How to make vegan chocolate and seed cookies
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I honestly can say …..
I KNOW WHAT you are GOING through when it comes to having your kids at home 24/7..
It’s been years and years since I have lived with a tween.
I have argued with her, raised my voice and just simply been EXHAUSTED, living with this small active human, my 8-year-old Goddaughter Seaenah ….
The demand is real…
She wants my attention when she feels fit.
She is hungry alllllll day.
And she argues with me over and over, about stupid shit that just makes me feel like saying “just go away”…
And then there is cooking…and along with the family kitchen there is Seaenah, right there wanting to give it a good crack.
If we are going to bring a culture of cooking into our lives, we need to bring our kids into the kitchen.
And if we really want to survive in this world we MUST teach our kids how to cook.
Let them play with the flour and the eggs. Allow them to measure a cup of the milk or oil.
Let them stir the batter. And make a mess.
Let them sit in front of the oven to witness how simple ingredients like flour and water and sugar can turn in to the yummiest cookies.
Kids are like a sponge. They absorb everything.
Let us allow them to experience the wonderful world that is called the kitchen.
Soak them in there as frequently as you can, until they learn that cooking is an ordinary daily part of life.
If I don’t show Seaenah how to cook then I have lost my knowledge and what’s the point of having the experience and knowledge if I don’t pass it on.
This is a moment in time to be able to cook with Seaenah throughout the day….and I genuinely believe that if I can sit back and allow her to scoop out the ingredients and make a massive mess with food, she is learning how to survive in this world
1/4 cup Coconut Oil
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
1/4 cup Plant Milk of your choice
3/4 cup Rapadura Sugar
2 cups Bob’s Red Mill 1-to-1 Flour
2 tsp Baking Powder
A pinch of Salt
1/4 cup Roasted Seeds of your choice
1 cup Vegan Chocolate Chips
Preheat the oven at 350F/180C. Line a baking tray with baking paper and set aside.
Whisk together the coconut oil, vanilla extract, milk, and sugar.
Gradually stir in the flour and baking powder, and add a pinch of salt. If needed, pour in more milk.
Mix the ingredients until a dough is formed.
Fold in the seeds and chocolate chips.
Make cookies from the dough, line them on the lined tray, and bake for 15-20 minutes or until cooked through and golden brown.
Makes: 4-6
Prep time: 10 mins
Baking time: 20 mins
Freezer-friendly: Yes
You can see more of my recipe on How to make vegan chocolate and seed cookies on my blog:
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Thanks for watching my video on How to make vegan chocolate and seed cookies
Original of the video here
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Video Transcription
I’m chef Cindy Louise welcome to myfabulous space when we get to eat notdiet dieting silly we don’t diet do weknow this is my goddaughter um so I helpmy godmother and um so I come here everynot every day but I came here because itwas a show so I came and then we madecookies so in the next episode today Ihope you do a thumbs up and the nextepisode today I’m we’re gonna do a cakeand then pumpkin soup I hope yousubscribe thank you so pre-heat youroven first so preheating your oven isturning it on now and so it gets hot sowhen the cookies go in they’re actuallystarting to cook instead of having acold oven so I’m gonna prep my ovenpreheat my oven I’m gonna preheat myoven to 1seventy-five just depending on your ovenstay there come on baby come on babycome on come onit’s on it’s on yeah are you sure myovens really old tell them how old myold it isI think you’ll like for when I boughtthese on it it’s so oldmove it on is it on yeah because it’s Isee some fire down ok cool put the lighton I always like to put the light on soI can see push it harder yeah and so wecan see inside right when it’s cookingbecause we want to know what’s going onhey okay so now we’re gonna make thesecookies so we’re gonna need chocolatechips please Sienna great we’re gonnaneed some flour and we’re using speltflour today you can use gluten-freeflour if you want to we need sugar goodjob and we need baking powder thank godshe’s on a roll you’re gonna need theseyeah it’s really good to measureeverything isn’t it so then we can getit right everything is breaking oh yeahyeah where they come apart these onesdon’t come back these ones are quitecool so you’re gonna need these I’mreally glad you lined everything upbecause we can show everybody what wehave which is really important now thesugar we’re using today is rapid duosugar but me and Sienna always cook withcoconut sugar don’t we but we’re usingrapid wash today do you want to showthem the coconut sugar the difference inthe color where is it where is thecoconut sugar again that jar coconut youwant to show them the difference just inthe color and it tastes different rightmm-hmmyou’re kind of saying that was sweeteryeah it’s really interestingcomparing sugar that’s right because wecan gold mine okay now you need to havesome water yeah yeah had thissome of this because that is reallysweet what you just said right la Ithink I’m getting drunk right nowdrunk on sugar and coconut sugar isbeautiful that comes from the coconuttree and it has this like beautifulflower and they get the SAP out of itand drips into this bag and that’scoconut sugar than they dry and thissugar which is rapid or sugar which I’lltaste this one okay I know it was reallydifferent to this one this one’s reallysweet and caramelizing like real carameland this one’s different this is rapidor sugar I hate a whole ball of that onea very whole bowl of that one you canput that back on the show now I’m goingback the chef so I don’t see it againtotally right yeah because I’m noteating that other bite and imagine ifshe you can put it any way imagine if Ihad white sugar well that would be likefor her I mean I’m already hypo rightyou all ready for lot and we’re bothfull-on imagine having white sugar sowe’re going to teach you how to makethese cookies without using the whitesugar and just having a little beautifulrapid or sugar and the chocolate chips avegan and they have got rapido sugarinside let me open it slowly I’m hopingso they taste so good our oven is on andwe’re ready to rock and roll so we’regonna add Sienna I need water of coconutoil which is over here into here okaywhat if you don’t have a mixer like thisdon’t worry you can just do it with yourhand what’s thisI just pull one it’s good job just rubit on your skin coconut oil is reallygreat moisturizer I’ll watch it on thetablethank you you like me one more time ahjust a little bit more just a littlethanks yeah cuz I noticed your quarterof a cup wasn’t quite full okay we’regonna now we’re gonna reason you gotsure we’re gonna need I think two ofthese to show you please and I’m gonnaget the situation okay you get thisI’m gonna get so we need Oh big you canuse this my cookies are great they kindof like get really addictive yeah andshe goes reallySugar’s garage yeah we love sugar and Iwant to go to genius to buy some can youjust show them what you did that isperfect measurement that is exactlyperfect how she did that like levelingthat out instead of having a heap do younot I mean look at how to main like youdidn’t have like a heap so that’s whatso a lot of people go like this but youdid it perfectly by pushing it down sogive me another yes please bakingrequires measuring its kind of annoyingsometimes because that kind of freestylestuff but baking really requires you tomeasure which is really important you’redoing such a good job mate I just yeahit’s good perfect this is our kitchenremember we can make as much mess intothere so what’s in there now we’ve gotcoconut oil meal and any sugar okay sonow we need to whisk it what so we’regonna put this on wait I went black ohwait don’t don’t do that until I put iton where is the whole well line it up soit actually goes in come on wait let metry yeah just fill it okay you push itup you spin itphysics oh it’s a lot well done thanksmate okay so now we need to put it downso click thisgood job okay now we just mix it and nowa little bit just like one because Iknow sometimes when we mix it too fastit goes everywhere so you need to besuper mindful maybe to plan up to twothat’s up to two so well Gungans behindthe camera it’s very good good firstI’ve been good how are youGungan you want to have a look insidehere so we can show you what we’re doingbecause we’re trying to cream the butterso tell me you want to jump on the tableso have a look inside here good good iswhat we’re trying to do is make itreally creamy I asked it for for goodjob and now I’m gonna put a little bitof coconut milk in there just to get allyummy and mushy so give me a bit morespeedgood jobso what we’re trying to do is mix thesugar and the oil together and we addeda little bit of coconut cream andcoconut milk sorry just so it can pickup just scrape down the edges becausenormally cookies are done with likewhite sugar and butter and they makesure you make that up like cream and andno butter and what sugar and then youcream it so we’re trying to do thiswithout white sugar and butter so giveme some speed that’s right yeah go forit go for it got it yep yep yep do it doit do it do ityou can stop you can wipe down the edgesfoaming cut it off this and then lowerthat down that’s it and wipe down thoseedges see how it’s creaming togetheryeah push them in like chilling it outokay really hard yep click it in that’sit give me some speed give me some speedtogether why we’re doing this to makethe sugars a bit much doctor[Music]you guys are messing ingredients Asylumobjection right okay great so now we’regoing to take that off young man insideand now we’re gonna put this one on andwhy why am i changing these paddles whatdo you call it the flower what do youneed I think new flower yeah becauseit’s way too much sugar yeah I justscoot off for a little bit you can useany flower you like it doesn’t matterI’m using salt today the other day Iused gluten-free it’s just it reallydoesn’t matter it’s kind of up to you ofwhat you want to use but we’ve got speltflour so what I’d like you to do Siennaoh that’s a good one what I’d like youto do is put give me four of these soyou can scoop it out and put mine todaywe’re nose yes please four of thosethat’s it that’s baking measuring likethis is really important when you’rebaking I’m gonna absolutely absolutelyso who’s that that’s one always count mygirlfriend’s a pastry chef andeverything is favorite Elsa and she hasthis ability to make cakes that come outperfect every timeand I always fail at it because I justdump it in there and wing it and it justdoesn’t work but you’ve got to actuallymeasure things and make sure it’s leveland flat you know each half cup quartercup of whatever it is okayto wash that’s the guy just dump it inthere leave it there okay just don’tworry just leave itjust put that just leave it – and nowright and then four and then we’re doneall right right here where is it waitwait waitbrush yeah check this out oh is that howmany is that nowthree thank you okay can I do the littlebrush there yeah I love Russian are yougoing back on the tablewait I need to remove this way socleaned up a mess which is great it’snot and now we’re bout to the we nowwe’re up to the next part of thisincredible situation we have here so weneed to add our coconut milk and you canuse soy milk you can use rice milk youcan use any milk you like we’re usingclose this is your milk do we put enougha little bit in here let’s try them onfirst and on and on low because we puton high it goes everywhereoh it’s looking good oh yeah yeah so nowwe have that just just about mixed seetaste it give me half of that we need tostopsalt to the building block of flavor andit pulls out the flavor of everything soyou know it’s in the store yummy we needsome vanilla hold the line caller I’mgonna get some vanilla vanilla all rightso I’ve got it I got it I got itput some vanilla in there put it back upgive it another whirl just wanted to[Music][Applause]okay put it down guess what we forgotthe raising agent Oh – it’s all goodbecause we’re professional Baker’s knowwhat we’re doing so we need to so thisis what I’m gonna do because we forgotit I’m gonna put the raising agent inhere and I’m gonna mix it with a littlebit of flour sprinkle it in there allright whack it all night turn it ondon’t mess with methat’s the perfect cooking dogthey should be stopped okay give me abit of speed and I’ll turn it off okaynow we need to add our chocolate chipsso you won’t turn you want to turn it onwhile I’m dribbling okay give me a bitof speed there cut it off okay let’s addsome seeds in there too can I try youtry itmmm together salt made it different hmmhigh-five me right now mm-hmm that’sreally good that’s really goodthat’s good okay let’s put some seeds inthere and the reason why are earningsome lovely sunflower seeds and potatoesjust for that crunch it’s good to haveseeds in your world all right put it onjust a medium oh yeah that’s it good jobthree more just in case rightI’m gonna clean up while you watch thatokay so put it onto two and I’ll cleanupall right rock turtle turn it offbecause I’m all the mmm thing is on themixture yeah totally okay this is you’redoing a great job can you get me thetray pleasethat’s great you get me the tray placethe tray over there put these back let’sget this out we need some baking paperall right see look at that I know you’regonna try to get it out hang on we needthis do you know why we need thisyeah just some sticking sticking yeahcuz when it’s on the thing you had tolike pull it off I know right and thisis just fantastic so like you can pullit off easily I think that we need toget it off that thing first right so letme do this job get it off here prettyhard and if you grab an ice cream scoopthe red one I think thats hanging upthere oh yeah yeah and I think why icewell let me tell you and let me tellthese amazing people that are watchingit because we get the same size do not Imean so they all cook the same way Iknow right where pastry chefs look it upto go we know what we’re doing don’t wemate I’m gone you just can’t wait tolick this can you govern this is this isfor you Gigi actually notes for mummymoney standing there wanting that – allright guys let’s get the cookie doughmixture to get all those chopped chipsincorporated oh my gosh it’s amazingright are you ready uh-huh play shopyeah okayso when you do it so take it take it tothe wall take it to the wall like thatand this is how you get a levelsituation right like that and thensqueeze it out okay I’ll hold the bowltake it to the wall don’t have too bigdo a big scoop just a little scoop I’mjust putting you’re doing great don’tabout your fingers lick your fingers getinvolved this is the thing with bakingright you’ve got to be able to feel likeyou can do all that and make a mess andhard isn’t that yeah where are you thenyeah do you know that on theprofessional I need this view now I’mjust hungryI had no breakfast you can’t have all ofthat because then you can’t have cookiescuz you already had your dice on it I’mserious yeah stop eating and laugh andthen I wish used together be greatthings making them all the same size issuper cool because I’ve made me beforewhere they’ve been different sizes thatI haven’t cooked thanksyep perfect ha that’s it we gowe can wash the dishes later if you likewe can put these in the oven now on itlike how you wash your hands just washyour hands dry your hands on the tailright so sometimes I like to make themflat and push them down do you think weshould make them flat me yeah what doyou wanna leave them like that I thinkwe should yeah like that like that orpush them down a little bit I think weshould put them down just a little bityeahbut yesterday you put them like yeah allrightall right pick them out put them intothe oven so we’re gonna cook them Ireckon or how long hang on meaning alumyeah let me just put it on the tableright hang on I’m gonna put them for 15minutesand then we’re gonna check them okayyeah you ready it’s a hot it’s reallyhot are you good you got this mateokay 15 minutesstop yeah let’s put that here all rightwe’re gonna clean up a mess yep how manyminutes do you have to go like 40secondsI don’t know sign show them the thingyep then jerking they’re cooked I thinkthey’re cooked really look to me I thinkmy ovens really old okay my oven so goodit’s just a bit slow so let’s get oneout I mean the time it goes on and let’sjust all get it up a notch eight eightseven six five four three two one I’mgonna get one out of kite can you get mea wire wrap can you get that wire wrapdown there hey hey can you get that wirewrapped on it yeah like the big one Idon’t think they cooked yeah that’ll doshucks that on there see I know they’renot cooked come here have a look socheck this out see they’re still soft soI’m gonna put them back in againokay I’ll Angie’s like yeah you makeanother 15 15 minutes my oven is reallyslow so depending on your oven rightJustin when I’m at my mom’s house it’slike a fast oven and it cooks fast myovens like it’s old in there and doanother thing over again okay show thecamera what we’re doing into it foranother 12 minutes that push start 12:15there we goall rightso we’re just gonna wait and see whathappens so I’m explained to everybodyabout my old ovenwait my old oven no and how slow it isexcuse me yes Eunice Bolton say that toyou than I otherwise I’m greatokay I’m it’s my slow oven it’s goingbetter oh okayit’s a nice slow oven that’s old and youdon’t gotta be kidding ya making a messis okay this is the thing it shouldn’tgive you anxiety and if it does get help[Music]now really cranky you I get cranky youknow wait a minute right I get crankywith you listen sometimes me now it’sreally burn come on you don’t see itthen you near it okay look it’s thebubbles which out look out look out lookout look out look at thatyou need to get one of these kick themout remember you need to hold the traywith other hands remember yep nice andand then we’ll go from this side to thisside and now skipping them off that’s itgood girl good job but really you do getcranky with me excuse meyou do get cranky with meno you get cranky at me sometimes Idon’t listen to me though well sometimesyou’d always need to me so I get writtenthis is true this is true but I like youyou know you’re my best friend rightI had these one on the lowest shelf lookwhat happens run on the lowest shelfactually get dock off yeah I can stuff Isure love about him okay so that meansyou got to put them on them whichnormally which self normal this is stuckto my thing you look them on the middleshelf not on the lower shelf no no surethe lower one makes them take a so theycould they get up try to move the Trainto their lookout spot remember use yourglove into the sink could use yourspatula in there to put your glove overthere with this club thanks mate go getthem working I say excuse me I’ll justput it on the counter I don’t be therewe go so we’re done I would not touchthat cuz that would burn your mouth okaytryso these are great in the fridge in aglass jar when they cool down I’m goingto put them in a glass jar and thenwe’re gonna make a cake yeah totally butthen we’re going to eat them so and thenmaybe we’re gonna make pumpkin soupmaybe hi Padma good job let’s see these[Applause]these are so good chocolate chip cookiesvegan with rapido sugar oh yeahdamn you sure looks so good tomorrowafter being food Cherokee mmm come andhelp yourself they’re a bit chewy hmmit’s so hard being a vegan until we meetyou’re vegan yeah I say you just eatfish yeah I think they need to be I wantthem in the fridge that’s what waswritten in the fridge like a crunchy andI want them to be crunchy they’re a bitgooey and they’re kind of cool I thinkwe could add more chocolate no chocolatethey’re a bit gooey then the next timenow this is what we do we cook the foodand we eat the food Tammy we make a messand we make mistakesOh a lot of mistakes but I good rightyeahhappiness is chocolate chip cookie I’mCynthia and this is Janna and we areI’m chefs oh we are all that so todaywe’re gonna make pumpkin soupyep okay let’s take a cookie you needthem and would I eat them light it oh Iwouldn’t put them in a jarwhat Ellis let me get the check allright you get a jar anything awkwardokay sorryyou