Have you ever wondered how to make chocolate chip cookies from scratch? Well, now you have the recipe that will bring joy to your taste buds
Original of the video here
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Cookies Recipes
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Video Transcription
what is up guys it’s chef Spencer backin the kitchen today back making anothervideo and today we’re going to be makingcookies so you guys might be thinkingthat this is a cooking channel but it’snot it’s just there’s not really much todo during the quarantine so yeah let’sget to making these cookies chop thefirst ingredient is two and a quartercups of all-purpose flour first you’regonna need 3/4 of a teaspoon of bakingsoda and 1/2 a teaspoon of then you’regonna need one cup of butter or twosticks one egg half a cup of white sugarand half a cup of brown sugar finallyyou’re gonna get one teaspoon of vanillaextract and two cups of chocolate chipsmy favorite for your materials you’regonna need a mixer a spatula and a spoonor ice-cream scooper to scoop out yourcookie dough let’s get started with ourwet dry ingredients first you’re gonnaget your flour and you’re going to getyour baking soda and throw it throw thatin there next you’re gonna get your saltand throw that in there too now you’regonna get your spatula and you’re gonnajust mix it around in there just mix itaround for a little whileso I’ll get it all combined now let’sget started on with our wet ingredientsfirst you’re going to get your twosticks of butter and put that in yourbig bowl another pixels okay I adviseyou to wash your hands before this nextyou’re gonna be putting your white sugarin all your white sugar isalso all your glass of brown sugar inknow you’re going to get your mixer andthey’re going to get someno you’re gonna once it’s doughy alittle doughy and sticky you’re gonnapush the sides down with your spatulaonce you put your sides down you’regonna get your one egg and you’re gonnacrack it in now that the eggs in youhave to put your vanilla extract nowonce again let’s get mixingnow let’s scrape down the sides andyou’re gonna add your flour mixture thatyou had set aside earlier now you’regonna get mix meonce it’s thick dense and sticky andDobey and you know it’s time to stopmixing so oh you’re gonna push down thesides then it’s time for the finalingredient which are the chocolate chipsof course and you’re gonna pour that allin now you’re just going to get yourspatula not your mixer and mix it aroundand so the so the chocolate chips don’tfall apart props to my dad for helpingme mix with the mixer and also stir upbecause it was actually pretty hard nowyou’re going to get your ice creamscooper and you’re going to just scoopthe dough out it’s a nice shapeif you did it right you should come outto 24 cookies perfectly as you can seenone left 20 but before you put it inthe oven make sure to make your doughreally round and not too big you knowbasically what I’m saying is to sheetyour dough and not make it too big so inthe video where I showed on my dough onthe little platform where I’m gonna putinto the ovenit wasn’t shaped already so I shaped itafter when off-camera so yeah make sureto do that so she’d be pretty roundednow let’s put them in the oven preheatyour oven 350 degrees Fahrenheit andthen put them in I’m putting one batchat a time so we can evenly distributethe heat and yeah okay like I like Isaid this is my first time making thisso I already found out put it in forabout 15 minutes at 350 degreesFahrenheit yeah as you preheated it upand then if you want it more crunchy ormore chewy just put it in for 3 minutesmore and take it out and look R at itbut it’s still not ready keep on puttinin for 3 minutesand checking it so that would be goodenjoyit’s done they are out oh my god don’tthey look goodholy Wow can’t wait to taste them but wegot a Coulomb when you taking it out ofthe oven make sure it cools down for alittle bit maybe wait a few minutes orso and then you can enjoy so yes let’staste hearty ate half of it food so gooddad how do you choose already thanks wecouldn’t get out my sister’s reactionbut because she’s dancing but thanks forwatching subscribe like share this withyour friends and I hope you enjoy