Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
what’s up guys thanks for clicking onthe vid I just wanted to give a quickshout out to my good friend Kristian andhis channel is Flo see Flo he does a lotof awesome content and I’ll show youhere in a sec but yeah just let’s get onto the vid ya guys this is a channelhe’s pretty legit like this is prettycool like the i’ma snake I was with himyou know we hang out a lot make somepretty cool videos shoutout to mobilegames Pro you know pretty cool littlevideos yeah things first I need to getall the ingredients out I’ll link thatreally quickI just realized that uh we don’t havechocolate chips so yeah we’re gonna haveto go to the store tonight so we canactually make these okay we decidedbefore we go to the store I may eat somesteak and then yeah we’re gonna storeand get some chocolate chips gone to thestore to get some chocolate chips to getsome chocolate chips okay a teaspoon ofbaking soda[Music]a teaspoon salt two teaspoons of vanilla[Music]now add two cups of chocolate chips andfor the second cup of chocolate chips[Music][Music][Music][Music]once you have all the cookies madevictim hey what’s up guys we’re gonna godeliver the cookies so my friends we’vegot six a household so yeah[Music][Applause][Music]and guess what you think is in this boxokaySiC my gosh there’s nothing in it yeahyou want to play that game you want toplay that heat do you really want to dothat okayoh he left his knife guess who has itnow dude we got a minibike like likesick we can we can drop this down megahe’ll know yeah make it okay okay dudethat sick and got dude we got Lego wallsstuff like a tape so we’re gonna have todo this well we’ll use it as a prankbecause everybody knows thatpranks are at the way of life yep okayThinking Putty did oh yeah this is thisis cool stuff I love using this ohthere’s nothing but what is this that’sa prank no that’s a prank no no no wayoh no way dude it’s actually the mousewhat no dude this is insanewait oh whoa lights off like that okayeverybody I need you to storm floodflows channel and and and then f in thetrack and if you don’t dude that’s sickokay guys okay don’t say like to himhe’s legit if you don’t subscribe to onyoubad luck for a year yeah look at thatI need to wipe off the Chromebook whathey guys I think that’s gonna wrap upour video today but hope you enjoyed itcomment down below what you thought ofit leave a like and subscribe and yeah Iwill see you guys laterabout it