Cookies Recipes


In this video, I will be showing you how to make the best chocolate chip cookies!
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Video Transcription

hi guys welcome to career kiddies andtoday we are doing a cooking video sirI’m joined by my friends çetin hiand JJ help people and today we aregiving you the masterclass of how tomake chocolate chip cookies using aCadbury recipe so let’s get started withthe video this is what you will need 1teaspoon of vanilla 1/2 a cup of sugar 1egg 1 and 1/2 cups of self-raising flour125 grams of butter and most importantlyof all one cup of chocolate chips sirnow we’re going to cream the mixturetogether with butter sugar an egg andvanilla so I’m just going to put in thebutter and then next I’m going to beputting in the sugar then the vanillaand then um cracking in an egg now we’regoing to cream the mixture together nowwe’re going to mix in one and a halfcups of self-raising flour sir there’sthe first half cup and okay now thenit’s going to put the chocolate chips inand then JJ is getting the self-raisingflour and then we are just going to mixthem all together[Music]now we skip TSP sized balls of themixture onto the baking tray turn on theoven and put it to your hundred andsixty degrees Celsius batteries put thecookies inside and wait for 10 to 15minutesthe cookies are done and we can see thatthey are full of chocolate chips andthey are hee[Music]you[Music]

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