Cookies Recipes


Hello, everyone and welcome back to my channel! This vlog is a continuation of Sunday’s vlog where I am actually productive and get back into things! Toward the end of the video I show you how to make edible cookie dough. I forgot to say a few things:
1. Don’t use grassfed butter. It makes this recipe taste bad lol
2. Feel free to add chocolate chips! You really should, but I didn’t have any, so that’s why I didn’t add any.
I hope you enjoyed this video even though it is short! Thanks so much for watching!

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I found out I was pregnant my junior year of college at the age of 20 years old. I thought everyone would be happy for me, but did not get the reaction I expected. I am now 23 and graduated from college with a toddler and had another baby girl in the September after graduation. I always wanted to make videos but never had the courage to do it until October of 2018, with some roadblocks on the way, privating my videos after a few people found out, but then starting again. I upload mom and lifestyle content every Tuesday and Saturday, documenting my journey and sharing my experience. I am here to show you that it is possible to be a young mother and still follow your dreams. Thanks so much for joining me on the journey!

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This video description contains affiliate links. If you purchase any of these products through these links, I receive a small commission from it. It does not increase or lower the price for you, but it helps support my channel. I use all of these products or they appeared in this video. All opinions are my own. Thank you so much for your support!

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Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
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Video Transcription

[Music]okaythey started actually and he’s askingfor some crackers so I’m gonna make hercracker snack that she always asks for Iforgot my glasses in the room but stillyou’re sleeping in there so I’m notabout to go in there but I just madethese crackers with peanut butter andraisins on them and she really likes ita lot so yesterday at the healthdepartment we had a little pee situationI don’t want to take the girls into thebathroom because bathrooms are justdirty so I tried to change Saylor’sdiaper in the car seat and she ended uppeeing and getting pee inside the carseat so we can’t go anywhere until Iwash the inside of the car seat and it’sjust like a pain in the butt to take outso I’m about to try to figure out how todo that now last time I said that I hadto do that in another vlog but I endedup just waiting for my husband to do itbut I really can’t wait on this I haveto do it now so I’m gonna try to figureout how to do that[Music]now I want to clean the ball thatdoesn’t really make a lot of sensebecause I already put it on the floorbut it really needs to be cleaned so Iguess I’m going to try to figure out howto clean the porch okay I’m putting allthis stuff in the wash now I know my theonly one who’s granting washes thingsevery time they go to the doctor’soffice comment below and let me knoware you a frantic washer and afraid ofgerms or you just say it makes youhealthier I’m kind of a mixable butdoctors offices I think are dirty so Iclean everything okay now it’s 10:15 I’mgetting really hungry I used to not eatbreakfast but lately I’ve been just likestarving I don’t really know what to doso I’m just gonna pour myself some waterand force myself to drink it becauseevery time I’ve been getting thirsty Iwould just drink iced coffee insteadwhich is so bad for you like that icedcoffee is bad for you that’s bad – justdrink iced coffee and so forget waterI’m just gonna make myself drink okayI’ll get you moreokay yeahthere you go that’s tastiest snack everokay real quick before I end the vlogthis is gonna be like my last clip Ikind of like craving a treat right nowbut I don’t have so much stuff aroundand I don’t really want to make like afull cookie recipe because I don’t feellike it I’m gonna show you how I it’skind of like a cookie in a mug but youdon’t bake it so you skip out on all ofthe baking ingredients okay I guesswe’re gonna use real butter for this Inormally would use like vegan butter butI’m gonna use real butter since that’sall we have sugarI mean basically right here what youhave this is the basis of the cookieflour sugar and butter so that’s whatI’m about to do really quick I’m goingto show you how to do it you need like 4tablespoons of flour then you need Ithink it’s 2 tablespoons of sugar Idon’t know I’m just gonna align thisfrom then you need like 1 tablespoon ofbutter you might consider eating up thebutter first because it’s like reallydried up and you’re not supposed to putdry stuff in the microwaveit’s like explodes I’m gonna try to putthis in the microwave I hope it doesn’tspark but we’re gonna find out I’m justgonna do 10 seconds because what are youdoing it was digging in the fridge I lether do that sometimes becausenot a big deal didn’t see what happenedokay nothing bad happened so now I’mgonna stir it up I should put in there alittle bit longer oh I forgot the saltyou need like an eighth of a teaspoon ofsalt that’s like all you need if youdon’t put salt you’ll notice it tasteslike really bland and you won’t know whyit’s because there’s no salt this isn’tworking because I forgot the Black Seayou need 1 teaspoon of flax meal andthen I don’t remember how much water butwe’re just gonna go with a tablespoonsupposed to use warm water but I don’tfeel like it so I’m not doing it allright so there you have it it’s singleserve cookie though and thanks okay thattastes way better with vegan butter soI’d recommend that you use that this isgrass-fed butter and it’s kind of like aweird taste I mean it takes care of yourlittle sweet craving if you want tomicrowave it I guess you could butdoesn’t have any baking ingredients so Idon’t think it’s gonna ride I hope youenjoyed this quick tutorial and if youenjoyed this entire blog this vlog waseven good ok so much for watching mychannel yeah and if you like videos likethis don’t forget to give this videolike it helps my channel out a lot anddon’t forget to subscribe so I’ll seeyou next video bye my camera[Music]

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