Improved reupload – obviously make sure to use flax seed meal rather than whole flax seeds! It also may take longer for them to firm up in the freezer, maybe 2-3 hours.
These cookies are tastier, lower in fat and much healthier for you than traditional peanut butter or oatmeal cookies! Get more raw food recipes from my ultra healthy recipe book here:
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
okay so today we’re making a reallysimple really delicious recipe foralmond butter so we’re going to need a 1cup of oats we’re going to need a 1 cupof dried cranberries we’re going to needwe’re going to me like 1/2 a cup of flaxseed and this will turn into a egg soyou add as much water as flax seed we’regonna need 3 tablespoons of almondbuttersand we’re gonna need a half a cup ofmaple syrup or you could use molasses oryou could I wouldn’t recommend purevanilla extract because it’s too muchlike way too much in that case but yeswe’re gonna so this will turn intobasically turn into cranberry almondoatmeal maple cookies or yes like quitethere’s quite a lot in there cranberrymaple almond butter oatmeal cookies andwe’re just gonna blend it all up it’sgonna be really good[Laughter][Music][Laughter]and form the mixture into six to eightcookies actually think there’s there’sgonna be less than that of course youcan always you know use more of theingredients[Applause][Applause]yes so there’s gonna be only like sixcookies that will be formed out of thismixture of course you can always doublethe ingredients if you want to makewe’re gonna freeze these cookies forabout an hour they will come out tasting[Music]and you know the