This video goes into detail on how to make delicious peanit butter cup cookies.
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Video Transcription
hi everybody welcome back to let’s getcooking and today we’re going to be aspecial treat I was going to be makingmuffins but I found out a short of milkso I decided to make a different recipewe’re going to making Reese’s PeanutButter Cup cookies and they agreed somegoing mean anything today our dark brownsugar I mean using one stick of meltedbutter right here and then some purebaking soda and then reason this peanutbutter cups which I shot myself in thehope that these is so delicious myfavorite candies and then we have eggsover here only gonna be one of thesethough then we have some salt we havepure cane sugar and then we haveall-purpose flour and let’s explore therecipes so what we’re gonna be doingfirst is mixing one and a quarter cupsof all-purpose flour in a large bowlright here so we’re using a half a cupright now so we’re gonna use two ofthese to make one cup and then let’s hitthe 1/4 cupalright next we’re going to mix a 1/4 ofa cup of pure cane sugar we are now thenthen mix some of the deliciousReese’s peanut butter cups then mixingthis half of a teaspoon of saltthen get one egg there then let’s getmelted butter next and baking soda righthere here we are and finally we’re goingmixing one half of a cup of dark brownsugar and that’s all the reason reallyneeding this recipe now we’re going tomix it all together this bowl you got tomake sure you mix it thoroughly you’realso be lumps and you do not want thosein your mixture they really make thecookies turn out very bad and not wantthat so we got to mix very thoroughlytogether step forth I make sure you getall the egg all the reasons cups mixthin well if you see flour the bottomyou got make sure you get that up aswell as I make sure there’s not notraces of any ingredients left behindall right looks like a batter’s almostdone okayso that’s ready the messy part about tocome up first we have to spray a panwith cooking spray or else you just itand try something on thatnow for the mess apart grabbing these byour hands together with our handleribbon on the baking pan like thatobviously not make sure you wash yourhands after this because no one touchanything sticky butter fingers you gotto make sure you also got these on wherethe oil is there also stick to the panor partially stick me will come outright and then the next one a pen aboutthis size can hold about six cookies soI have that right there and one rightthere and let’s put these in the ovenwhich we have preheated to 375 degreesFahrenheit close it now we’re gonna seta timer for eleven minutes and we willbe back when the cookies are ready allright well it sounds like our cookiesare ready let’s see how they look setthese oven mitts on warm themselvesoh my goodness those are big cookiessure look deliciousall right let’s get him out very carefuldon’t burn ourselves see your colongoodness impute now let’s make sure toturn the oven offno you should put this back onthen we’re going to them off with ourspatula be very careful I don’t want tomess them up my plate right here got ahold at the other sidesome more chewy cookies not hard cookiethat’s why you gotta be careful smoothabsolutely right in half and then therewe are and last one that was probablythe biggest out of all Oh nope alrightand that is how you make Reese’s PeanutButter Cup cookies guys thank you forwatching I hope you enjoyed the videomake sure to subscribe if you want tosee any more content like the video ifyou enjoyed it and make sure to leave acomment down below if you have anyquestions or new ideas for recipes guysthank you for watching