Cookies Recipes

How to Make Paint Your Own Cookies at Home (Stencil Version) | EASY Beginner Cookie Tutorial

Today we are making paint your own cookies using stencils from The Cookie Countess. Paint your own cookies are a great way to keep the kids busy at home, paint yourself, use as party favours or even a party activity! If you’re just starting out decorating sugar cookies, you’ll love the ease of this tutorial.

Don’t have a stencil? No problem–here is my no stencil PYO cookie tutorial:

Detailed Royal Icing Video:

Tipless Piping Bags
Cookie Countess Stencil Genie
Cookie Countess Sprinkle and Birthday Cupcake Stencil

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Video Transcription

hi it’s Ashley from sweet dreams BakeShop and today I’m going to be showingyou how to make paint your own cookiesat home the version I’m going to beshowing you today is made with stencilsso if you don’t own a stencil you mightwant to click on my other tutorial whereI did it with just piping icing and Iwill put that up right in the right handcorner I let my flooded cookie dryovernight so that I could really swipeon this icing without worrying aboutdenting anything then you’re going totake this fairly thick piping icing andyou’re going to just swipe it on top ofyour stencil genie now you don’tnecessarily have to have a stencil geniein order to do this you just need astencil but having that stencil genieallows you to keep everything in placemovement of any kind could cause yourstencil to kind of smudge your drawingso it’s really important that you havesomething that can hold it down youdon’t have to airbrush these sprinkleson like I’m doing I’m just doing this togive it a little bit of extra Flair sidenote whenever you’re lifting yourstencils off make sure that you do itstraight up and down don’t slide it orelse you’re going to have a little bitof smudging there are several differentways to create your palette for paintingbut what I’m going to be doing is I’mjust piping some icing down and then I’mgoing to color it with some edible foodgel and a little bit of vodka and thenfor expediency sake I’m going to stickit in the oven at 175 degrees Fahrenheitso that that vodka just evaporatesreally quickly and my daughter can getto painting this right awaymy apologies here for this foggy filmingI’m just adding a few dots for someadded detail a lot of cake stores sellthese where you can buy a bunch of minipaintbrushes specifically for paint yourown cookies these are a great activityto just do at home with your kids or Ithink they would be awesome if you kindof put them together and made some partyfavors as well or it could be the actualparty activity at a birthday partysetting up your paint station is reallyeasy all you need to do is grab a littlecup of water take your paintbrush dip itinto the water dip it into the ediblepaint palette and then go ahead andstart painting just like you would withregular paint this activity is great forages 2 and up it’s a really fun way topaint withouthaving to have a lot of this and a hugebonus that everything is edible[Music]thanks so much for watching guys don’tforget to Like share and subscribe soyou can be part of this sweety fam rightnow I’m uploading daily so make sure youhit that notification bell so you knowwhen I upload also make sure to commentrequests or ask a question I lovehearing from you also make sure tofollow me on social media if you aren’talready bye

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