Cookies Recipes


I BAKE COOKIES WHILE ANSWERING YOUR QUESTIONS! I took to instagram to ask you guys to give me some questions to answer on this video! So lets bake together! I’m baking cookies which is literally my favourite sweet treat…ever!! I cover all areas such as what i’m doing in my career, What’s happening with this channel and some personal things too!!!
Hope you enjoy the video and learning a little more about me! Stay Safe everyone x

Until next time,
K Y E x

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Original of the video here

Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes

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Video Transcription

oh my god this is getting so messy whatmade you start YouTubewhy are you gay hello everyone welcomeback to my channel I hope you’re doingvery well if you’re new here thenwelcome my name is Kai and I quit fewdays on travel lifestyle pretty mucheverything really so I’d love it if youstuck around and clicked that subscribebutton below in today’s video I wantedto do a Q&A so I checked it Instagram toask you guys to ask me questions toanswer in this video oh that was a longone so I thought I’d mix it up a littlebit and do some baking as well so we’regonna be baking some cookiesso yeah we’d have forever do let’s getinto the video[Music]okay got my chin last day so it waseither this or a nice coffee mm-hmm I’mmaking cookies and normally I likebaking everything from scratchhowever there’s nothing in the shopseveryone’s going absolutely crazy to payfor their banana bread it seems so Icould get a flower can get a sugarcouldn’t get any eggs nothing I couldonly get this I love cookies who haslots of cookies leave in the commentsbelow what your favorite are 180 degreeson the other end I’ve shared on thisbefore I start filming okay that’s doneand and also I broke my mixing bowl ofthe day absolutely smashed tosmithereens so I’m happy to use thisawesome which is fine it does the samejob so going on with the questions thenI received so many lovely questions fromyou guys enjoy watching your videos madewhere have you been from past few weeksI assume it was when I had a littlebreak so I played it like four videosand then I go stood for probably likethree weeks maybe two or three weeks soyeah there was a lot of confusion overmy job and was my still hunt job so yeahit wasn’t in the best friend my mind butI’m back and I plan not to go anywhereright so I just added the cookie mixthese are literally like a teepee soyeah barking really and I’ve just addedthe oil butter and bit of water that Ialready pre-measured before so I’m justgonna mix this together next question isdo you know Georgia at easyJet she’s onYouTube too and yes I do know Georgiashe’s one of my friends we obviouslywork but easyJet together and yes so shedoes such great content over here aboutcabin crew and bit of everything reallyso don’t check her travel so yes I doknow for the jar either here on youtubenext question is can you do some morecabin crew videos yeah absolutelyI’m more than happymore coming through videos before thiswhole coronavirus thing I have loadsplanned when this all blows over whichhopefully it seemed then expected thosevideos about cabin crew next question iswhere it’s your favorite place to travelto as an FA love your flight attendantvideos oh thank youwell when I’m working it’s verydifficult because I don’t really get offthe aircraft but visually when we get afew minutes and just how lovely theairport ears and the surroundingsinnsbruck is lovely and I like thedredge because we do night stops thereyeah so Innsbruck and Madrid it’s myfavorite before I go on with any morequestions I’m gonna add in some egg soI’m just gonna break them up and justtuck them in I know it’s got chocolatechips in it already no no for me somemore in there right next question iswhat is one thing you would change aboutworking as cabin crew I guess it wouldbe the hours I’m not an early bird atall really and I prefer to work in theevening I think that’s the only thing Iwould change a bit yeah so no nothingreally I change and I love my companythat I work for which airlines you workfor is the next question two secondsall right work for easyJet they arebased in the UK and further in Europe aswell fantastic company to work forabsolutely amazing if you’re looking tostart a command crew or anything I wouldsay great an easy-chair is there anyoneelse absolutely with my experience it’sbeen absolutely amazing so what do youuse to film your videos the quality isreally thumbs up I use a canon g7x markii it’s absolutely fantastic forsit-down PGA’s I’m looking good becauseit’s portable it’s got a flip up screenit’s got Wi-Fi and I’ve got a ring lightas well only because the weatherconstantly changes within the UK so oneminute it could be bright sunny and thenthe next it would be cloudy so that’snot very pleasing aesthetically for avideo so yeah that’s why you use a ringlight and sometimes I might use my phoneinside if I want to do some reallycinematic slow-mo shops like if I wantto travel trip or something I need tolet these sit for a couple of minutesI’m going to let them sit there so thenext question is favorite song right nowand favorite album ever after they pourthe favorite song right now is jolt or alonely now I know it’s a bit over planeat the moment favorite albumI’d say the Ministry of Sound summeranthems I mean it’s got a bit ofeverything it’s got some remixes by itbrings about so many great memories ofgoing on holiday and downloading it tolisten to on the plane so yeah I thinkthat’s my favorite album anyway the nextquestion favorite place to go now that’sreally tricky in the UK you’d have to besomewhere like in LondonJack and I Jack’s my boyfriend reallyliked theme parks so it’d have to beeither like deportment hours for partjust intern anything like that yes inLondon in the UK abroad would definitelyhave to be the USA Florida mostdefinitely it’s my favorite place to gonext question is going picks what cameraor phone do you use camera I use for mypictures well which have to be thiscamera I’m using the canon g7x or myiphone XS max I take really good qualityphotos but I’ve just deleted a lot ofpictures on my Instagram I’m trying tosort of get like an aesthetic InstagramI want to sort of delete everything anddo break similar filters on everythingmaking it all nice and aestheticallypleasing so that’s why I’ve got 12photos or something ridiculous nextquestion is where would be your dreamplace to livegod this is so difficult I love FloridaJack and I are Florida obsessed we loveeverything Disney will have everythingbut it would have to be Florida orBarcelona next question is is AF asalary enough to live in the UK I wouldsay yeah absolutely it’s enough to liveon of course every company in the UK hasto abide by minimum wage anyway I thinkit’s really good funny actually dependswinters not so great because obviouslywe don’t fly as much but summer can beabsolutely amazing so yeah it is enoughto live on in the UKright so I’ve let the cookies sit or alittle bit so yeah this looks good Ijust wash my hands that’s what I’msaying and right I’ve got the questionsI put my phone over herenext question is do you enjoy beingcabin crew I have heard it can be lonelyI do enjoy it being cabin crew I lovedbeing having crew and I can agree it isa lonely job because you don’t see thesame people and you just don’t bond arelationship with them so yeah it can belonely so next question is where are youfrom and oh my god this is getting somessy where are you from and love yourvideos by the way thank you so much andI’m from Brighton and Brighton and Hovenext question is what made you startYouTube I thought about it for such along time and I was been a star likeyears and years ago but I just never hadthe confidence I loved travelling Istill doing so I created up a travelvlog and since then I really enjoyed itbut again the confidence came in the wayand I didn’t know what other peoplewould think of me and that’s a reallybad way of thinking and now I would sayto anybody who wants to start off itsjust go for it don’t matter whateveryone else thinksstart in February and it was the bestdecision I’ve made actually I’m good soglad I started you know I’m one of thesebelievers now that you don’t know untilyou try anything and love creating thecontent and the ideas and the filmingand the production side affair I justlove it all so before I answer the lastfew questions I’m gonna pop these in theoven in they go next question is what isthe funniest thing that has happened toyou on board there was this one time orwhen we landed and with touchdown theoxygen masks dropped in the galley and Idon’t know I found it quite funny at thetime of course it’s not a funnysituation if you’re in the air but onthe ground I just was so confused and abit like what the hell is going on nextquestion this one’s a bit rude hahahawhy are you gay moving onwhat I like Why ask that question Ican’t answer it like how can I answersomething like that next one is what hasbeen your favorite holiday of all timeoh my gosh look at these cookies I can’twait to eat them beauties anyway cookiesare done so next question is whatproducts do you use for your hair gotsome like generic wax and the got to beglued hairspray that’s pretty much all Iuse and a purple shampoo which tonesdown like the orange genus in my hairbecause I do have highlights so on thesubject of my hair I’ve actually got anupcoming video which is gonna be superexciting I’m actually dying it whichcould go either way really and yes I dostay tuned to that it’s gonna be a funone next question is what did you dobefore working as flight attendantdifferent things really worked inrestaurants as like team leaderssupervisors and a restaurant manager aswell so on to the last two questionswhat should I doif I want to become cabin crew but myparents don’t agree with it gosh that’ssuch a tough one I can’t even imaginewhat that must be like if you want to becabin crew you’ve just got to tell themthat’s what you want to do maybe if theythink it’s not a good career choice orthey don’t think it’s a good step foryou maybe just talk to them about whatthe job actually involves because a lotof people just assume that we just servetea and coffee all the time and yes ofcourse we do serve drinks and snacks andeverything but at the same time we arelooking after people’s safety at the endof the day we’re making sure people aresafe that we are safe for the lastassisting with first aid or evacuatingan aircraft of course that doesn’thappen all the timebut I think just talk to your parentsabout the job role and what it entailsso I hope that you can get the courageof talking to themso yeah just talk to them and the finalquestion is what would you give youryoungest self three life tips that’s areally good one I like this question Iwould have to say is don’t worry aboutwhat other people think of you is a bigone I was always worrying about whatpeople thought of me and things likethatI never really thought I’d be goodenough and I always doubted myself stopdoubting myself is another one as wellso next I think is just have fun so whenI was younger I probably got 1617 Idecided to leave college and go straightinto a career at the time it was greatbecause I was earning good money for myage I was missing out on a lot ofopportunities in terms of likesocializing with my friends because Iwas so focused and that’s not a badthing but what I would say is and to myundersell is prioritize your work andfriends together likes all the questionsguys that concludes today’s video whereI bake cookies and answer your questionsI really do hope you enjoyed this videoif you did give it a good old thumbs upalso leave a comment down below with thethings you’re getting up to duringself-isolation and how you’re coping andof course at my uploading schedule willbe 9 a.m. on a Wednesday and 10 a.m. ona Sunday so do subscribe to stay tunedfor my future videos of course as I’vesaid I’ll be dyeing my hair in one roomso yeah do make sure you check that oneoutwithout further ado thank you so muchfor watching and I’ll see you in thenext one[Music]

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