Cookies Recipes

How to make quick and easy HOT COOKIE DOUGH | Cooking with Coco

Hey guys here is how I make my hot cookie dough desert, it’s so quick and easy!! Remember to follow me on Instagram (@cocotallulah) and TikTok (@cocotallulah) !!
Lots of love Coco 💗🦄 #unicornsquad #bekind #lockdown

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hello everyone and welcome back toCoco’s world so we’re all bored inlockdown with nothing to do Oh so whatI’ve been doing is I’ve been baking butmaking cakes all kinds of cakes andrecently I tried making cookie dough andit was a huge success and they’ve gotloads of questions on my Instagram andtik-tok asking me how to do it so that’sI’m going to show you all so if you’rewatching why I hadn’t been posting it’sbecause I’ve actually been really busywhich is kind of hard to believe becausewe’re all in self isolation but actuallyhave been busy because our scoresdecided oh they’re in lockdown withnothing to do why don’t we just set nextyour work if any of you are new heretoday make sure to subscribe and turn onthat post notification bell and let’s goso guys the ingredients you will needare self raising flour brown castersugar salted butter salt and in thatextract chocolate you can have milk orwhite doesn’t matter and milk you willalso need a sieve a mixing bowl and anoven safe dish to put your cookie doughinto so let’s go this recipe is so soeasy you don’t even need the scales tomeasure so first we’re going to startoff with sugar and you need sixtablespoons of this next we need aquarter of a teaspoon of salt andvanilla extracts so I’m just pouring thesalt onto the teaspoon only a quarternow the same with add vanilla extractthis makes it taste so yummy next we’llneed four tablespoons of butter Ipersonally like to use salted butterjust because I prefer my cookie dough’stastes more salty you can use plainbutter if you want and that was actuallyhealthier it’s also a good idea to leaveyour butter out for a couple of hoursbefore you bake just because then itwill be soft and much much easier to mixas you can see my butter is super softand slimy now you need two tablespoonsof milkso now we’re going to be putting in theflower and you actually need tentablespoons of this which seems like alot but actually when you put it in itseems like you actually need more andyou need to sift this so I’m going touse my sieve that my mom got me it’sreally cool it’s like a cup and you haveto press it and it servesso now it’s time to mix then we’re goingto be mixing with our hands so make sureto wash your hands because you don’twant to be spreading any germs and I’mcoronavirus now I’m ready to mixso this is the dough it’s all cometogether now it’s not sticking on myfingers and it does look very very smallbut trust me when you add the chocolateit literally doubles in size so nowwe’re going to chop up the chocolatesbut you might want to get an adult tohelp you with this because it is veryhard I’m using dairy milk chocolate justbecause well I love dairy milk does chefa golden ticket there’s how satisfyingit is to karate chop a bar of chocolateso now I’m going to pour all thechocolate into the dough and now justmix the chocolate into the doughit’s actually really yummy just eat itlike this but we’re gonna have to put inthe oven I don’t know if this is just mebut I like to butter this I know you’renot taking it out like a cake but I justdon’t want like the sides to burn do youwant to get quite a shallow dish becauseyou don’t want it to be a pie so nowwe’re going to put our cookie dough intothe bowl press down so the cookie doughcookie dough goes to all sides of thebowl if you use plain flour your cookiedough will just stay like this level butif you yourself raising flour like I didit will grow so now it’s time to piss itin the oven you want to set the oven atabout a hundred and eighty degreesyou’ll cook it for about twenty tothirty minutesalthough the best time to take it out ofthe oven is just when the top goes niceand crispy Brown because that means thatthe top is hard but the insides stillgooey and basically it’s perfectso now let’s put it in the oven so it’sbeen about half an hour so now it’s timeto take the cookie dough out of the ovenso our cookie dough is done but becauseI’m extra I’m going to add a few scoopsof ice cream and this is reallydelicious because you get the contrastbetween a hot cookie dough and the coldice cream and obviously we’re using Benand Jerry’s cookie dough ice creamso now we’re all ready to dig in[Music]oh my god that is so deliciousso guys that’s the end of the video andI hope you guys enjoyed make sure justgive this video a thumbs up if you likedit and subscribe and let me know if youmake this cookie dough bye sashay[Music]

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