The video was Made by the @thegmtwins.
The video shows the basic step by step guide to making no bake chocolate chip cookies in the easiest way possible.
All you just need to do, is to watch and learn. There are also easy no bake chocolate chip cookies hacks, that you didn’t know about, that you will learn from this video. You know what, it’s prefect for beginners as well, how wonderful.
You will definitely learn how to make no bake chocolate chip cookies / YUMMY.
The sounds added to this video, is just so dope. And prefect for you, you can even plug in your ear – phone and feel great.
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How to make the best homemade peanut butter cookies from scratch:
How to making icing sugar:
How to make the best homemade cupcakes during stay at home:
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Video Transcription
[Music]hey guys as the gym twins and we’re backat it again and today we’re gonna makesomething special new bake cookies andname of those cookies chocolate chipcookies and no bacon is required and sosimple so and y’all didn’t forget toLike and subscribe as well the kitchenis open[Music]so I’m laying out the in couldn’t get atit later and this is basically theimpedance needed for chocolate-chipcookie and you love it so the first typeas we always say should know by now washyour hands and if you haven’t checked myother videos do so so secondly pull out2 and 1/2 cup of slaw in a belt thensave it you only do this as well it’sstill associate achieve your flaw yeahthere we goand sadly our top teaspoon of salt and1/2 teaspoon of baking soda to the flawwe basically do this in all videos justas basically needed for the flawyeah so essential so after this we mixit together just our teaspoon of saltand baking soda yeah so we mix ittogether just like that and nut step ina separate Bowl or three spoonful oflights and Creek spoonful brown sugarlike white and brown sugar trees to movethrough each string spoonful each yeahand the next step is to our Africabutter so by me saying I’ve cocoa butterI mean45 spoonful of butter if you know themedia like the calculations so we add itto the mixture to the sugar rather thatit goes and don’t forget when mixing youcan eat it mix with you and oh andelectric mixer like I always say yourchoice so mix that together it’s mighttake time but I can tell you it iswarded so you see that certain a step isto our two acts to the mixture and mixtogether[Music]there it goesJew eggs[Music]looks lovely so mixer charlie and familyas well[Music]so the next step[Music]you are one teaspoon of vanilla extractor vanilla powder so pour it right in[Music]if you be following my videos you havegotten used to this step so the nextstep is to pour the white mixture intothe flour mixture this is what the funbegins as I say so mix mix it for thelong spoon and after a while you canknead with your handssupporter in[Music]actually because this recipe is verysticky so you could use the long spoonif you come table with it and but if itcomes out sticky dump the dough on aflat surfaceyeah and rub the floor around it[Music]just like that the flour chicken thedoughyeah you see that texture sell the nexttype what’s it yeah the night step is toadd one pocket of chocolate chips to thedough and knead it together neither needthe chocolate chips with the Devens itcomes together this is my favorite partbecause I get tonighteat some so just yeah you see that sodon’t forget to Like and subscribe ifyou’re loving thisthank you so the next stepyeah don’t forget that this is a no bakecookie so it’s different from what wewould dream before so pull out a littleknow if you go I mean a little portionfrom the dough and roll it to a bowlyeah and flatten to your pan put it inthis video and to flatten your pan justlike thateach mother flattened yeah so now it’stime to bring out your nonstick fryingpan place it on a medium heat and yourcooking guards also tone yeah so you canplace your hands over the pan if youcan’t I feel like it’s then it’s readyso after heating up your pan add 2spoonful of oi and you can spread thiswith either a brush or a spoon or youcan just spread it with by moving thepan around yeahjust choose pinfu right it’s only thatmakes it get around but not too much solet’s do it on the pan and press downwith a long screen so and when it cuttongues got a like golden color then youturn over and do the same and pleasedoes not believe it it’s so importantbecause you can get bonds and you can dothis in two to three batches and it getsthem we didn’t cease to eight minutes sowe ran up the video to see moreinstructions now this is the video formore understanding you can see this thisis the dough so you can see that it’sall you’re ready just place it’s brownedyeah just like that and do this for keepon checking within seconds then turn itover and why doing this don’t forget topress it down with a spoon by pressingit down the eat skin like eat it upquickly and make it down so you don’tabove uncooked kind of biscuit so justpress it down but a long spoon yeah soafter doing that you Talia after dark alittle bit golden you turn it back soyou just have to stay with this life forthat five to eight minutes depending howhot your pan is then just keep onturning and it turns golden brown boxdon’t be cute with between six to eightminutes so can you see that same forthat same for is that yeahso simple so yeah as user inso delicious may check out the videos inpicture yeahso amazing I can make cookies me downbacon it yeah I love ityeah I’m nothing to fight at home needno living so just need a stove butcooking drawers to make thisand don’t forget to share as well Ithrew my current office[Music]you don’t forget the wonky subscribethank you guys[Music]