Cookies Recipes

How to make the best chocolates chip cookies 🍪 including secret chef 👩‍🍳!!!

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hi guys welcome back to my youtubechannel today is going to be a goodvideo because this is going in my firstbaking video with our ultimate chef thatyou have been waiting to see her name ischef Susan hi guys I’m chef Susan andtoday we’re gonna do best chocolate chipcookies and before we start this videomake sure you guys subscribe and clickthe like below notifications andsubscribe okay let’s get it on with thevideo last yupokay so the first thing that you will beneeding is a bowl if you like it yeah sofirst we use an app called BBC okay sowe use an app called pasty pasty withsomething like that it has a five-pointrating it is very good to use yeah don’t like it below okay and so we’regoing to use chocolate bag bestchocolate chocolatecookie chocolate chocolate chocolate[Music]brown sugar so you’re gonna need threeports of brown sugar 3/4 of a cup sohere is the cup and what that means isyou do three out of the four so fourmake a cup and so basically you feel italmost all the way up but not all theway so that means 3/4 which means it’snot for round four is only three out offour you got it you can a little manokay so three for this so your brownsugarso we go open this I’m just gonna pourit into this well actually[Music][Music]okay so now I’m going to go ahead andpour please let’s see what’s next soyou’re going to need one teaspoon ofsalt so this is a table sugar mom we’regonna need a tea a teaspoon of saltmake sure you got the teaspoon not a bignod to the table we’re gonna be verycareful so the trick is to do it overthe bowlnext we are going to be needing 1/2 acup of buttermommy got butter it’s been a few secondswhat we will need next is to mix it yeahthat’s okay so next we’re going to beneed at one egg the trick is to get itat the enema and crack it hard then seeif it’s ready and if it’s not oh yeahafter it especially what’s going onright now you need to wash your handshi guys we hope you’re enjoying ourvideo with this best chocolate chipcookies we’re making a half the butterhere ready all melted remember you need1 cup so going back to math here it’s 1cup 1/2 it’s just half of itit is everything I already measure itthank you this is chef okay right in setso now what we need to do is go aheadand mix it up long piece so doing thatwhat about the snakes eat so I guesswhat you’re doing is all the wetingredients firstyep and so then we’re going to add 1teaspoon I think one teaspoon yeah oneteaspoon of vanilla extractno here is the vanilla this is three Oof vanilla extractso mommy gonna here okay okay soand what we like to do is we like to addsprinkles just to give it a super coolplease I’m getting that Keith Moon andI’m getting that ready and she’s gonnamix itand then he’s still mixing it and thenafter when you’re done you are going toneed one cup and 1/4 cup flour so getour big part of flour on the frontburner yep and we’re going to fill it up[Music]welldry your cup because what happens isthat flower want to stick to[Applause]okay so we’re going to need one cup ofit do i mix it yeah so she’s going to goahead and start mixing while we get thenext angery which is half a cup teaspoonof baking soda so we’re going to needbaking soda oh yes don’t get confusedabout the baking soda and the bakingpowder that’s another mistake peoplemake because we are pros about cookingwe know what we’re doing we is yellow weknow is the yellow box it should be openperpetually yeah we’re gonna I think itwas a puff up no it’s a teaspoon soafter we add our baking soda and ourteeth she is going to mix until it getsinto like a dough consistence and thisis where we get to the fun part ofchocolate clips and again we like to addour sprinkles so mom is going to do thatuntil it gets to build consistency thisis almost done I’m gonna show you guysup frontand of course our dog night is here withus like what do you think about this sofar looking good okay now what do wehave to do how many chocolate chips doesit tell us because you have to followthe recipe whoa a lot of chocolatehere’s what it looks like so far it’s ina really good consistency mom should Iget the trays out yeah so this isprobably going to be the end of ourvideo because we have to let it sit fora long time then we can’t just keep thecamera on for that long so we this isgoing to be the end of our video this ishow you chill this after you do withthese hello guys after you do thisthough wonderful go you chill it forabout 30 minutes then you get an icecream scoop and scoop these little ballsinto the tray and then you bake it forlike 10 minutes and there you go yep andmake sure you guys put like a paper orlike parchment paper or we got video sowe have a grouchy dad that he’s ruiningour video but guess what he’s gonna loveyeah so I hope you guys like this videoI’m gonna give you guys a challenge tosubscribe comment down below and give alike to this video in five four threetwo one hope you guys did that join ourfamily and yeah I see you guys in mynext video bye

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