Cookies Recipes

How to Make No-Bake Cookies – Speech 3

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oh hi there fellow DePaul students howare we today I’m great because I’m inthe middle of making my one favoritesnack so imagine this you’re sitting athome nothing to do nowhere to gosound familiar right so when you’resitting there bored as hell the firstthing you might think to do is watchNetflix right I’m sure we’ve all doneenough of that second thingmaybe I should go outside go for a walkwell too bad it’s cold again at leasthere in Indiana so what you actuallydecide to do is maybe I think I’m gonnahelp out my parents a little bit andthis is what I’m gonna do I’m gonnaclean the kitchen do all the dishesscrub the counters organize the fridgethe kitchen is clean and I mean cleanit’s never you’re so proud of yourselfyou’ve done so much work that you workup an appetitemaybe a little sweet tooth sobut you want to make something thatdoesn’t destroy all of your hard workthat you put into me doing the dishesplus you’re just tired well today we’regonna learn how to make a simple snackthat is not only easy not only does ittake few ingredients that are commonlyfound in your kitchen and we’re onlyusing a spoon a pan and a half cupmeasuring cup sound interesting Ithought it might so these are called nobake cookies don’t bake because youdon’t have to bake it you just stiraround some ingredients boil it a littlebit there are some more ingredients andthen you just drop the cookies onto somewax paper so it sounds easy right it isso what I’ve done already isI took my ingredients first of allyou’re gonna need outs vanilla extractpeanut butter sugar milk cocoa and ahalf stick of butter what I’ve donealready is taking my butter cut it inhalf half of one of these and let itmelt in this I turn my oven to mediumheat can i stir the butter until itsmellsThank You smelted I took my half cup andI poured in a half cup of milk afterthat I stirred the meat to the milk andbutter until they were completelystirred together and then up Gordon onehalf cup grated and make sure all of thelumps were mostly as well as I couldthey won’t be all gone then I took thisagain and you want to take four halfcups of sugar 2 cups of sugar then I’vebeen stirring ever since waiting for theboard to happen so what you’re lookingfor when the boil happens is bubblesthat completely cover the surface of thetop of the chocolate so we’re not thereyet we want to cook the whole surface tobe covered in bubbles not just one spotnot just a circle in the middle thewhole surface is officially boil timeonce we’ve boiled it’s starting to nowwe’re going to set our timer orstopwatch and hit start and wait exactlyone minute exactly no more no less ifyou have one your cookies will be crustyand nobody likes a crusty cookie did youhave less your cookies will be gooey andnobody likes a peewee cookie so I’m just[Music]yes making sure that I they’re good forthe whole familymaking sure that the cookie not stick tothe bottom so when this happens I’m at50 seconds it’s been boiling this allthe bubbles I take my peanut butter takemy spoon baby when I do this but takeabout this much peanut butter put it incontinue stirring next the peanut butterdoesn’t have to be stirred in all theway I’ll take my vanilla extract andpour just a little bit in that’s goodenoughplease continue stirringonce my vanilla and my peanut buttermixed in then I’m ready to add the oatsnot quite yet[Applause]my family would so once the burner hascooled down a little bit I can put myhands up for it but making sure that allmy ingredients back when they work now Ilike to eyeball this and pour in my oatsjust a little bit at a time but if youwant to be super specific we’re going toneed four more of these two cups justlike the sugarso in order to make sure it’s not spilleverywhere I like to take my goon flatcan you mix it like this this way thatwould stick to the bottom through themiddle and don’t shoot out the sidesbecause we don’t want to mess up ourclean kitchen continue to stir until youget your right consistence detectconsistency take your spoon and lift itup this is still too thin so take alittle bitthank you sure you want to make so thathe drops cookies stick on your hand butstill aren’t too thick so you have morecustards and that’s perfect so nextwe’re going to take our wax paper youcan also use parchment paper or aluminumfoil you take a spoonful you drop it onthe wax paper easy as that you continueto do this all over until you’re out ofcookies or until you just want to eatthe rest in the pan which I must say Ido that a lotonce your cookies have settled for about2 to 5 minutes go come easily off thepaper you can put them in a bowl or on aplate and serve them to your boy andwe’ll need working from home family hopeyou enjoyedthis is easy enough to follow along goodluck

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