Cookies Recipes

How to make S’mores Cookies

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Video Transcription

hey guys welcome back to my channel so
for today’s video I am going to be doing
a baking video it is the summertime and
I did post a what is it like a home a
hole and I did whatever was either a
makeup look and a lot of you guys wanted
me to suffer and show you guys how I
faked I don’t know how to cook so I’m
gonna show you guys how I bake and I was
gonna do a cake but this is but everyone
said that I would be basic if I just did
a cake so I went on Pinterest and I
found these cookies okay so that’s what
I’m hoping my cookies look like and
today I do have my sister here with me
this is Sabrina’s already using your
name but um so quick little story time
if I ever made you a cake or cookies or
anything I actually did not make that it
was all her the sounds as I have her
here with me and so we are going to be
doing these cookies I’m going to try and
do them my way that I think is gonna
work so I hope they just don’t look like
you what that head right arms don’t
reach look like that um so we are gonna
get started we did end up going to buy
all of these ingredients at Target and
so we’re going to do the Toll House
cookies these small marshmallows where
if I nail her cheese okay guys well
there’s turkeys involved in this too so
let’s get started and then hoping are
where the help so here’s our cheese as I
said so here’s the cookie dough just
scoop up like a tablespoon oh my god I
don’t even have to put the cups Jim
roll it
and then flatten it up
yeah but gun down us okay okay
next you’re gonna take your Hershey
Kisses so I’ll let me do hat so it’s
only technically two squares I’m going
to place it on top right in the middle
okay I’m gonna get your marshmallows to
your liking
no you got to your liking so if it’s
looking something like this just sprout
a little more okay just a little just a
okay just a little a little okay and
then you’re just going to it should be a
little closer put it on top to cap it
I’m sure I’ve never made those so here’s
my and that’s my sister’s so okay there
there’s no state number one huh a little
I did Betty Crocker watch out okay guys
so I apologize I’ve been so am ia
there’s just been a lot of things going
on life things but I’m back okay let’s
talk about us um
it’s kind of like we don’t look at
interview an attitude so tell me a
little bit about yourselves and you’re
just like oh yeah a newbie that’s so
annoying when they ask that working on
this Drive
you’re hiring oh because a girl gotta
I’ll go gotta eat and got bills to pay
Disneyland it’s not cheap doesn’t mean
that I’m not cheap is anyone doing that
Halloween thing are you going no right
I’m going here in Halloween but I’m not
going to a Halloween event drink up
oh my god me and my sister were just
laughing about ha ha
we were just laughing about my shirt
honestly if you guys watched goosebumps
and like I said a hundred and something
times and then it um Halloween is my
favorite but we were just laughing at
the movie because we legit were like
what you gettin off the mess I was
terrified I honestly do where would you
want to live if you could live anywhere
um you know I can’t sing ok guys does
not like airplane rides
she don’t like elevators doesn’t like
elevators doesn’t like a metal coffin
but poop does that doesn’t like anything
like that’s off the ground okay so I
don’t what my mom did to her but yeah
she does not all right is that you say
guys when I did this Paul like honestly
I was just on the couch thinking and
thinking and I was like what can I do
for an extra pillow I was like they’re
not gonna like me genome cares
everyone’s trying to get their summer
body little Dino Alonso is over I know
but my summer buddy didn’t know so I was
like okay whatever that’s what I’m
saying but big gross okay okay so we are
done rolling these cookies so we are
going to set the oven at 350 degrees for
12 minutes yeah penny
so for 12 minutes and pray that the
traffic that they turn out like the
picture let’s hope so I will see you
guys in 12 minutes a few moments later
okay so we finally took him out a nice
hot oven um and yeah they look something
like that
they look something like this this one
looks good
this one looks like an a-plus thank you
I don’t know who did that one I think it
was you I know for sure I did that one
it’s a little crusty but it’s okay this
is the one I think I was when I was
talking about the big cookies like from
elementary school yeah I really did that
okay but this is what they’re supposed
to look like guys I think yeah we’ll
hold it together my nails remember we’ll
hold it together my fingers and a
cysteine okay like sausages okay so we
finally like the cookies cool down and
this was actually my favorite cookie
and you guys can see the other a little
they say yeah are your content because
it’s not okay so we’re gonna just try
this one and hopes that it came out
right yes but it does look like you can
predict it I don’t know see it does look
like the picture so I look like I’m
really camera show
do you see that do you guys see that say
something say something
okay come right Cheers oh it’s actually
good you know they’re good night I
didn’t oh oh good night I’m not even
trying to toot my own horn but pictures
what these things are like look it yeah
those are good and they’re actually
really good
they’re really good night I was really
scared especially with that big mother
though I remember the hair and because
I’m really good they came out really
good so make sure you guys like and
subscribe try this recipe out it’s
something a little different it’s
nothing too crazy like I said on
Pinterest it does say to add a graham
cracker to really make it a s’mores
cookie but I feel like this is more than
I need the crab graham cracker would be
way too much um so I don’t know it’s
just too sweet it’s just too many when I
was going up so please go ahead and post
some videos or add me or tag me and I
want to see if you guys do end up doing
this recipe I want to see how it looks
and how it came out so thank you guys so
much for watching and once again please
like and subscribe and I will see you
guys all in my next video bye guys my
cookies brings all the boys to the yard
and they’re like it’s better than yo my
cookies came out ate

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