Hey everyone! Thanks for watching a brand new episode of “Afternoons With Baba”!! Today we are making special braided cookies. These are a family favourite and i hope you enjoy them! If you liked this episode leave a like, comment and SUBSCRIBE!!!
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]good afternoon and welcome to my filmingof afternoon football today we aremaking the cookies that are a familyfavoritewe don’t be making this quotations the1950s my mother introduced it to myfamily we all enjoyed it and then Istarted making it for my family and mygrandchildren and when you see it you’llsee it it’s a delightful of a littlecookie and Sherman can hold a very nicething in their hands it is not greasythey can eat as they run around or eatwobbly set and we’re going to make thesecookies today to show you and theingredients are 5 eggs 1/2 a cup oforange juice 1 cup of oil 1 cup of sugar2 and 1/2 cups of flourI’m use fibrosis and my magic bakingpowder 2 teaspoons I’ve got it ready theother way it takes six takes is going tobe stirred you have to do this to it andhave it sitting because that’s whatyou’re gonna wash your cookies with anegg wash to make it them shiny andinviting so now we’re going to be hereggs[Music][Music][Music]we’re gonna add a teaspoon of vanillaand now we shall add the sugararoundokay now we finished meeting our eggsthey’re rather fluffy and creamy andwe’re going to start putting in ourflour so you have to sift it I put myflour in here two and a half cups and mybaking powder magic baking powder thisone here and you sift it to add a littlebit of fluffiness to it you never throwflour as it is you always sift it nowyou have to do this see as you can seeit’s still a little bit watery and we’retrying to make cookies so obviouslywe’re going to need a little more flourback there yepso this is how you do it you get aboutthree cups three cups of flour and youslowly keep adding because if you addtoo much then you cannot take it out andit’s not gonna be just right okay sobaking cooking you have to sort of thinkabout what you’re doing not followexactly what the recipe says because youmight have put a little extra orangejuice or less you might have put alittle extra oil or less than the personwho gave you the recipe and thereforeyou’re gonna need a little more flour sowe’ll see how this looks now yeah looksee how it is I think you can handlethis one now it has enough flour and Ithink we’re all set so to take this outand get try and get the same size everytime which we use a tablespoon okay I’dusually do it on my counter but for thesake of filming it I think I will do iton the table so you can see better andalso so for cats when you’re baking II need a little more fluff okay there wego no let’s see if this is a littlebetter oh yeah that’s much betterand obviously and you can see there’s alittle extra well don’t put it in if itfeels good see how soft it isyeah that’s how it has to feel becauseif you make them hard it’s not good Iput a little oil on my table becausethey are very soft and they will stickto the tabletop here’s my tablespoon Iget it off there I turn them into alittle ball and onto the oil and acrossand you do your little Bradythere’s something I forgot never to turnmy oven on I’m not used to being a chefon live but here I am proving itso my stove is not very powerful don’task me why I have to put it on 400 on mystove now I don’t know how your stillworksthis doesn’t make that much at 400so if you have a strong stove I wouldsuggest you do it at 375 it’s a newstove but it doesn’t work like my goodold one so here I go again[Music][Music]my mother made them very small and atthat time she could actually make 50 soI from 50 I get 30 so obviously verytiny mom made them very tinyI think people ate less back in the 50sI think we like a good sized cookieespecially if you saw my grandkids theboys it’s over six feet tall big guysand they still only take one you are themaker of these cookies and you decidehow big you want them but I suggest youdon’t take too much a little tablespoonis good and also I do round ones thereare some children that like the roundand I will do that for themI’ll show it to you later at the end andmake a couple of round ones so these arethe whole round ones that I make onetothree and one more is far down at thebottom there so my buddy then we’ve got5 10 15 and 4 is 19 cookies in hereWow I hope we can get 19 in the otherone tooall right so now I’m going to wash myhands and I’ll be right back to put theegg wash on okay so you see picnicfirstly that you’ve seen a magicalbackhoe Bow Wow Wow and then to thisBetty Crocker is Reza yeah Nestle ofimagining you know bucoli said infirmusually Edna second van a deli becausehe my lima familiaso you never push them for know who thebest Lina and suspense file yeah but thecommon Sonova Kali and I don’t minddoing it really and the ingredients Ialways have not much Casey back aboutthe economy per minute so I said yeahnever the specter okay cabbie the throwspotty toe so first eaten rice Ibakayeahso I got my sesame seeds now and I’mgoing to sprinkle a little okay itdoesn’t matter if you go off the cookiewe’ll buy some more there are somepeople that are allergic to this so youcannot put it on so there’s just astasty without it but this is how myfamily likes them okay so now we’rewaiting for the stove because they putit in late and it’s not at 400 yetall right it’s 400 degrees now and it’stime to put the cookies in there we areand we’ll give them 15 minutes we’ll putthe timer on oneall right we’ll give them 15 minutes andthen look at them okay yeah so mark isin a price that will move through breastninja I put you too loose of coursesticky namazi celebrities in a place inthe lock jaw you said this erotic thatis used English vodka a kiss your notpressed so this will be a lot of cookiesthis is my second baking today I alsomade a cake for my grandchildren they’recoming over and we’re going to have acup of coffee but we will be six feetaway from each otherwhoa they’re looking nice turn themaround a bit now I can see why Icouldn’t make it many these are going tobe good sized ones this is our secondtray a few less because Baba no problemit’s really thick so saving are youtrapped on the cornerSusa oh you have the seek lavishparchment nigga na cookie sheethe never that this is a letting go butyeah boy you got safe thing theparchment paper is so wonderful okay saygod you’re climbing a BL sesame seedsbecause coastal reco near like a Mac ona like a the not fishy about best okaythey’re just as nice so it’s not seethat the me the cocoa cookies came inthe price because ran in Volvo fromRicola cicadas in a wheelchair okaycheckup or chicken with a lesson throughit and if I’m a via I think it’s readyyeah you thinner a nice cold them andwe’ll just put our other ones in andthese will go faster because the ovenswarm alreadyalright so now I do not keep my cookieson this cookie sheet okay I cool themoff because if you leave them on thesheet they might burn underneath so weshall take them off and put them on hereyeah say cookies right men will removethem off the cookie sheet because it’svery hot and we don’t want some blackunderneath so I let them dry out here onthe paper towelyeah so it’s very important that youremove them right away off your cookiesheet you don’t want them cooking and nolonger it looks just right but we’llwait for the others to get done nowokay second of that cookie shinglesMadonna and the cookie sheet a vocalpride mostly stole this bad bear mojo isa shower was no additional ethnic wouldvisit quite a few cookies and it’s niceyou go see member one more trade so youmake quite a few of these and it’s veryenjoyable and everybody likes them andwhat has been tasted because I like fourof these and I see one bondsomebody has tasted something okay startat the tray avoid a book look Michelinapplied for the present notes Euler tourit says Macedonian cooking and he has afew of my recipes in here and the onerecipe I’d like to show you are thecookies so if he zooms in on here you’llsee what you’re supposed to have okayViennese first she said I asked ideasand Rita and I hope you enjoyed thissegment and thank you very much for yourkind comments I really appreciate themand have a good day goodbye for now andwe’ll see you againyou