Cookies Recipes

I tried to bake cookies and this is what happened…

Hi, In today’s video I tried to bake cookies… yeah they didn’t really turn out as planned. Hope you enjoy 🤓

Original of the video here

Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
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Video Transcription

[Music]hi so we’re making some cookies so Ithink we’re just gonna get straight intoit and I’m really nervous because Idon’t eat bread in the house yeahanyways so let’s get started with thisbaking so first off I’m going to takeyou into my pantry and I think it’s likeI’m losing pantry energy so here’s myspice cabinet and I’m just gonna ah teanext I’m going to take you into my emptyfridge and get some eggs what the getstarted I’m making the cookies and herthing don’t bend at my house and we aregetting out of Bowl let’s go[Music]so I just finished beating my like thecookie dough thing the base I guess andthis is what it looks likepretty swag um yeah flour time boom so Ijust realized I’m a bit stupid butanyways are how many chocolate chips butI did find white chocolate buttons voilaCam’s put the cookie on to the tray andI think I’m gonna call these karatecookies because Greg we’re going throughsuch a hard time with karna Myers andthese cookies they gonna help usthis thing is gonna help me put this andthat head time like in my head I’m yeahdon’t you and Fritz okay let’s put thisthank youto make the shape of a cookieit’ll be perfect your YouTube video isgoing to be so bad it doesn’t matterit’s gonna get them using they ask youhow you’re able to say that you’re fineyou’re not really fun you just can’t getinto it sorry these are the finishedcookies[Music]

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