Cookies Recipes

How to make vegan cookies

3 ingredients

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hi guys it’s Katie so today we will bemaking vegan cookies before we getstarted don’t forget to Like andsubscribe down below so let’s getstartedthe first ingredient that you need tomake vegan cookies is cake mix make surethat it contains no dairy you will alsoneed sparkling water it can be anyflavor and we will also need chocolatechips now these chocolate chips do havedairy in them so they are not completelyvegan but if you want vegan full vegancookies then you can go to the store andget something so let’s start this so thefirst thing that you want to do is youwant to get your cake mix and you wantto pourwe’re going to pour in the cake mix ohyeah and you also want to set your ovento 375 now you will be adding thesparkling water so you’re just gonnakeep adding a little bit of sparklingwater at a time until you feel like itis cake mixture like you feel it thebatteries so I’m just gonna get a littlebit and pouring in a little bit at atime just gonna stir that and just keepadding a little more at a time into theperfectso you just want to keep adding andmixing and adding and mixing until itgets to the perfect so it is starting toget now just make sure that you don’twrite too much okay so now that it’s atthe perfect point we are going to beadding a chocolate chips make sure youdon’t add too many cuz then I will justtake away the flavor[Music]so now I’m going to mix this also thiscake batter might look different to youbecause this is gluten-free because inour house some of the people aregluten-free just in case you werewondering so now when all of yourchocolate chip cookies are all mixed upyou’re going to wanna put this over tothe side grab okay so now we are goingto one cheese so I guess huh I usuallydo like your finger apartDrinker part so you’re just gonna keepgoing I might want to push it overyeah that’s good okay so you’re going towant to keep scooping and it depends onhow things your cookie sheet is you cando three in each row or four feel freeto taste a little make sure they arespread apart enough so the cookies andthey rise and the other they don’t sowe’re almost done with the first stepokay so then finish with the first batchyou don’t want to come over to the stoveyou might want to use parent to helpwith thisfor at least nine to ten minutes we’llbe good so that’s it please tell me inthe comments how it was by

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