’s doing this weird facialexpression which I don’t know why I’mdoing that I saw it on my hands and thenI got the dough out I’m gonna use thiscow rolling pin whoo yes this actuallyis a car rolling pinlook Moo there we are that was not methat’s the cow so I start rolling out mydough which was very very very hard butI got there in I got there in the endI’m just rolling it out some more andkept on sticking and then I realized Ihad to obviously I’ll try some again butthen I realized how to put flour on therolling pinand then I used a glass and to make thethings because I’m I didn’t have anycutters so they would do the job andthey did and so that’s mejust cutting it out people let’s bedoing the thumbs uphad them off the beds after so these arethe cookies and then up my sister hmmand then I put them on for 15 minutesand then they’re done I’m turning it offhere’s what they look like then puttingthem onto a plate and which they lookdelicious and I’m trying one which wasand funny yes I’m trying one and theywere absolutely delicious my facedoesn’t really show how much I like itbut you know these cats look adorable Ihope you enjoyed this video of me makingcookies they turned out super supersuper good I would have decorated thembut we didn’t have the things that youneed to use to decorate them and makesure that you like this video subscribeturn on notifications and I’ll see youguys next time[Music]