Who invented vanilla wafers ?
The original Nilla product is the Nilla wafer, a round, thin, light wafer cookie made with flour, sugar, shortening, and eggs.Originally flavored with real vanilla, Nilla wafers have been primarily flavored with synthetic vanillin since at least 1994, a change which prompted some criticism.Presently, Nilla wafers are described as having “natural and artificial flavor”, according to the ingredients list on the box.
1 stick butter
3/4 cup sugar
1 egg
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 TBSP vanilla
1 1/3 cups all purpose flour
Oven 350 12-14 minutes DEPENDS ON YOUR OVEN. Check them at the 12 minute mark.
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Cookies Recipes
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Video Transcription
hey guys and local night tamesha’scorner so today I’m gonna be making somevanilla wafer cookies they’re nice andcrisp just how you get them out thestore however mine’s turned out kind ofbig y’all but they don’t matter theseare the ingredients are gonna be gonnabe butter flour baking powder salt alittle bit of salt vanilla and then eggyou know sugar of course this recipe isjust so easy and simple it’s like basicABC so we’re going to mix everything inthe mixer once we’re done with this partof the video I’ll come back and tell youguys what I’ll do nextbasically this is like a base what Irealized after eating the cookie is likea base for other cookies not everycookie but other cookies so I wish I hadum some chocolate chips to add to thisbase because it will set it off for realso you have chocolate chips and you wantto amp it up or you know nuts you canadd it in here and add it to it andit’ll be just as good so I’m gonna mixthese up and I come right back[Music][Music]next please you’re done you wanna putthis mixture in the refrigerator forabout 10 to 15 minutes it’ll be easierto you know scoop up and mess aroundwith and you know just a better cookieoverall if you let it sit and chill outin the fridge for a moment I’m takingthis bit these bits and pieces of cookiedough off the paddle to hold down myparchment paper while I scoop themixture so you can use a spoon twospoons and get the cookie shape down oryou could just use the ice cream scoopscoop like I am I just I use the schoolbecause I wanted them to be even and soyeah that’s what I did you can make yourcookies whatever size you want these wasthe smallest scoop I had in my pack sothese are the cookies when they come outthe oven like I said they’re bigger thanI wanted them to be but the flavor andthe texture was spot-on and I’m justobsessed[Music]