Cookies Recipes

How to make soft sugar cookies


2 3/4 cups of all purpose flour
1 teaspoon of baking soda
1/2 teaspoon of baking powder
1 cup of softened butter
1 1/2 cups of sugar
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
1 egg

Bake for 15-20 minutes on 375

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Video Transcription

hi everyone so today I’m gonna be makingsome sugar cookies and these are theingredients that I’m gonna be using sohere have some all-purpose white flour Ihave some baking powder some baking sodawhite sugar so I’m gonna like stretchsome butter here I have a whole egg andone egg yolk so let’s get started okayso the first thing that I’m gonna do iscome and add my butter make sure yourbutter is nice and soft I think it worksbest when you’re mixing it when it’snice and soft so all the ingredients andthe amount that I’m using will be in thebottom of the description and don’tforget if you like this video hit thatthumbs up and subscribeokay so another that’s in the boat we’regonna come with my hand mixer and I’mjust gonna mix everything[Music][Music]okay so now that my butter is nice andsmooth I’m gonna come and add my sugarand we’re gonna mix that togethermy doctor calls and always move the sideso you’re able to get all the sugar andall the butter and then we’re going tocome then we’re going to mix againso now I’m gonna come and add my eggsand I’m also gonna come and add myvanilla extract and we’re gonna makeokay remember to stop so you’re able towipe the sides because you wanteverything like I said always put myproperty so I’m just moving the ballaround okay now I’m going to mix it inokay so now that this is mixed I’m gonnacome and remove beam if I can get himoffokay and I’m just gonna pick up actorsand now we’re going to come and just putthis to the side okay so now in aseparate ball I’m going to come with myflour my baking powder and baking sodaand I’m just going to mix it alltogether and so it is well incorporatedso now we’re gonna come and jump to thenext stepokay so now I’m gonna come with mymixture and I’m gonna start adding it alittle bit middle like maybe halfand then we’re gonna come and startmixing it with a fork and so you see theflour covers everything the reason I saywhat a fork is because it helps with themixing and blending together a so nowI’m going to pour the restand if let me tell you you try thisrecipe let me know how it comes outbecause I know you’re gonna love it thisis one of a kindwe’re just going to continue mixing andyou want to continue mixing this untilyou see that it’s getting a little dryand turning into like a little how do Isay like a fan just want to continueokay so what I’m gonna come into nowwith my hand I’m just gonna make sureeverything is mixed properly and onceyou feel like this mix we’re just gonnacome see if this is the consistency youwant it to be okay so all I’m gonna zoomin you see city being better is I’mgonna take a little bit just like thisand I’m gonna come and roll it make anice little ball and we’re just gonnaplace them on a pan just like that goagain and you want them a few inchesapart because they do expand maybe likethisI’m not gonna do so many but I am gonnamake enough so while I was makingeverything my my oven has beenpreheating on 375 so it’s nice and hotand don’t worry uh they’re not all thesame size I mean nobody’s perfect okayokay so now I’m just gonna do these muchthanks muchall right so it looks just like that amI gonna do so many like I said now I’mgonna put them in the oven for 15minutes 15 to 20 minutes depending onyoursyour oven okay everyone so I spent 15minutes and my sugar cookies all rightson this is the way they look they’re sohot but I want to thank you for watchingdon’t forget to give me that big thumbsup subscribe hit that notification bellso you can be one of the first ones toget notified when I post a video andlike always thank you for watching andhave a wonderful dayyou

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